The cool flash game thread

  • Thread starter usedHONDA

These have some cheap looking, but realistic games. I think Radical Aces is the best. If you have more than one internet browser, and I'm sure you do, use another one you are using now. It happened to me once that Firefox closed when I was playing Need For Madness.
I do that too... :D

User ID: EvilFamine
Accuracy: 52%
Matches: 200
Score: 241,218 (1,206pt/match)

//star-struck mode on
OMGZ! Famine quoted me! :lol:
//star-struck mode off

User ID: artoo (after Artoo-Detoo, duh)
Accuracy: 54% (ha! Better than Famine! :P)
Matches: 143
Score: 145,768 (1,019 per match)
Weapon of choice: Roller (55%)
I have a couple questions about that zwok game. Why does it sometimes appear to freeze for no apparent reason, and how do people kick me off for not getting a high enough score. Can I kick off other people too?
User: DQuaN
Accuracy: 45%
Matches: 45
Score: 38021
Weapon of Choice: Roller
Rank 51402
That Zwok game is pretty sweet. I really go on the offense and get right up in the opponents zone. It works pretty effectively, too--I've been the final guy on my team or the outright winner in about 75% of the matches.

I even got behind the opponent and killed him from behind, which was cool. The roller ball works really effectively.

I haven't noticed anyone who employs the same strategy as me; what do you people do? The only problem I've noticed is that sometimes I move so much that I don't click the mouse in time to make a shot, so I'm basically wasting a turn with no shot. For instance, I just right behind two opponents and wasn't able to get a shot off and wreck both of them with a brick; luckily my teammate helped me out and wasted both of them along with me in the process. This game is too addicting.


EDIT: Sweet, now averaging 1407 points per match and 50% accuracy.

I have a couple questions about that Zwok game. Why does it sometimes appear to freeze for no apparent reason, and how do people kick me off for not getting a high enough score. Can I kick off other people too?

Not sure. Doesn't happen to me and it probably doesn't happen to anyone else.


Enyone can do that. all you need to do is walk to the right area, and shoot the roller in just the right spot.
//star-struck mode on
OMGZ! Famine quoted me! :lol:
//star-struck mode off

User ID: artoo (after Artoo-Detoo, duh)
Accuracy: 54% (ha! Better than Famine! :P)
Matches: 143
Score: 145,768 (1,019 per match)
Weapon of choice: Roller (55%)

I've seen that username before... Have I killed you? :D

I have a couple questions about that zwok game. Why does it sometimes appear to freeze for no apparent reason, and how do people kick me off for not getting a high enough score. Can I kick off other people too?

Since they introduced the instant message system it has become really, really laggy. If you get so far behind, you're automatically dropped.
Since they introduced the instant message system it has become really, really laggy. If you get so far behind, you're automatically dropped.
Actually, they reintroduced IM's. They had it, took it away for a while and now, unfortunately, it's back. I'm getting very tired of the "Watch and Learn" one in particular.
Zwok I.D. WallRunner, Greinz
Position: 58590
Rank: Overlord
Matches: 47
Overall score: 32604
Accuracy: 24%
Weapon of choice:
Roller 34%
Normal: 33%
Cluster: 26%
Other: 27%

I know, I'm a ub3r n00b.

P.S. What IM's?
101 matches, 130681 overall score, 61% accuracy (:)).

The brick is fun, but it's only effective at very close range unless you're really good. I primarily stick to the roller/bouncer combo with a little cluster thrown in when I don't think I can be very precise.

Does my character eventually get better at deflecting damage or anything or is my character the same in match 1 as it is in match 500? Not that it matters, but it would be cool if his abilities changed or something.
My basic strategy is to get up really close, then brick them all. Gotta be careful though. But usually, I am the last one standing, and win the game. I can also estimate pretty good and can brick from pretty far away. Unfortunately, I keep getting kicked off now for being too slow. My computer's Antivirus expired.

UserID: RogueSLR
Accuracy: Like 37 percent or something... :indiff:
Rank: Overlord
Points: Uncountable amount lol
Favorite Weapon: Brick!
Just signed up to that Zwok thingie.

UserID: StingRebel
Rank: Joe Schmo
Team: Blooz
I'm used to a scenario where there are 2 guys at 40 health on Greinz and one guy on my side that isn't even helping me. I start walking right up to the Greinz's side in an unpredictable manner, and throw a brick at them and they throw a roller at me, so I beet both of them.

Has anyone thrown a cluster, directly hits your target, and it does like 80 damage when it explodes?
with this zwok thing.

are we playin agaisnt other real people or sims?
with this zwok thing.

are we playin agaisnt other real people or sims?

Other people most of the time, I think there are bots if not enough people are on. Just A quick note, bots are the ones with their names spelled right :P

I really don't know. I have a funny feeling I saw "EvilFamine" in a match once, so you probably have.

What team? I'm Blooz.

Also Blooz.

Passed my half-millionth point during match 393... :D (1272/game)
Edit: 600,000 passed during match 447... (1342/game)
Edit: 700,000 passed during match 504... (1389/game)
Edit: 800,000 passed during match 553... (1446/game)
Edit: 900,000 passed during match 617... (1459/game)
Edit: 1,000,000 passed during match 680... (1470/game)


Odd game though - the points awards are very arbitrary. It's not related to the damage you do, only the speed of impact of the projectile (which isn't directly shown). I've had single hits get me 800 points, and a triple hit get me 45 points...

Why are some Zwoks so much tinier than others?