The Caterham Cup - FinishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
Because I forgot to turn the options off after experimenting with TC and ABS in Mario's practice session I did run with TC set to low on both cars. It's really not very intrusive at all on low. I found it helped if you just clip the grass or run over one of those slippy Pcars kerbs. Setting it to high I found, for me, made the cars less fun. ABS I turned off in the Seven, since I didn't really need it, and eventually turned it off in the 300 once I'd got into a rhythm.

I recommend that if you are having trouble with the cars experiment with the aids to see what settings suit your driving style best. You might as well have as much fun as you can and they are there to use. And I'm all for close racing. ;)
(Stability control isn't currently available - but if some of you want it I'm willing to allow it.)

Anyway it all seemed to go off quite well. Generally the latest format seemed to run pretty smoothly and the session length was good, we ended on time. Hopefully you all had some fun, at least here and there. :)
Any comments on tweaks or changes before the next race are welcome. As long as they are not too drastic!

Great photos John. Nice race write up Mario.

Scoring tables on page one are updated.
Possibly there is another reason why I became slower. You may try to guess :)
Possibly there is another reason why I became slower. You may try to guess :)
Hmm, OK my guess is you have gone and bought a certain wheel that goes with those peddles you showed us in the Ferrari thread? A "faster" wheel has maybe made you slower? :P
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Because I forgot to turn the options off after experimenting with TC and ABS in Mario's practice session I did run with TC set to low on both cars. It's really not very intrusive at all on low. I found it helped if you just clip the grass or run over one of those slippy Pcars kerbs. Setting it to high I found, for me, made the cars less fun. ABS I turned off in the Seven, since I didn't really need it, and eventually turned it off in the 300 once I'd got into a rhythm.

I recommend that if you are having trouble with the cars experiment with the aids to see what settings suit your driving style best. You might as well have as much fun as you can and they are there to use. And I'm all for close racing. ;)
(Stability control isn't currently available - but if some of you want it I'm willing to allow it.)

Anyway it all seemed to go off quite well. Generally the latest format seemed to run pretty smoothly and the session length was good, we ended on time. Hopefully you all had some fun, at least here and there. :)
Any comments on tweaks or changes before the next race are welcome. As long as they are not too drastic!

Great photos John. Nice race write up Mario.

Scoring tables on page one are updated.
Could use a little more pee break time....old age = Flomax!:boggled::scared:
Could use a little more pee break time....old age = Flomax!:boggled::scared:
you have time to loo at the lobby page as paul is waiting for thumbs up before starting .. still you'll have to roll quicker on the zimmer ...

suggest !
why did pick your own get left ,with the introduction of teams could you just allocate as sick would have done (These understudys need directions sometimes @Sick Cylinder )
would make more sense?
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Well I'm of the opposite complaint, the racing was so intense I couldn't even get a sip of beer in-between races, never mind in the straights! ;)

Second complaint: Paul, when you assign pits next time please put me near the pit entrance, being close to pit exit only meant I had to wait and see you guys all parade in front of me before I actually had a chance to leave my box and follow you all out to quali!

Finally (rummaging the complaints bag) ... there was no champagne in the podiums and I find that unnacceptable. Even sparkling wine, F1 style, would do!

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Could use a little more pee break time.
As Rich says, I won't press the button to load the race in until you press your ready button "Thumbs up". So if you need to go, that's the time to do it. There's also the 2 minute countdown before each race - but you're on a timer then, not so easy. :)

Obviously if you get stuck on the toilet I'll eventually have to press the go button. ;)

why did pick your own get left
The way it's done tries to average out the abilities gained from the results of past races so the teams are sort of balanced. It's not perfect but it's tricky to get right. It's my first experiment into teams so it may get modified for further series. Perhaps more members in each team might be better at sharing the load - and also allow for absences. We'll see how it develops. 👍

being close to pit exit only meant I had to wait
I had the same problem - and I'm the host! :D

there was no champagne in the podiums and I find that unacceptable.
Sorry. There usually is but due to the current Corvid crisis the handing out of the bottles is prohibited. Beer it is.
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@Oldbass47 i see you practicing :) Hopefully @RagingBullLC is better and gets in some laps himself ..
should climb the table ..

this week the track is fast and narrow so careful overtaking as cars want to go sideways...

paul .. just picked up you said no drop score .. oh didn't think you did the scores ;p
ps. i was not saying about picking teams mean car choice.... ;)
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What I fear about Donnigton are the blind corners, I think I never got to "understand" the exact lines around them ...

