Because I forgot to turn the options off after experimenting with TC and ABS in Mario's practice session I did run with TC set to low on both cars. It's really not very intrusive at all on low. I found it helped if you just clip the grass or run over one of those slippy Pcars kerbs. Setting it to high I found, for me, made the cars less fun. ABS I turned off in the Seven, since I didn't really need it, and eventually turned it off in the 300 once I'd got into a rhythm.
I recommend that if you are having trouble with the cars experiment with the aids to see what settings suit your driving style best. You might as well have as much fun as you can and they are there to use. And I'm all for close racing.

(Stability control isn't currently available - but if some of you want it I'm willing to allow it.)
Anyway it all seemed to go off quite well. Generally the latest format seemed to run pretty smoothly and the session length was good, we ended on time. Hopefully you all had some fun, at least here and there.

Any comments on tweaks or changes before the next race are welcome. As long as they are not too drastic!
Great photos John. Nice race write up Mario.
Scoring tables on page one are updated.