The ctrl+v thread!

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Thank you Silvio this is a good idea. I suggested it once, but I don't think anyone really cared.
Stump Jumpin John Rivers

Posts: 1441 (14.30 per day)
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alien ant farm

somthing used to be here>_<

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Stump Jumpin John Rivers

Posts: 1442 (14.31 per day)
Registered: Aug. 8th, '02
Location: ignoring you and you and you and you and also you and you

(Post #101)

alien ant farm

somthing used to be here>_<

Member of MAZ

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11/16/02 06:23 PM [View Profile] [Send PM] [Send Email] [Search] [My Threads] [Add to Buddies]

Stump Jumpin John Rivers

Posts: 1442 (14.31 per day)
Registered: Aug. 8th, '02
Location: ignoring you and you and you and you and also you and you

(Post #102)

Stump Jumpin John Rivers

Posts: 1441 (14.30 per day)
Registered: Aug. 8th, '02
Location: ignoring you and you and you and you and also you and you

(Post #101)

alien ant farm

somthing used to be here>_<

Member of MAZ

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somthing used to be here>_<

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11/16/02 06:26 PM [View Profile] [Send PM] [Send Email] [Search] [My Threads] [Add to Buddies]

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<font class="nf"><b>dchamham</b></font><br>
<font class="sf">Stump Jumpin John Rivers</font><br>
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<p><font face="verdana,arial,helvitica" size="2">alien ant farm</font></p>

<p><font class="nf"><br>
<font size="4"><font face="edifont">somthing used to be here&gt;_&lt;
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<img src="images/smilies/mazda.gif" border="0" alt="">Member of MAZ<img src="images/smilies/mazda.gif" border="0" alt="">
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<font class="nf"><b>dchamham</b></font><br>
<font class="sf">Stump Jumpin John Rivers</font><br>
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<p><font face="verdana,arial,helvitica" size="2">dchamham
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Stump Jumpin John Rivers
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(Post #101)
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alien ant farm
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<br />
somthing used to be here&gt;_&lt;
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<p><font class="nf"><br>
<font size="4"><font face="edifont">somthing used to be here&gt;_&lt;
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<img src="images/smilies/mazda.gif" border="0" alt="">Member of MAZ<img src="images/smilies/mazda.gif" border="0" alt="">
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<font class="nf"><b>dchamham</b></font><br>
<font class="sf">Stump Jumpin John Rivers</font><br>
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<TD align=right><font class="sf">(<A
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Stump Jumpin John Rivers
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alien ant farm
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somthing used to be here&gt;_&lt;
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Stump Jumpin John Rivers
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Stump Jumpin John Rivers
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(Post #101)
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<font size="4"><font face="edifont">somthing used to be here&gt;_&lt;
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<font class="nf"><b>Klostrophobic</b></font><br>
<font class="sf">Thick, poor slob.</font><br>
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<p><font face="verdana,arial,helvitica" size="2"><i>mellyjelly3939: hey really?</i>
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My sister was using the computer before me. Heh.</font></p>

<p><font class="nf"><br>
So, tell me, are you dyslexic?</font></p>
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I really couldn't be bothered typing that whole thing up. dchamham. You ruined this 🤬 thread.
[10:45] <Drach> shut up Tuan
[10:45] <The359> yeah, you're definatly special, Drach
[10:45] <The359> Short Bus Special...
[10:45] <tuanies> haha
[10:45] <Drach> heh
[10:45] <The359> *cough* I don't see any V10s listed there *cough*
[10:45] <mayorbill11> for sure.
[10:45] <Drach> hows Boeings super computer aka your gf 359?
[10:45] <The359> awwww, did I hurt you Drach?
[10:45] <tuanies> that was extremely lame Drach
[10:45] <The359> you have to pull out the insults now?
[10:45] <mayorbill11> he asks you a question, then when you ask it back he's like 'duh, who cares who i talk to'
[10:46] <Drach> nah havent started to yet
[10:46] <The359> Come on, this just proves you lost the entire arguement
[10:46] <The359> awwww, Drach lost
[10:46] <mayorbill11> MORON.
[10:46] <The359> someone get me the world's smallest violin....
[10:46] <The359> I wanna play some music for poor Drach
[10:46] <Drach> Es what engines did the F40 and F50 carry around?
[10:46] * tuanies hands The359 a Violin
[10:48] <The359> The F50 was a V12
[10:49] <The359> the F40 is a Twin Turbo V8
[10:49] <The359> funny, still not seeing a V10 anywhere
[10:50] <mayorbill11> who cares anyway
[10:50] <mayorbill11> shut up
[10:50] <The359> not me, I'm going to go look for food
[10:50] <The359> its more interesting then Drach's whining
[10:51] <mayorbill11> you're all a bunch of felchers
"C:\Documents and Settings\brett.fagan\Desktop\fceu081win\fceu.exe"

Great NES emulator that I play Final Fantasy on at work :D
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