GTP Muscle Car Enthusiast
Registered: May. 2002
Location: New England
- 12-04-03 @ 6:43 PM (Post #274)
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<div align="center"> Nobody's best friend. I'm on my defense<br />
Everyone stands alone<br />
Another elbow hit, somebody's ego trip<br />
Everyone stands alone<br />
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=20118" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Crayola</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=847554"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-01-03 @ 9:25 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf">So anyway Im like, what the ****? Then i hit him and ran away before his friends coudl do anything.<br />
Oh shadow, do you happen to be Australian? Im a Sydneysider, anyone else from aus?</font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_editedby -->
<font class="sf"><i>Last edited by Crayola on 12-01-03 at 9:27 PM</i></font>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=5097" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Shadow</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=847580"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-01-03 @ 9:39 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf">when i saw u cryin....i saw tears runnin down ur legs<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
T A G G`<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
If a fat man in red comes in the middle of the nite and stuffs u in a sack, dont be scared- its only Santa. I told him i wanted you for Christmas. by jon<br />
<br />
my milkshake brings all the gurls to the yard and theyre like, its better then urs<br />
<br />
my **** brings all the gurls to my room and theyre like, its longer than a broom<br />
<br />
and no crayola, im not aussie.....i frikkin live in la and im the biggest damm laker fan youll ever find<img src="images/smilies/lol.gif" border="0" alt=""></font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
lakers are 14-3......<br />
<br />
for complete info about the me at XQUIETstorm08x and get informed<img src="images/smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0" alt=""><br />
<br />
<div align="center"><img src="images/smilies/dunce.gif" border="0" alt="">The Rumple Club #37<img src="images/smilies/dunce.gif" border="0" alt=""></div></font></p>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=7019" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Burnout</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=5201" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Ryan</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">another avatar change</font><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=848275"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-02-03 @ 10:29 AM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf">XnewXbreedX <br />
<br />
I can't remember what it was for, I think it was for something over at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ...</font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
<font size="1">Irony tastes like chicken.</font><br />
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1380" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Zrow</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">GTP Addict</font><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=850755"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-03-03 @ 7:40 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
href="showthread.php?postid=850755#post850755">Post #266</A> )</font>
<p><font class="nf">theres a reason y my words r blue and its not cuz im sad</font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
"I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." <br />
- Dan Quale<br />
<br />
I need more sleep.</font></p>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=6512" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Jpec07</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=850808"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-03-03 @ 8:12 PM</font>
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<p><font class="nf">Protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol<br />
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Type: GIF Image<br />
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<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
In a league of my own...<br />
Jpec07<br />
<div align="right"><font size="0"><a href="" target="_blank">T</a><u>here is no s..</u><a href="" target="_blank">.</a></font></div><br />
<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">A salute to the greatness of GTP, just don't try to read it all in one sitting...</a></div><br />
<div align="center"><font size="1"><i><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to see the "Super Marquee ©" </a></font></i></div></font></p>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=6512" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Jpec07</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">GTP Muscle Car Enthusiast</font><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=850820"><img src="/i/f/posticon.gif" border="0" alt="Old Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-03-03 @ 8:19 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf"><blockquote><font class="sf">quote:<hr><b><i>Originally posted by Burnout </i><br />
<b><a href="" target="_blank"></a> </b></b><hr></font></blockquote><br />
<br />
Holy Crap! I have never seen tetris played that quicly before...</font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
In a league of my own...<br />
Jpec07<br />
<div align="right"><font size="0"><a href="" target="_blank">T</a><u>here is no s..</u><a href="" target="_blank">.</a></font></div><br />
<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">A salute to the greatness of GTP, just don't try to read it all in one sitting...</a></div><br />
<div align="center"><font size="1"><i><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to see the "Super Marquee ©" </a></font></i></div></font></p>
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<a name="post850994"></a>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=5097" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Shadow</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">GTP's Laker Fanatic</font><br>
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<font class="sf"><b>Registered:</b> Feb. 2002<br>
<b>Location:</b> Staples Center<br><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=850994"><img src="/i/f/posticonnew.gif" border="0" alt="New Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-03-03 @ 9:51 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf"><a href="" target="_blank"></a></font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
lakers are 14-3......<br />
<br />
for complete info about the me at XQUIETstorm08x and get informed<img src="images/smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0" alt=""><br />
<br />
<div align="center"><img src="images/smilies/dunce.gif" border="0" alt="">The Rumple Club #37<img src="images/smilies/dunce.gif" border="0" alt=""></div></font></p>
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<a name="post851096"></a>
<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=12876" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>regulate</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">Active Member</font><br>
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<font class="sf"><b>Registered:</b> Jul. 2003<br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=851096"><img src="/i/f/posticonnew.gif" border="0" alt="New Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-03-03 @ 10:46 PM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
href="showthread.php?postid=851096#post851096">Post #270</A> )</font>
<p><font class="nf">Files received from other members of your 3° groups, such as winks, group icons, and songs from musicmix sessions, are stored temporarily in folders on your computer. Each folder stores up to 100 megabytes (MB) of data before some of the temporary files are overwritten.</font></p>
<p><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_signature -->
<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
Felt like the earth was alive,Felt like a life worth living, Too bad that knife in my back was so heavy....<br />
And now the pictures gone but still the dust remains<br />
I hope she's missing me already, Well it's like... Life after death is life after you, Half of all of this is gonna have to do, Life after this is life after you, Half of all of this is gonna have to do</font></p>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: postbit_signature --></p>
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<a href="java script:aimwindow('regulat4life')"><img src="/i/f/aim.gif" alt="Send an AIM message to regulate" border="0"></a>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: aim --></td>
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<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" src="/i/f/space.gif" alt=""></td><td width="100%"><!-- spacer -->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#6F6C64" width="100%" align="center"><tr><td>
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#E3E0D6" width="175" valign="top" nowrap>
<a name="post851210"></a>
<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=13281" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>slk308</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">Drift it.</font><br>
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<img src="avatar.php?userid=13281&dateline=1069659065" border="0" alt="">
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<font class="sf"><b>Registered:</b> Jul. 2003<br>
<b>Location:</b> Akina<br><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=851210"><img src="/i/f/posticonnew.gif" border="0" alt="New Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-04-03 @ 12:15 AM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
href="showthread.php?postid=851210#post851210">Post #271</A> )</font>
<p><font class="nf">GTP Forums > Off-Topic > The Rumble Strip > The ctrl+v thread! <br />
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Author Thread <br />
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<br />
spock <br />
<END /><br />
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Registered: Aug. 2002<br />
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Online <br />
- 12-01-03 @ 6:30 PM (Post #261) <br />
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<br />
Nobody's best friend. I'm on my defense<br />
Everyone stands alone<br />
Another elbow hit, somebody's ego trip<br />
Everyone stands alone<br />
<br />
<br />
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Crayola <br />
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- 12-01-03 @ 9:25 PM (Post #262) <br />
<br />
So anyway Im like, what the ****? Then i hit him and ran away before his friends coudl do anything.<br />
Oh shadow, do you happen to be Australian? Im a Sydneysider, anyone else from aus?<br />
<br />
<br />
Last edited by Crayola on 12-01-03 at 9:27 PM <br />
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<br />
<br />
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<br />
Shadow <br />
GTP's Laker Fanatic<br />
<br />
Registered: Feb. 2002<br />
Location: Staples Center<br />
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Online <br />
- 12-01-03 @ 9:39 PM (Post #263) <br />
<br />
when i saw u cryin....i saw tears runnin down ur legs<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
T A G G`<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
If a fat man in red comes in the middle of the nite and stuffs u in a sack, dont be scared- its only Santa. I told him i wanted you for Christmas. by jon<br />
<br />
my milkshake brings all the gurls to the yard and theyre like, its better then urs<br />
<br />
my **** brings all the gurls to my room and theyre like, its longer than a broom<br />
<br />
and no crayola, im not aussie.....i frikkin live in la and im the biggest damm laker fan youll ever find<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
lakers are 14-3......<br />
<br />
for complete info about the me at XQUIETstorm08x and get informed<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Rumple Club #37<br />
<br />
<br />
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Burnout <br />
Mustang GT.<br />
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Registered: Jul. 2002<br />
Location: In my pants.<br />
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Online <br />
- 12-01-03 @ 11:02 PM (Post #264) <br />
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sludge <br />
Official GTP Nitto Chat <br />
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Ryan <br />
another avatar change<br />
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Registered: Mar. 2002<br />
Location: Binghamton, New York<br />
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- 12-02-03 @ 10:29 AM (Post #265) <br />
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XnewXbreedX <br />
<br />
I can't remember what it was for, I think it was for something over at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Irony tastes like chicken.<br />
-Klostrophobic<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
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Zrow <br />
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Registered: Jul. 2001<br />
Location: MD<br />
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- 12-03-03 @ 7:40 PM (Post #266) <br />
<br />
theres a reason y my words r blue and its not cuz im sad<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
"I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." <br />
- Dan Quale<br />
<br />
I need more sleep.<br />
<br />
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Jpec07 <br />
GTP Muscle Car Enthusiast<br />
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- 12-03-03 @ 8:12 PM (Post #267) <br />
<br />
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Type: GIF Image<br />
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Address: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
(URL)<br />
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Size: 453 bytes<br />
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Dimensions: 259 x 30 pixels<br />
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<br />
<br />
In a league of my own...<br />
Jpec07<br />
<br />
<br />
There is no s...<br />
<br />
<br />
A salute to the greatness of GTP, just don't try to read it all in one sitting...<br />
<br />
<br />
Click here to see the "Super Marquee ©" <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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<br />
Jpec07 <br />
GTP Muscle Car Enthusiast<br />
<br />
Registered: May. 2002<br />
Location: New England<br />
<br />
Offline <br />
- 12-03-03 @ 8:19 PM (Post #268) <br />
<br />
<br />
quote:<br />
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
Originally posted by Burnout <br />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br />
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Holy Crap! I have never seen tetris played that quicly before...<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
In a league of my own...<br />
Jpec07<br />
<br />
<br />
There is no s...<br />
<br />
<br />
A salute to the greatness of GTP, just don't try to read it all in one sitting...<br />
<br />
<br />
Click here to see the "Super Marquee ©" <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Shadow <br />
GTP's Laker Fanatic<br />
<br />
Registered: Feb. 2002<br />
Location: Staples Center<br />
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Online <br />
- 12-03-03 @ 9:51 PM (Post #269) <br />
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<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
lakers are 14-3......<br />
<br />
for complete info about the me at XQUIETstorm08x and get informed<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
The Rumple Club #37<br />
<br />
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regulate <br />
Active Member<br />
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Registered: Jul. 2003<br />
Location: tx<br />
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Offline <br />
- 12-03-03 @ 10:46 PM (Post #270) <br />
<br />
Files received from other members of your 3° groups, such as winks, group icons, and songs from musicmix sessions, are stored temporarily in folders on your computer. Each folder stores up to 100 megabytes (MB) of data before some of the temporary files are overwritten.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Felt like the earth was alive,Felt like a life worth living, Too bad that knife in my back was so heavy....<br />
And now the pictures gone but still the dust remains<br />
I hope she's missing me already, Well it's like... Life after death is life after you, Half of all of this is gonna have to do, Life after this is life after you, Half of all of this is gonna have to do<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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All times are GMT -5 hours. The time now is 12:14 AM. <br />
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--simply turn the wheel and go sideways.<br />
<br />
<b>TEAMDRiF<font color="red">T</font></b><br />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></font></p>
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<a name="post851376"></a>
<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=4727" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>StevieMo</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
<font class="sf">Mo' Stevie</font><br>
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<img src="avatar.php?userid=4727&dateline=1070249159" border="0" alt="">
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<font class="sf"><b>Registered:</b> Jan. 2002<br>
<b>Location:</b> Alberta<br><br>
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<a href="postings.php?s=&action=getip&postid=851376"><img src="/i/f/posticonnew.gif" border="0" alt="New Post"></a> <font class="sf"><b></b> - 12-04-03 @ 2:26 AM</font>
<td align="right"><font class="sf">(<A
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<p><font class="nf">HS7H4>2'HS6H4>2'HS5H4>2'HS4H4>2'HS3H4>2'HS2H4>2'V44H4>1'V43H4>1'V42H4>1'V41H4>1'V3:H4>1'V39H4>1'V38H4>1'V37H4>1'V36H4>1'V35H4>1'V34H4>1'V33H4>1'V32H4>1'V31H4>1'V2:H4>1'V29H4>1'V28H4>1'V27H4>1'V26H4>1'V25H4>1'V24H4>1'V23H4>1'V22H4>1'V21H4>1'V:H4>1'V9H4>1'V8H4>1'V7H4>1'V6H4>1'V5H4>1'V4H4>1'V3H4>1'V2H4>1'V1H4>1'IO4>2'JO4>2'EO4>2'GB4>1'FY4>NVGGMFS&6G3'OT4>2'QO4>2'SI4>1'XT4>21'XO4>1'OCC4>&3E326'OHC4>&3E326'OSC4>&3E326'BCC4>&3E211'BHC4>&3E211'BSC4>&3E211'LCC4>1'LHC4>1'LSC4>1'SCC4>&3E211'SHC4>&3E211'SSC4>&3E211'GCC4>1'GHC4>1'GSC4>1'MJ4>TLZMJOF&6GMJHIU&6G2'CL4>CMBOL'TL4>CMBOL'GL4>CMBOL'XH4>2'XI4>XIFFM&6G2'XU4>2777'GS4>:'DM4>2'UR4>4:1'IQ4>491'DO4>TLZMJOF'HS7H3>2'HS6H3>2'HS5H3>2'HS4H3>2'HS3H3>2'HS2H3>2'V44H3>1'V43H3>1'V42H3>1'V41H3>1'V3:H3>1'V39H3>1'V38H3>1'V37H3>1'V36H3>1'V35H3>1'V34H3>1'V33H3>1'V32H3>1'V31H3>1'V2:H3>1'V29H3>1'V28H3>1'V27H3>1'V26H3>1'V25H3>1'V24H3>1'V23H3>1'V22H3>1'V21H3>1'V:H3>1'V9H3>1'V8H3>1'V7H3>1'V6H3>1'V5H3>1'V4H3>1'V3H3>1'V2H3>1'V1H3>1'IO3>2'JO3>2'EO3>2'GB3>1'FY3>NVGGMFS&6G3'OT3>2'QO3>2'SI3>1'XT3>21'XO3>1'OCC3>&3E326'OHC3>&3E326'OSC3>&3E326'BCC3>&3E211'BHC3>&3E211'BSC3>&3E211'LCC3>1'LHC3>1'LSC3>1'SCC3>&3E211'SHC3>&3E211'SSC3>&3E211'GCC3>1'GHC3>1'GSC3>1'MJ3>UU&6GMJHIU&6G2'CL3>CMBOL'TL3>CMBOL'GL3>CMBOL'XH3>2'XI3>XIFFM&6G2'XU3>2531'GS3>8'DM3>2'UR3>318'IQ3>336'DO3>UU'HS7H2>2'HS6H2>2'HS5H2>2'HS4H2>2'HS3H2>2'HS2H2>2'V44H2>1'V43H2>1'V42H2>1'V41H2>1'V3:H2>1'V39H2>1'V38H2>1'V37H2>1'V36H2>1'V35H2>1'V34H2>1'V33H2>1'V32H2>1'V31H2>1'V2:H2>1'V29H2>1'V28H2>1'V27H2>1'V26H2>1'V25H2>1'V24H2>1'V23H2>1'V22H2>1'V21H2>1'V:H2>1'V9H2>1'V8H2>1'V7H2>1'V6H2>1'V5H2>1'V4H2>1'V3H2>1'V2H2>1'V1H2>1'IO2>2'JO2>2'EO2>2'GB2>1'FY2>NVGGMFS&6G3'OT2>2'QO2>2'SI2>1'XT2>21'XO2>1'OCC2>&3E326'OHC2>&3E326'OSC2>&3E326'BCC2>&3E211'BHC2>&3E211'BSC2>&3E211'LCC2>1'LHC2>1'LSC2>1'SCC2>&3E211'SHC2>&3E211'SSC2>&3E211'GCC2>1'GHC2>1'GSC2>1'MJ2>JNQSF[B&6GMJHIU&6G2'CL2>CMBOL'TL2>CMBOL'GL2>CMBOL'XH2>2'XI2>XIFFM&6G2'XU2>2381'GS2>:'DM2>2'UR2>424'IQ2>387'DO2>JNQSF[B'HS7H>2'HS6H>2'HS5H>2'HS4H>2'HS3H>2'HS2H>2'V44H>1'V43H>1'V42H>1'V41H>1'V3:H>1'V39H>1'V38H>2'V37H>1'V36H>2'V35H>2'V34H>2'V33H>2'V32H>1'V31H>2'V2:H>2'V29H>2'V28H>2'V27H>1'V26H>1'V25H>2'V24H>1'V23H>2'V22H>2'V21H>2'V:H>2'V9H>1'V8H>2'V7H>2'V6H>2'V5H>2'V4H>2'V3H>2'V2H>2'V1H>2'IO>2'JO>6'EO>2'GB>1'FY>NVGGMFS&6G3'OT>5'SI>&3E8'XT>1'XO>261'OCC>1'OHC>1'OSC>1'BCC>&3E211'BHC>&3E211'BSC>&3E211'LCC>1'LHC>1'LSC>1'SCC>1'SHC>1'SSC>1'GCC>1'GHC>1'GSC>1'MJ>DJWJD&6GMJHIU&6G2'CL>CMBOL'TL>CMBOL'GL>CMBOL'XH>2'XI>XIFFM&6G29'XU>211'GS>2'DM>6'UR>911'IQ>2211'DO>DJWJD'MWM>66'QO>2'QD>2268611'</font></p>
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<a href="member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=4738" target="_blank"><font class="nf" color="#000000"><b>Acid X</b></font></a> <img src="/i/f/usergroup_2.gif" height="13" width="24">
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<p><font class="sf"><img src="/i/f/sig.gif"><br>
<font size="1">Formerly gt2_gs<br />
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<div align="center"><font size="2">Cory <b><font color="red"><3</font></b>'s Shirley</font></div></font><br />
<blockquote><font class="sf">quote:<hr><b><b>Metal3DGE: ****! It's <i>the FIZZ!</i></b></b><hr></font></blockquote></font></p>
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In a league of my own...
There is no s...
A salute to the greatness of GTP, just don't try to read it all in one sitting...
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Location: America
- 12-04-03 @ 6:54 PM (Post #275)
public static void main(String[] args)
SalesReporter2 clerk = new SalesReporter();
Millions now living will never die.
Acid X
Registered: Jan. 2002
Location: California, USA
- 12-04-03 @ 9:54 PM (Post #276)
Formerly gt2_gs
Cory <3's Shirley
Metal3DGE: ****! It's the FIZZ!