LoudMusic 10,687 Everywhere Feb 15, 2002 #4 Well shoot! Anybody that puts that much duct-tape on a Formula 1 car ... what do you expect to come of the company? They're broke! (: ~LoudMusic
Well shoot! Anybody that puts that much duct-tape on a Formula 1 car ... what do you expect to come of the company? They're broke! (: ~LoudMusic
Talentless Yes, I am still alive. Staff Emeritus 10,081 WFG9 Feb 15, 2002 #5 that'd look better with a wider body/track
V vat_man Staff Emeritus 9,428 Feb 15, 2002 #6 I wonder when these shots were taken - this appears to be a pretty small aerodynamic model. Judging by the sidepod exhausts they were expecting to use the Ferrari motor.
I wonder when these shots were taken - this appears to be a pretty small aerodynamic model. Judging by the sidepod exhausts they were expecting to use the Ferrari motor.
V vat_man Staff Emeritus 9,428 Feb 17, 2002 #8 Interesting news from grandprix.com that Prost in fact completed a chassis and it passed the FIA impact testing - and also that it wasn't running the Sauber 2001 aerodynamic front end (unlike every other midfield GP car this year ).
Interesting news from grandprix.com that Prost in fact completed a chassis and it passed the FIA impact testing - and also that it wasn't running the Sauber 2001 aerodynamic front end (unlike every other midfield GP car this year ).
Dudley 194 Feb 17, 2002 #9 Well, considering the budget they didn't have I'm not surprised the AP05 was hardly fancy.
f1king 3,315 Feb 20, 2002 #10 He should stop the horror, and pack up go home and build a scale model car.