The credits cost of all 526 cars in Gran Turismo 7 [563 Million total]

  • Thread starter Samus
Yep found the little bastard that was "hiding" away. Does that lextus (in large size font above) have an au TOM's livery and is it from 2016?
Neither of the 2017 RC F GT3 livery options (it's listed as a '17 in the model name, and the 'alt' view in the Change Car screen confirms it's a 2017), nor the 2016 RC F GT3 prototype, have an au TOM's livery. The base color of the first 2017 option is listed as "Variation", with Mobil1 featured on the livery. The base color of the second 2017 option is listed as "Emil Frey Racing", which is an update of the 2016 prototype's livery (its sole base color is also listed as "Emil Frey Racing").
Well, thanks to Eggstor providing me his results, I was able to compile the results of 331 cars (he told me 332, but I missed one for some reason?) and the total price of the cars fully tuned to the brim is...

174.151.290 credits.

And I still have 102 (+3) cars to price.

I know that realistically, no one is going to fully tune all of the cars to the absolute max with all parts, but it's still a loooot more than what I was expecting. With the rest of the 105 cars, this is easily going to be about 220 million or whereabouts. Half the price of the price of the total cars themselves. Mind blown...

The most expensive car (so far) to fully tune is the Ferrari GTO (surprising to be honest) at 812.350 credits.

PS: This is not taking into account cosmetics like rims, liveries, paints.
Hi, is it possible to have the excel file?
Thank you
The total cost of all upgrade tune parts (tuning shop and GT Auto) not counting cosmetics, of all cars in the game is:

208.688.540 credits. Almost half of the cost of all of the cars in the game.

So, if you want to have all the cars and have them all tuned to the brim with all the parts, it's going to cost you 660 million credits.

At 2 million per hour average (Alpine A220 at Tokyo, which is the fastest method), that's 330 hours of grinding the same event over and over.

This probably gets to about 3000 hours if you do normal gameplay, like custom races, sport mode races, lobby races, etc.
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The total cost of all upgrade tune parts (tuning shop and GT Auto) not counting cosmetics, of all cars in the game is:

208.688.540 credits. Almost half of the cost of all of the cars in the game.

So, if you want to have all the cars and have them all tuned to the brim with all the parts, it's going to cost you 660 million credits.

At 2 million per hour average (Alpine A220 at Tokyo, which is the fastest method), that's 330 hours of grinding the same event over and over.

This probably gets to about 3000 hours if you do normal gameplay, like custom races, sport mode races, lobby races, etc.
Make a video of 2 mil per hour on theory...a video. I know very well how much time I was grinding to be one if not the first one to collect all cars.
Make a video of 2 mil per hour on theory...a video. I know very well how much time I was grinding to be one if not the first one to collect all cars.
No theory... The Alpine A220 does the Tokyo Race in 24:45 minutes (lets round this to 25 minutes if we take into account loading time to restart the race on the PS5) and you get 825k. That's exactly 1.980 million per hour (pretty much 2 million).

There's a guy who has posted such a time (in the CREDIT GRIND thread) and I myself have been doing 24:50s as well even with mistakes.

But yes, the average GT7 player will likely do this in 25:30 or even 26 minutes, but that's still 1.9 million per hour.
The total cost of all upgrade tune parts (tuning shop and GT Auto) not counting cosmetics, of all cars in the game is:

208.688.540 credits. Almost half of the cost of all of the cars in the game.

So, if you want to have all the cars and have them all tuned to the brim with all the parts, it's going to cost you 660 million credits.

At 2 million per hour average (Alpine A220 at Tokyo, which is the fastest method), that's 330 hours of grinding the same event over and over.

This probably gets to about 3000 hours if you do normal gameplay, like custom races, sport mode races, lobby races, etc.
OTOH, a 100 million credits will get you a very long way to getting almost any car you want.
  • you get 100 cars for free
  • for 100 million you can buy lots of cars costing less than half a million and quite a few of 1/2 to 2 million.

You can easily earn half a million credits per hour by just having fun and not grinding.
So if you play it smart and don't be obsessive, you can get a lot of content with 200 hours of play. Admittedly, a few dozen very expensive cars will be out of reach, but you can spend your next 200 hours of play on getting those that you want most.
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As long as you dont want any expensive cars. Which most people are going to do.
The point that if you want it all, it's going to be a grind has been made many times. My point is: you have a choice and if you think a little bit, you can get most of what you want and have fun doing it.
The point that if you want it all, it's going to be a grind has been made many times. My point is: you have a choice and if you think a little bit, you can get most of what you want and have fun doing it.
But you're deciding what people want for some reason. Plenty of people are going to want 250 million worth of cars, so no, those people can't easily get what they want without a grind.

