I'll throw my findings here since it'll be most usefull for others.
How to Create Multiple Hybrids on a savegame (NTSC Version, others... just change the addresses). This method came by Speed Drifter, thnx.
You need the following:
-pcsx2 w/ gt4 running (patched and everything)
-mymc (program for exporting/importing pcsx2 memory card save to .max)
-phaste english 1.20
-PS2 Save Builder (to convert .max to something else if you need to)
METHOD 1 - if you're starting fresh (aka no save):
-start pcsx2 w/ gt4, buy a car BUT DO NOT ENTER. (thats the key, only use the real PS2 to change cars). save the game.
-use mymc to extract the gt4 savegame from your pcsx2 memory card
-if you need to convert the .max to something else
-import the save to your PS2 memory card
-enter the car
-save on the PS2
-export savegame
-load up pcsx2 (no cd), go to browser and delete the gt4 game data on there
-use mymc to import the PS2 savegame to PCSX2
-load up pcsx2 w/ gt4, and phaste
-once you get to the garage screen, press start. you should go to setting screen
-in phaste, hit snap pcsx2
-go to enter some codes in the Xploder code check section (I'll give ya some for starters)
First 3 lines: different engine for each setup (A,B,C) 4-rotor, tom's supra v8, and 350z v6, next 3 lines: Denso Supra suspension for setup (A,B,C).
10A18888 0663
10A18A00 060F
10A18B78 0958
10A188A0 0F4E
10A18A18 0F4E
10A18B90 0F4E
-go back to pcsx2, if you click to seting B, C, A, you should see the HP is different.
-exit out of that menu, go back to home and save. and then exit pcsx2
-use mymc to extract the gt4 savegame, put it on your PS2 memory card
-the car should reflect the new engine, for the suspension to work; go into the setting screen and it should say "STANDARD" suspension, click on the wrench configure next to it, should show 45mm height, change the spring rates, etc... and then hit ok. now the car should reflect the height + suspension.
-PS. the above is also true for transmissions, it might show "STANDARD" but click configure and adjust the auto first then it should show all available gears.
-Ok, you have finally made your first hybrid... the long way!
METHOD 2 - If you alread have a ps2 .max savegame or want to make more hybrids.
-On your PS2, select the car you want to hybrid and select and save the game.
-get your ps2 savegame onto your PC
-use pcsx2 to delete any existing GT4 savegame on that memory card
-run mymc and import the savegame to your pcsx2 memcard
-run pcsx2 (w/ gt4) and phaste
-as soon as the home screen w/ the selected car shows up press start (shortcut to setting menu)
-enter the code in phaste (remember snap pcsx2 first!)
-go back to pcsx2, click the diff. settings and see if anything worked (hp-wise)
-exit menu, save game
-run mymc to export the .max savegame
-put the freshly exported savegame on your ps2 and repeat.
-you should now have more than 1 fuctional hybrid!! congrats, get yours a beer!!!
If None Of This Makes Any Sense Still (Read This Anyway):
Here's my setup;
pcsx2 folder
|___________mymc folder
|___________memcards folder
|___________ps2 save builder folder (if you need to convert savegames)
re: mymc, yes its command line no gui text based program... I made 2 batch files that will save your day; keep in mind that, when you export and import, the filenames will be BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA.max (game name, NTSC ver)
@echo off
mymc ..\memcards\mcd001.ps2 import BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA.max
^that will work if you have BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA.max in your mymc folder, and you're using the 1st memory card in pcsx2 (default)
@echo off
del BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA.max
mymc ..\memcards\mcd001.ps2 export -m BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA
^that will remove any existing .max file, and generate a new one from your pcsx2, export -m makes a .max file, the BASCUS-97328GAMEDATA is the directory name of your gt4 save (PAL and other versions are different).
You can get code values from Sucahyo's site (linked on first post here). Or use teknogeek1300's apps made SPECIFICALLY for generating usable Phaste code (prefered method).
NTSC (v2?) Address examples
Engine Addresses
(setupA) A18888
(setupB) A18A00
(setupC) A18B78
Transmission Address
(setupA) A18898
(setupB) A18A10
(setupC) A18B88
Suspension Address
(setupA) A188A0
(setupB) A18A18
(setupC) A18B90
Chassis Address
(setupA) A18880
(setupB) A189F8
(setupC) A18B70
Drivetrain Address
(setupA) A18890
(setupB) A18A08
(setupC) A18B80
LSD Address
(setupA) A188A8
(setupB) A18A20
(setupC) A18B98
PHASTE Code Examples (NTSC V2)
Example for setting 4-Rotor 787B Engine in setups a, b, c
10A18888 0663
10A18A00 0663
10A18B78 0663
Example for setting 7-Speed Tranny for setups a, b, c
10A18898 0E06
10A18A10 0E06
10A18B88 0E06
Example of putting full AWD into any car (just about). Using 1st 3 lines of code; R34 AWD W/ VCD lines 4-6; R34 adjustable LSD (F/R wheels)
10A18890 0A71 / Drivetrain... R34 w/ VCD equipd
10A18A08 0A71 / setup b
10A18B80 0A71 / setup c
10A188A8 1C0B / LSD... full customize from R34
10A18A20 1C0B / setup b
10A18B98 1C0B / setup c