Anyway, this week's a mess, I even thought about joining you guys in the GTS event but can't, again will have to work late. To all that were able to practise Donnigton already, please keep the info (and videos if possible) coming.
i was not saying about picking teams mean car choice....
Do you mean me assigning cars/colours? That was just one thing I didn't have to think about. I just let you all get on with it. Perhaps on another series if the cars have a suitable selection of liveries I might go for the team colour idea.
Or am I still misunderstanding?

Anyway a wet afternoon has had me going around Bathurst many, many times. Dates and times are just about sorted. When it's all settled I'll post up the slight changes to the "endurance" races.

I couldn't get the snow to stay for long in Australia. :dopey:

What I fear about Donnigton are the blind corners,
I have my eyes shut from terror most of the time so most corners are blind to me.
OK the tweaks to the longer races I mentioned.

Nothing much has changed really, just that there is 5 minute extension to the 300 race. I've updated the first post to show this. Below is roughly what it says.

It's still just the 1 race in each car. 20 mins in the 620R and 30 mins in the 300R. There will also be a 10 minute qualification period. The 300 race (only) will feature a compulsory pit stop.*

*When using time instead of laps I can't set the game to enforce compulsory stops so I'll rely on you all to observe this. Not stopping will acquire a 1 minute penalty. The pit window will be the middle 10 minutes of the race - after10 mins before 20 mins.

Tyre wear will be set to accelerated for these longer races.
The tyres will wear down slightly faster than normal. Now of course depending on how you throw the cars around it won't have too much effect on the 620, more so on the 300 in the longer race. Especially in the heat at Bathurst. Apparently Australia is slightly warmer than Scotland! So it's up to you whether you change your tyres or not - you might want to set up a pitstop profile.
Faster pace for a slightly longer pitstop? Hmm.

One error I did notice - fuel usage is on for this series. It always seems to have enough to last and the lightening load does make a little difference.​
Paul, again thank you for all your work, much appreciated! 👍

I have two questions regarding these longer races at BBrae and Bathurst:

1. What will be the weather setting for these longer races? Fixed or variable and is rain a possibility or not? And, in this case, how many weather slots?

If, as an (admitteldy extreme) example, you set three weather slots with the first and last being sunny and the second heavy rain then a carefully thought pitstop strategy becomes a necessity (and although only one pitstop is mandatory, two might become the best course of action, unless the standing water from the middle weather slot endures until the end of the race).

2. When you mention fuel usage as ON being a mistake does this mean that it will be turned to OFF in all future events or will it remain ON?

This 2nd question is only important for the longer races (especially the 30 minutes one). It is important to know if we can set a "fuel load at race start" strategy and therefore ponder adding some liters in the mandatory pitstop or if the only option we have to consider is to change/not change the tyres mid race.
Paul, again thank you for all your work, much appreciated! 👍
Thank you. ;)

Hi Rich. 👍

1. What will be the weather setting for these longer races?
I usually keep the weather secret so it comes as a surprise. I know of course, but someone has to. :P
But... I did consider adding some wetness of some sort but have decided against it. Firstly the Seven is a handful in the dry and I didn't fancy hitting a puddle in it while racing. And since both tracks are quite fast the same can be said for the 300 when at speed. I do use precipitation on occasions so stick around. There's been snow!

2. When you mention fuel usage as ON being a mistake
Yeah, I didn't word that properly. What I meant is that when checking the settings in the 1st post I noticed I'd not changed the fuel usage to on. It's was on at Snetterton and will remain on. I don't think you can set a fuel load though with default tuning set. It's useage is controlled by your right foot. :)
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code of conduct regarding the reset button?
As long as it's not abused for every slight off track moment I don't mind drivers using it. It's often helpful if you get stuck against a barrier. Or even recommended if you're blocking the track for some reason.

So I leave it up to the individual - If you feel you need to use it, it's time to use it.
Again thanks! 👍 and one more, sorry about that! :dopey:

Last night I had the chance to do a few laps around this track and I have to say I'm all over the place, with both cars actually ... :crazy:

One thing that I noticed is that mostly due to clumsiness I had a few off track penalties (well, was instructed to slow down several times) regarding the chicanes (left-right in the GP version, right-left in the National version).

And this made me wonder if "off track penalty" will be set to on for this track. I'm fine with whatever decision but I have to say it will make a huge difference *, even if some chicane cutting happens without malice

(actually this issue will also apply to Bannochbrae, again there's a chicane and again an off track penalty will mean some care is needed to negotiate it).

* especially in the 300 race, there's no elevated rumble strip so if you go slightly off track with the four wheels that won't affect you and the speed going through there can be very different (faster). In the Seven race if you hit the red kerb you risk losing it altogether so it's not a big issue with that one
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As long as it's not abused for every slight off track moment I don't mind drivers using it. It's often helpful if you get stuck against a barrier. Or even recommended if you're blocking the track for some reason.

