The Crew 2 Official Game Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter dice1998
oh... i see we are getting back to Polar Rush on 24.07 then Rising Sun. So we will be able to fight again for the special vehicles. I wonder if it will be so hard again to win them?
Probably behind that "Platinum" summit reward.

If all new cars are going to be "Platinum" reward only then it will sucks... :/

I lost interest in making platinum reward in those summits, i am only doing them for the "Followers" to get closer to LaFerrari.
If all new cars are going to be "Platinum" reward only then it will sucks... :/

I lost interest in making platinum reward in those summits, i am only doing them for the "Followers" to get closer to LaFerrari.

Then to make it worse you cannot buy the car after said summit or after said time. :banghead:
New car for July would be Ferrari 308 GTS.
Probably behind that "Platinum" summit reward.
If all new cars are going to be "Platinum" reward only then it will sucks...
Then to make it worse you cannot buy the car after said summit or after said time. :banghead:

Y'know, I was going to take my time to write a lengthy response on the subject of why TC2's been plummeting in terms of time spent giving a 🤬, but I think this collection of posts sums up one of the main reasons perfectly.

It's gotten to the point where I can barely be bothered doing just the one skill to get the free Followers. Which, as I've said countless times before, is a shame, because there used to be potential in this game. It's just constantly been hit with decisions as boneheaded as that other open-world racer that doesn't share part of its name with Horizon Chase Turbo (though, judging by the internet, I could've easily included them as well and gotten more likes from doing so).

I'm not holding out a lot of hope in it, but one can hope that this not-quite-so-theoretical update at the end of the month reverses the decision to make all new cars - those we already have as well as those we have yet to receive - permanently Summit-reward-only - again, they had a decent system going in TC1, and an even better system with the monthly vehicle drops (remember when those were a thing?).

I guarantee you if they do change it they're going to play it off as if they're suddenly the good guys for fixing a problem they invented.
I'm not holding out a lot of hope in it, but one can hope that this not-quite-so-theoretical update at the end of the month reverses the decision to make all new cars - those we already have as well as those we have yet to receive - permanently Summit-reward-only - again, they had a decent system going in TC1, and an even better system with the monthly vehicle drops (remember when those were a thing?).

I think they took a swing at TC2 being more of a Forza Horizon game than what TC should be.
The TC1 days were much better and I feel like it's a miss for TC2 because you do events, get ACE then do summit, then you quit.
Who wants to sit there and level up to 9999?
Where the in-game achievements?
License Plates?
All the things from TC1?
Plus older Summit reward cars? (I have a feeling if they make the summit reward cars available again in the summit events again probably the same 3K will get the car again, making it even more difficult for others to get said car)
Who wants to sit there and level up to 9999?
Where the in-game achievements?

Forgive me for saying this, but considering what some of TC1s in-game achievements had you doing, this seems a little odd.

I'll also be perfectly honest and say that I really don't think adding more "checklists" to go through in order to unlock some miniscule customisation options you can do absolutely nothing with anyway and generally doesn't add to the game in any meaningful way is what the game needs. That may be the entire premise of LiVe SeRvIcEs, but that doesn't automatically mean it's beneficial.

The short version - as I state it for the billionth time - is this: TC2 has the potential to be the greatest vehicular sandbox ever. So stop making decisions that don't play to that strength and make it less of a sandbox. That is what the game needs. Nothing more, nothing less. Though, of course, TC2 *is* a LiVe SeRvIcE, so..

As I've also said a billion times, in my opinion, Summit 2.0 really is the very last thing this game needed. I mean, what purpose does it serve other than to be mOrE pVp CoNtEnT and permanently gate more-or-less-interesting vehicles off from the vast majority of the playerbase so a handful of players can jerk off to their pRiDe AnD aCcOmPlIsHmEnT? I can't see it as anything but as anti-TC2 as anything can possibly be. I mean, at least the monthly vehicles (remember when those were a thing?) would eventually become purchasable in-game, and the Season Pass vehicles were at least* purchasable with real money.


See, this is one of those ideas that *could* work - if implemented absolutely 100% correctly. Otherwise it'll just be a repeat of TC1 and the current Steam sale, at which point they might as well save the time and just make an actual Daily Login Bonus, though that - while it would help with the grind - would present its own LiVe SeRvIcEs-related issues.

*I say "at least" as if that somehow makes the issue of Fee-To-Pay mechanics in AAA games less of an issue, but you get where I'm going with this.
If there isn't any new Summit things then we know that the same 3000 will win the car again and once again it's all going to be that way.
Which then will make it not fun for the rest because somehow someone will find something to cheat and then exploit and etc.

I would say if it's the same summit with the same rewards the people who won the reward shouldn't be able to place in the top 3000 to give others the reward.
Next week's Summit (Past vs Present) appears to be the most demanding in terms of car restrictions to date.

Four Five events require specific vehicles and they are:
  • Challenger SRT-8
  • Corvette C3
  • Shelby GT500
  • Spitfire MK IX - Before Season Pass owners breathe a sigh of relief, it's the Air Race variant that's required, not the Aerobatics spec. :ouch:
EDIT: Plus the Dodge Charger R/T HEMI Touring Car, as mentioned by @Snake55wildcat
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Next week's Summit (Past vs Present) appears to be the most demanding in terms of car restrictions to date.

