The Death Of A Legend: A Very Special GT3 Good Bye

United States
Douglasville, G
Well drifters, the time is upon us. It's time to start wrapping up the last drift sessions with your ghost, time to finish up those last few F1 races, time to make that last turn on the complex string and then pack it up. Yes the death of this wonderful game is neigh but leave it to Night Majik Productions to make sure that it goes out with a bang.

This movie of mine is called The Death of A Legend and it pretty much commemorates GT3 in a way that I've never seen captured. I nearly cried making it thinking about all of the fun that I've had with this game and all of the headache it's given me at the same time. It pains me to watch it leave but at the same time it brings me joy to see a new wave of Gran Turismo coming. I hope that the next installment will continue to grow on us and will bring in a whole new breed of racers and drifters.

I also hope that the next game will cut that line of anger and rage between racers and drifters and that we will be able to live in one big world where it doesn't matter if you are the fastest forwards or the fastest sideways, its whether or not you had fun and you are good enough to bring others into the mix.

This is the link to the film.

The Death Of A Legend: A Very Special Gran Turismo 3 Goodbye

It's a movie that is longer than most and was created to tap into the pain of loss so don't hold back that tear if you feel it build up. It just means that you really appreciated this game and everything that it has created. If it weren't for this game we wouldn't be here chatting and sharing heart felt stories and movies with each other.

I hope that you enjoy watching this movie as much as I did making it. It was a very heartbreaking movie to make and it took a lot of time and effort to come up with just the right atmosphere and clip hunting to make it. I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback from my fellow GTPers and if you do like what you see, just remember that Night Majik is here to produce the most creative GT vids around.

Semper Fidelis and Never Forget
Shadow Drifter

PS-You will get why I say "Never Forget" after watching this movie.
I recently had something bought to my attention about the 100% viewing resolution for the movie, if it is too grainy to watch at 100 or 200 percent just switch to 50% and it will display in a normal 320x240 format. I rendered it in 720X320 because I thought that this movie deserved to be bigger than life. Thanks again for watching and please post or email your comments if you have any.
Ok, the drifts are in themselves good. Seen most of them before. But what is it with that **** **** music? and those 2 guys in love jumping around?

Goos stuff in a bad package. Bring on the original vids instead.
Yeah the credits are kinda long.:P
I didn't think the movie was that terrible. The scenes from DS1 were thrown in there just for fun, as a matter of fact the whole movie was made for the fun of it. I thought that I'd show my appreciation to GT3 and the GT3 drifters but I guess I did something wrong by doing that. I see. Next time I won't care enough to do anything somewhat nice or even respectful for people. :cool:No biggie.:cool:

Semper Fidelis,
Shadow Drifter
Originally posted by exhaust_note
Good Bye A$$hole... you will be forgoten...Heros get remembered but legends never are neither:cool:

Speak for yourself, ass.;) I thought it was kinda cool. Exhaust Note has always sucked ass though, so pay no attention.
Originally posted by exhaust_note
Good Bye A$$hole... you will be forgoten...Heros get remembered but legends never are neither:cool:

Well, like video games, and books you can't please all of the people all of the time. Sometimes a movie is so bad that you don't please any of the people any of the time, but I'll take that for what it's worth although I don't think I deserve the new title A$$hole, maybe I'll change my username to that:lol:
As for being forgotten, everyone forgets about their shadow, but no one can live without it. This is the kinda feedback I need though, so thank you exhaust_note, like I said before I'll take that to heart for what it's worth. So, no more tributes (of any kind) to GT, check, got it.

Semper Fidelis
Shadow Drifter
Originally posted by GTJugend
. . . But what is it with that **** **** music?
That's pretty funny,
I personally didn't think the music was all that bad, I thought it was good mood setting music. So, number 2, don't use music with sediment, check, got it. Like the feed back.

Semper Fidelis
Shadow Drifter
Originally posted by flohtingPoint
Yea, 2 dudes scared the hell out of me. I think this is the only video I've seen where the credits are longer than the actual movie =P

Now that's freakin funny.:lol:

Semper Fidelis
Shadow Drifter
omg nice video but gt3 will never die out. umm you live in VA omg ne2 but umm we need to talk so get on aim one day if you can.
Wow...amazing. One of the ebst drift vids ever. iw asn't really impressed. The drifts were half decent, then only thing that impressed me very little were the spins into drifts. One of the drifts were fake too. There was asolutely no smoke comin from the car and it was completely sidways. plus, it didn't hit the wall or move out of place.
Its a nice video i enjoyed it... dont mind that ass exhaust_note he just mad because his parents didnt buy him a hooker for his birthday... :lol: anyways nice video even though the music isnt my style i still enjoy the vid alot...

Keep bring vids dont stop because anybody say so.. pretty nice. GT3!!
I must say, you did a hell of a job with that film. The editing was really well done.......but the music.......I know it was supposed to be some sort of tear-jerker, but my wife was watching and is making me watch Titanic now. Next time give a man a warning or something.....PLEEEEASE!!!!!!! My testosterone level can take only so much!!!!
i like it man, the music is pretty good too. the guys that say the music sucks just arent comfortable with themselves O_O

love jams are the best...and that's the best **** a canadian ever did for anybody, that 2nd celine dion song...

great movie though man, good stuff.

you and yur homie are pretty funny =D
heh.....i only saw the very first part.....

i was rushed outta my uncle's house and he has broadband :(

i must get it too! this sucks.
Originally posted by xsyorra
I must say, you did a hell of a job with that film. The editing was really well done.......but the music.......I know it was supposed to be some sort of tear-jerker, but my wife was watching and is making me watch Titanic now. Next time give a man a warning or something.....PLEEEEASE!!!!!!! My testosterone level can take only so much!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh man, hold on, that's pretty funny. Titanic was a good movie.
Originally posted by exhaust_note
Good Bye A$$hole... you will be forgoten...Heros get remembered but legends never are neither:cool:

yes, perhaps this should be re-named....The End of an Era.
Originally posted by xsyorra
I must say, you did a hell of a job with that film. The editing was really well done.......but the music.......I know it was supposed to be some sort of tear-jerker, but my wife was watching and is making me watch Titanic now. Next time give a man a warning or something.....PLEEEEASE!!!!!!! My testosterone level can take only so much!!!!

Hahahaha!! Wow!! Is the music THAT soppy?? I must still view it.... Better hide the girlfriend!!:lol:
Ok.. watched it... very nicely done.. something different from the usual :)

BUT those guys!!!! DUDE!!! This is suppose to be a GT3 drifting tribute... those guys aren't even near a car (atleast)... or don't even have a wheel/controller in the hand... you should've skipped the "guys bonding" part...

Otherwise... a very good film, great Editing!!! Music is also ok.. depends on personal preference I suppose.. I'm not actually a Celine fan see?

Overall (and I will say this again)... GREAT job!!! :D :D
I thought more people saw Drft Saga 1, guess I was wrong. If you saw DS1 you'd get the jumping and lauging and the oy. But if you didn't then oh well, I'm glad you like the movie. Motivates me. LOL. It's funny how queer the word "motivate" sounds outside of the Marine Corps.


Semper Fidelis,
Shadow Drifter

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