So I leave it up to the individual - If you feel you need to use it, it's time to use it.
I thought the only one situation we can use it if wheels are above your head :)
I'm all over the place
Me too. The 620 felt like a completely different (and much worse...) car than at Snetterton. I moved it so stable setting, but still not much luck. It is going to be a tough race.

And ditto re track limits. I don't think the limits are the white lines (which is what you'd think). It looks like you can run over the kerb but inside the white line of the right of the last chicane, but not the left. And the righthander after the short rise in elevation before the next right onto the 'back straight' is very sensitive to limits too.
I thought the only one situation we can use it if wheels are above your head.
That used to be the case. But I think sensible use of the reset option is OK. And sensible. ;)

And as for track limits; it's a bit of a dilemma. They've been on and off over the last few series. I'd like to have them on and let the game police them but it seems a bit random at times. If you lift the throttle it doesn't give you a penalty, sometimes. Sometimes you think you're on track but you get a penalty. Sometimes you make a mistake, loose time and still get a slowdown penalty. Etcetera. And you never quite know how much to slow down for or for how long when you do get a penalty. Plus there's the real problem of someone slowing in front of a fast approaching car.

So I think I'll leave this series and let everyone police themselves. I'd like to think that nobody will intensionally abuse the limits constantly. Be sensible about it and try to stay within what you think should be the limits. You know you'll feel guilty. :sly:

I have to say I'm all over the place, with both cars actually
It is going to be a tough race.
So you think I should reconsider the snow then?

I haven't actually practiced at Donnington. I'm really ace around Bannochbrae and Bathurst though.
So, here's a story:

Last night I worked late and when I plugged the PS4 looking for some practise (badly needed ... ) nobody was left playing. I did a few laps with each car but doing this alone is boring and soon I was looking for some fun in open online lobbies.

After a few fails (meaning entering a race filled with morons, which I quickly abandoned) I found one with a group of (mostly) americans racing Group C cars at Le Mans with everything I like: Full Damage, weather, day/night cycle. I entered with a 962 and was clearly the slowest of the bunch, but consistency and less mistakes than others made me finish 3rd (20 minutes races, half dry half wet).

After the race the chat in the lobby was all about me (the newcomer to what I understood was an established group of gaming buddies) having a "bad" car, I was advised to change to the Merc C9 and one of the guys there even sent me a setup. They were that nice.

So second race they changed to the "Vintage" Le Mans track (old Tertre Rouge section, no chicanes at the Hunaudieres, Maison Blanche), and I finished 2nd (the top guns were using the Nissans, with much greater top speed but I assume much more difficult to drive). Second part of that race was again wet. At the end of that race the host conducted post-race interviews with everyone, which I found odd but an interesting way to debrief us all and make us share with each other how we viewed the previous race.

3rd race came up and the host promised it would be a full dry race, so I prepared for the long haul, loaded up the car with fuel but still picked the soft tyres.

And then I was made aware that the race was being streamed. Not the first I do but when today I watched the YT video my jaw dropped at the way this was done, with commentary (by the host) throughout the entire race. I guess the guy doing this is doing it for this group of friends only, but it was great fun to watch and I had to smile at the way he was saying "Geee Teee Peee" and "Portugueeeese" :P.

Here's the 3rd race, if you don't want to lose 30 minutes of your time watching it all just pick random moments of the broadcast and you'll see what I mean.

Paul, you could get someone to do this, it does watching the races afterwards much more interesting! 💡
Paul, you could get someone to do this, it does watching the races afterwards much more interesting!
PC2 does have live race director and broadcaster options but I've never really looked into them. However I think maybe that chap just commentated over a replay*. Which also works.

Edit: *Another look and perhaps he wasn't and that maybe he wasn't racing but just commentating.

Do you remember @richroo when @Zolon32 used to comment on a few replays of his GT races. They were comical. :)
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A bit of fun with Max. Napalm should be also there with us but he had "gearbox issues" at race start :D

AIs in the mix, some don't like it but as long as they behave realistically (as they do at this track) they are useful for practising and even fun for racing.

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@Oldbass47 i see you practicing :) Hopefully @RagingBullLC is better and gets in some laps himself ..
should climb the table ..

this week the track is fast and narrow so careful overtaking as cars want to go sideways...

paul .. just picked up you said no drop score .. oh didn't think you did the scores ;p
ps. i was not saying about picking teams mean car choice.... ;)

I will indeed be back tonight! I'll turn some laps before hand this evening and see how it goes... Sorry for leaving you team mate-less Old!
Results from Donington

Race 1and 2

Donington Race 1 and 2 MON.jpg

Race 3 and 4

Donington Race 3 and 4 MON.jpg