The bug/glitch thread (Spec 2.0)

  • Thread starter Nielsen
Had a big issue in online shuffle room just now, where everyone started to lose the tiresounds. Not only that, but when the host left and others came up (who all had loss of sound) they got disconnected when clicking on track button.

When I came up, it happened to me. A full room of racers dissolved because every single person had this problem.

After restarting GT5 and joining a new shuffle room it happened to me again, I got disconnected the moment I tried to click the track button.
Version 2.01

Endurance saves have been fixed (probably what noisiaturismo was referring to but that was also a well known and big problem).

After reading Jordan's interview with Kazunori Yamauchi I just wanted to bring this back to create some awareness ahead of the next patch. Good to know that PD is using our feedback constructively.
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Receive a gift from a friend, back up your save. Collect the gift, then restore your save. You now have a glitched gift that you can't remove.

This hasn't been fixed since day 1. I don't think PD is aware of this.