The Bored Bear

  • Thread starter Ken
Will of a bribe of Angry Orchard and Not Your Father's Root Beer work?

"Aye. That’ll about do it.”
Oh dear lord no! :scared:
No take backs!
Gee nearly five years already, time sure does fly.
Glad you've stuck around Ken and hopefully the health problems will all be overcome. 👍

Been whammed again today, this time while on a test drive with a client. The guy wanted to see what the sound system was like, so he turned on the radio and guess what was playing.:grumpy:

Happy near-five years, Ken!

Thanks guys. It truly has been a five years of absolute joy.

@TB, perfect answer! And the cases of booze are on the way.
Blast, you already said that!


Maybe I sent your package to the wrong person. It appears niky may have received it and over indulged. :lol:the

EDIT: Thanks for the ninja edit. I'm breaking in a new keyboard and I guess Niky hasn't been edited in yet. Sorry Nike.
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