I mean sure, you're right that 100m will get a large chunk of cheaper cars but, well, duh? Not exactly a revelation.
But you're deciding what people want for some reason.
No I am not, that's a strawman.
I am suggesting that if people think a little bit, they have another option than grinding 3000 hours. If they so choose the grind, that is entirely feasible, but their own choice.
I know this is the credits thread, but jeez with the straw man thing every discussion. It’s like the word juxtapose and cohesive. Everyone(except me) wants to sound big using these damn phrases.

Anyway, people know they have options. However, people want to play the way they want. Whether playing through the events PD made or Custom Race or Sport Mode. People know it’s difficult to build credits with little time afforded to them. People think a little bit. This is all we’re given for now. For those that want the cars they want, they damn near have to grind for maximum credits. Those that want to take their time will. People that have played the franchise and similar games, will know this. People that are new to the franchise and these style games, may have difficulty figuring how to maximise their time playing.
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Missing around 163M Cr for 20 legendary cars.

FordMark IV Race Car
PlymouthXNR Ghia Roadster
Ferrari500 Mondial Pinin Farina Coupe
Mercedes-BenzSauber C9
FordGT40 Mk1
LamborghiniMiura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706
Porsche356 A/1500 GS GT Carrera Speedster
Mercedes-Benz300 SL Coupe
ChaparralChaparral 2J
Alfa Romeo8C 2900B Lungo Berlinetta
Aston MartinDB3S CN.1
Mercedes-Benz300SL W194
Ferrari250 GTO CN.3729GT
Mercedes-BenzS Barker Tourer
ChevroletCorvette Stingray Concept

Around 200 races over Le Mans give or take.
100h of grinding.
Starting from scratch.

Good news, gonna start my vacations at mid august so... :)
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I will provide when I have it finished. Only 48 cars to go, maybe in the weekend I'll have time to finish it, as most of the cars left are either VGTs or Race Cars which don't have many upgrade parts to list.
OK i wait. Thank You
Missing around 163M Cr for 20 legendary cars.

FordMark IV Race Car
PlymouthXNR Ghia Roadster
Ferrari500 Mondial Pinin Farina Coupe
Mercedes-BenzSauber C9
FordGT40 Mk1
LamborghiniMiura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706
Porsche356 A/1500 GS GT Carrera Speedster
Mercedes-Benz300 SL Coupe
ChaparralChaparral 2J
Alfa Romeo8C 2900B Lungo Berlinetta
Aston MartinDB3S CN.1
Mercedes-Benz300SL W194
Ferrari250 GTO CN.3729GT
Mercedes-BenzS Barker Tourer
ChevroletCorvette Stingray Concept

Around 200 races over Le Mans give or take.
100h of grinding.
Starting from scratch.

Good news, gonna start my vacations at mid august so... :)
I’m not 100% on this but I think you win the 2J from either the licenses or missions for all gold.

I have the 2J and I don’t ever recall buying it. I’ve had it previous GT games so I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t waste my money on the out of control washing machine lol
I’m not 100% on this but I think you win the 2J from either the licenses or missions for all gold.

I have the 2J and I don’t ever recall buying it. I’ve had it previous GT games so I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t waste my money on the out of control washing machine lol
It's the prize for getting all gold in The Sun Also Rises set of missions (good luck golding the drift mission).
It's the prize for getting all gold in The Sun Also Rises set of missions (good luck golding the drift mission).
Oh god

Yeah now I remember. That drift mission was the hardest one and I spent a few hours getting angry about it
No I am not, that's a strawman.
I am suggesting that if people think a little bit, they have another option than grinding 3000 hours. If they so choose the grind, that is entirely feasible, but their own choice.
You literally said people could get "almost any car they want" with 100M, or "most of what they want" having fun. That's clearly not true if people want expensive cars. You can't get those without grinding, or very very very slowly doing custom races and online.
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I’m not 100% on this but I think you win the 2J from either the licenses or missions for all gold.

I have the 2J and I don’t ever recall buying it. I’ve had it previous GT games so I’m pretty certain I wouldn’t waste my money on the out of control washing machine lol
I'd rather buy than drift... :)
@ that Mission of course :)
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The grind isn't 3000 hours... 3000 hours is the time it would take to get all of that (all cars + tuning parts) by just playing normally enjoying the game, gaining an average of 200k per hour with custom races/sport mode.

