The cool flash game thread

  • Thread starter usedHONDA
usedHONDA, what's the point of that link? There's nothing there but a bunch of Apple adverts and a generic search engine. Or did I miss something?
One of my line riders:

a tablet works wonders with this game...
didn't make that second loop.

it should have been renamed Lineflier Hacked because that is what it is

Actually, I've traveled upside-down without falling off in the regular game as well.
I played a little champion archer last night. I shut it off after level 32 because I couldn't figure out how anything was going to change. I was going to keep winning, and there were no more upgrades available.

Fun game though. Important to realize that the "take no damage" option can actually be a downgrade.
Well... I can beat it, by virtue of having completed it...

I got a little round of applause at the end, but it's not complete :( Weird games on that site :confused: