Seasonals had 4 events for about 15 days ( one was drift) as i remember so at the hub we can have 8 for 1 month.
Lets say 2 events for unlicensed players
2 events for the hunters .
2 events from TT , goodwood , missions or drift or license test which are small ones and easy to give it a go.
And 2 events with the " strange " lets say rules or not.
In fact for the hunters left 6 events and if
@bjl23 have ere up to 3 events will be nice.
No tune is a very good one and small so everyone can take a shot.
Now we have 12 only in the hub and since we are not yet a lot of people some of them had very few entries.
So i think 8 total at the hub , 2 here for 10-15 days and then an invitational for one week or 10 days will be easier .