That's waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. No way in hell am I ever going to spend this much on GT7. Or 99% of the playerbase for that matter. Even 300 hours is the equivalent of gigantic playthroughs of AAA games like RDR2 and this is the time it takes while GRINDING, ergo, boring replays of the same races over and over.

This game has a checklist for you to collect cars and it was made blantantly clear that you have to collect them, given the fact that PD releases extra menus about just collecting cars, means you really can't get away by not having to buy them all for the ultimate experience. Not to mention some of those cars are also fan favourites (McLaren F1, 917k, CLK-LM, Shelby Daytona, McLaren F1 (both race car versions), the Group C cars)...

Credits have never been so scrutinized in a Gran Turismo game, ever. And without them, you really can't experience the game to its fullest. As I posted before, tuning by itself is extremely expensive, with majority of the cars costing 500k to fully tune.

You want to know one more thing? Most of the World Circuit Races make you LOSE money rather than gaining. This last menu book, the one with the Neo-Classic race cars, I had to give it a go at them several times to beat those races. I had to buy Racing Hard/Intermediates/Wet tyres for all of my Group C cars, plus a full customizable racing transmission as well because tuning was 100% required to beat these races.
You basically waste 100k more or less on tuning to get 150k prize money for winning... And this is the best scenario where you get the right car and right setup on your first few tries, as I said, I had to try several different cars for each race where for each of them I had to buy all those sets of tyres and the racing transmission, so with 2 cars for one race, you actually lose money.

^This is something a lot of players are yet to realize. Sure, I could always have set the AI difficulty on Normal or Easy, but that wouldn't exactly be at all challenging right?
And on top of that, the payouts are not grindable either, at less than 1 million per hour lol, so basically, all that effort for a one time race that you likely won't touch ever again... I sure won't, given it's not really a race but more of a "mission" than anything where I have to detune my lovely Group C cars to be absolute pigs while the AI starts with their normal speced Group C cars at the front of the field some 15 seconds ahead at the start.
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The grind isn't 3000 hours... 3000 hours is the time it would take to get all of that (all cars + tuning parts) by just playing normally enjoying the game, gaining an average of 200k per hour with custom races/sport mode.

That's waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. No way in hell am I ever going to spend this much on GT7. Or 99% of the playerbase for that matter. Even 300 hours is the equivalent of gigantic playthroughs of AAA games like RDR2 and this is the time it takes while GRINDING, ergo, boring replays of the same races over and over.

This game has a checklist for you to collect cars and it was made blantantly clear that you have to collect them, given the fact that PD releases extra menus about just collecting cars, means you really can't get away by not having to buy them all for the ultimate experience. Not to mention some of those cars are also fan favourites (McLaren F1, 917k, CLK-LM, Shelby Daytona, McLaren F1 (both race car versions), the Group C cars)...

Credits have never been so scrutinized in a Gran Turismo game, ever. And without them, you really can't experience the game to its fullest. As I posted before, tuning by itself is extremely expensive, with majority of the cars costing 500k to fully tune.

You want to know one more thing? Most of the World Circuit Races make you LOSE money rather than gaining. This last menu book, the one with the Neo-Classic race cars, I had to give it a go at them several times to beat those races. I had to buy Racing Hard/Intermediates/Wet tyres for all of my Group C cars, plus a full customizable racing transmission as well because tuning was 100% required to beat these races.
You basically waste 100k more or less on tuning to get 150k prize money for winning... And this is the best scenario where you get the right car and right setup on your first few tries, as I said, I had to try several different cars for each race where for each of them I had to buy all those sets of tyres and the racing transmission, so with 2 cars for one race, you actually lose money.

^This is something a lot of players are yet to realize. Sure, I could always have set the AI difficulty on Normal or Easy, but that wouldn't exactly be at all challenging right?
And on top of that, the payouts are not grindable either, at less than 1 million per hour lol, so basically, all that effort for a one time race that you likely won't touch ever again... I sure won't, given it's not really a race but more of a "mission" than anything where I have to detune my lovely Group C cars to be absolute pigs while the AI starts with their normal speced Group C cars at the front of the field some 15 seconds ahead at the start.
Not tak8ng away anything from what you’re a saying. The new events are pure nostalgia. They can’t get away with the six car races any more. So, having all the GT “classics” in one race, are all it is. I entered the Big Willow and Ted Bull races. Figured I’d use the 911 GT1 tuned to PP780, at BW and the 787B(PP800) at RBR. No chance at winning, though I did finish P2 at BW and P6 at RBR, respectively.
Anyway, forget tuning. To get any car featured in that event(even the missions gifted cars), no doubt, will be frustrating to acquire for those that don’t grind.
Missing around 163M Cr for 20 legendary cars.