Four events require specific vehicles and they are:
  • Challenger SRT-8
  • Corvette C3
  • Shelby GT500
  • Spitfire MK IX - Before Season Pass owners breathe a sigh of relief, it's the Air Race variant that's required, not the Aerobatics spec. :ouch:

Actually the 'mashup/combo' event also has a vehicle restriction - specifically the old Dodge Charger R/T HEMI Touring Car - so that is technically FIVE restrictions.

(As for the spitfire bit, im glad its the Air Race one, because it would really suck if it was an event restricted only to SP owners, as someone that has the SP as well, it wouldnt be fair to those that dont have it)
Then you hope that after the update happens this month that summit events gets rotated out or something and if it doesn't then it's going to be the same Top 3000 getting the same car and not giving anyone else a chance to get it and not wanting to send it to bucks either.
Then you hope that after the update happens this month that summit events gets rotated out or something and if it doesn't then it's going to be the same Top 3000 getting the same car and not giving anyone else a chance to get it and not wanting to send it to bucks either.

Yeah. It would be ok if they would add only special edition of existing cars (like Lancer or Cayman) but new ones like Huracan Performante is just unfair.
Yeah. It would be ok if they would add only special edition of existing cars (like Lancer or Cayman) but new ones like Huracan Performante is just unfair.

New ones only obtainable through Platinum on Summit events is a no.
Yes for a certain amount of time sure, but if events repeat and the rewards stay then it's like the same ones get the car again and no one else does.
Give it for bucks at lease.
I'd be miffed about how the Summit works if the Huracán or the other cars were more desirable. To me they don't seem like as much of a middle finger to the players as some of T10/PG's choices of unicorns.
Forgive me for saying this, but considering what some of TC1s in-game achievements had you doing, this seems a little odd.

Finally getting around to actually answering this.

But the in-game achievements gave you customization parts/license plates.
While here, you get an Epic/Legendary part at 10 intervals and maybe a car every 100 to a point.

Since all you do is level up cars then go do 1-2 events in summit get followers then level up. then repeat.
Hopefully with the next update coming next week, we should see more customization options. Plus, in a way, the Contracts almost act like in-game achievements: You complete a certain task and get rewarded.
But the in-game achievements gave you customization parts/license plates.

Ah yes, because the ability to swap one preset license plate on your car for another is a total gamechanger and - much like all the other vanity items - adds boatloads of much-needed quality of life to the game.

also if TC2 is in *this* desperate a need for customization options, surely contemporary NFS has no hope?

also also expanding the whole "contracts are the new achievements" thing - and skipping a lot of yadda-yadda about LiVe SeRvIcEs because who cares in a thread about a Ubisoft game - those give you Crew Credits, which you can use to buy many things. Infinitely more useful.

Since all you do is level up cars then go do 1-2 events in summit get followers then level up. then repeat.

I'm not at all sure how this is any different to how things worked in TC1 nor how it's relevant to that one "achievement" that required you to earn ten billion bucks or whatever in Vegas, but whatever coats your goat.
Not sure how I feel about this batch that just got announced:

On one hand, finally neon green wheels!
on the other.. this is how they re-introduce the 12c and 458 Drift specs and another Evo X addition... WHY? It better be in a different discipline than Street or I will be livid.

( - full news post, doesnt say much more though)
..and the long, long list of LiVe SeRiVe BS gets even longer.

At the very least, it doesn't look like the 308 will be subject to PrIdE AnD AcCoMpLiShMeNt (unless that's yet to be seen) and the Follower reward for doing a single event before peacing the 🤬 out and playing good games for a week gets doubled. So that's better than absolutely nothing.
No more Red Fury? That's a load of bull! At least give us the option to buy it from the Far and Beyond shop or something.
> Introduce Summits as monthly seasons.
> Once Season is over, allow players to buy exclusive vehicles from the season using either one of the in-game currencies.

Come on Ubisoft, I'm sure that isn't tricky to implement and the Live Service element of the game would be far better received from your user base. Playground Games could take notes from this too.
> Introduce Summits as monthly seasons.
> Once Season is over, allow players to buy exclusive vehicles from the season using either one of the in-game currencies.

Come on Ubisoft, I'm sure that isn't tricky to implement and the Live Service element of the game would be far better received from your user base. Playground Games could take notes from this too.
They should pull a FH4 and let players win the exclusives from other events.
TC2 trying to be FH4.
We all know how that is going.
And somehow TC2 will screw up and put it to where "Yes you can earn the reward by doing 100% of this" and then forgetting that after it's all done it'll be in a bundle that you will have to buy somehow.
TC2 trying to be FH4.
We all know how that is going.
And somehow TC2 will screw up and put it to where "Yes you can earn the reward by doing 100% of this" and then forgetting that after it's all done it'll be in a bundle that you will have to buy somehow.

The Crew 2 has tried to be a Horizon game long before The Summit and Live Service features were introduced. It was evident when the game scrapped cop chases while adopting a friendlier and colourful motoring festival vibe as opposed to the gritty, revenge driven storyline of the first game. It's weird to think name of the game has little relevancy to the game unless you have people to play co-op with.