FordMark IV Race Car
PlymouthXNR Ghia Roadster
Ferrari500 Mondial Pinin Farina Coupe
Mercedes-BenzSauber C9
FordGT40 Mk1
LamborghiniMiura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706
Porsche356 A/1500 GS GT Carrera Speedster
Mercedes-Benz300 SL Coupe
ChaparralChaparral 2J
Alfa Romeo8C 2900B Lungo Berlinetta
Aston MartinDB3S CN.1
Mercedes-Benz300SL W194
Ferrari250 GTO CN.3729GT
Mercedes-BenzS Barker Tourer
ChevroletCorvette Stingray Concept

Around 200 races over Le Mans give or take.
100h of grinding.
Starting from scratch.

Good news, gonna start my vacations at mid august so... :)
F50 done :)
So I just looked at my profile from the game… I have 79% done as far as cars collected and about 61 million left to go to buy every car in Brand Central… Currently I have 344/436 cars and 7.5 million in the bank… so I got ways to go but I’m thinking end of this month I’ll finally be done buying every car…I think what I’ll do is save to 20 million then buy all the cars I need in Brand Central instead of saving 61 million then buy every car…At least by doing it this way I feel the car list will get shorter and shorter each time…
So I just looked at my profile from the game… I have 79% done as far as cars collected and about 61 million left to go to buy every car in Brand Central… Currently I have 344/436 cars and 7.5 million in the bank… so I got ways to go but I’m thinking end of this month I’ll finally be done buying every car…I think what I’ll do is save to 20 million then buy all the cars I need in Brand Central instead of saving 61 million then buy every car…At least by doing it this way I feel the car list will get shorter and shorter each time…
I'd buy the cars each day with your earnings - allows you to remember them more and to have time to read the info from the garage (I like that at least). Brand Central is obviously much much easier to buy all the cars from. I'm at ~420-422/436 but all the ones I have left are are basically the $10M+ ones...
I'd buy the cars each day with your earnings - allows you to remember them more and to have time to read the info from the garage (I like that at least). Brand Central is obviously much much easier to buy all the cars from. I'm at ~420-422/436 but all the ones I have left are are basically the $10M+ ones...
I've made some accounts and i need 200 Le Mans to get me 19 missing cars.

BrandMakeYearAvailableRacesTo Do
FordMark IV Race Car196705/08/2022404/08/2022
PlymouthXNR Ghia Roadster196005/08/2022405/08/2022
Ferrari500 Mondial Pinin Farina Coupe195412/08/2022506/08/2022
Mercedes-BenzSauber C9198914/08/2022507/08/2022
FordGT40 Mk1196617/08/2022808/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
FerrariGTO198423/08/2022408/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
LamborghiniMiura P400 Bertone Prototype CN.0706196724/08/2022408/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
Porsche356 A/1500 GS GT Carrera Speedster195624/08/2022208/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
Mercedes-Benz300 SL Coupe195425/08/2022208/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
AMGCLK-LM199829/08/2022808/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
ChaparralChaparral 2J197030/08/2022308/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
Aston MartinDB3S CN.1195301/09/2022708/08/2022 to 16/08/2022
Mercedes-BenzS Barker Tourer192921/09/20221817/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
ChevroletCorvette Stingray Concept195923/09/2022617/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
McLarenF1199428/10/20222517/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
Porsche917K197029/10/20222517/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
Alfa Romeo8C 2900B Lungo Berlinetta193714/11/20222517/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
Mercedes-Benz300SL W194195215/11/20222017/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
Ferrari250 GTO CN.3729GT196219/11/20222517/08/2022 to 20/09/2022
Yeah. I now own everything from the Used Car Dealer and Showrooms. Just Legendary Dealership to go and I have 160,950,000 credits worth of cars according to my chart.
Make a video of 2 mil per hour on theory...a video. I know very well how much time I was grinding to be one if not the first one to collect all cars.
You're very far from the first. Plenty of people had all the cars wrapped up by the end of the first legends cycle.
the end is very near fellas... I am currently at 413/436... so 23 more cars from brand central and I will have every car...I'm thinking 20 million should be good enough but I could be wrong...hopefully I will be finished by Sunday