The Death Of A Legend: A Very Special GT3 Good Bye

uhm. that video was very odd. "yeah we're gone lets hold hands a jump! YAY!" uhhh nice twin drifting, but in the big pictures. ehh it was ok.
Well, I appreciate all the work you put into the movie. A lot of the movies coming out now have an hour or 2 of editing, even if the drifts are good the movie suffers because of it. It’s nice to see someone putting a good deal of work in their movie; it was very good. Even though it was the cheesiest thing I have ever seen.

Still, good job; however, I would have like to have been notified that you were going to use parts of my movie in yours. I would have said yes, but it would have been nice if you had asked first. :) No hard feelings.

Steven Dorda
Nice Vid

but whats up with your car list man????????

whats up with all the stupid muscle cars man???

your japanese/okinawin right what the hell?????????

have a little pride in your own nation??????

Hail JDM
Originally posted by Touge-Drifter
Nice Vid

but whats up with your car list man????????

whats up with all the stupid muscle cars man???

your japanese/okinawin right what the hell?????????

have a little pride in your own nation??????

Hail JDM
don't get mad man
judge people on how they drift not by what car they r drifting in
(sigs too long btw)
I like the collection of video shots, but honestly, I really don't like the song, nor the cut scenes of you and your bud from your other vid. No offense, but they had their place and time, and I don't think that this was it.
Originally posted by toyomatt84
I like the collection of video shots, but honestly, I really don't like the song, nor the cut scenes of you and your bud from your other vid. No offense, but they had their place and time, and I don't think that this was it.

I agree. The video footage was good. The drifting was good, even though it was mostly a compilation of other people's drift vids. The music was just wrong. The jumping up and down while hugging...also very wrong, at least for a drifting video. I didn't get it at all. It was yet another drifting video that made me turn the sound off and my winamp player up.

Originally posted by Ethix101
I agree. The video footage was good. The drifting was good, even though it was mostly a compilation of other people's drift vids. The music was just wrong. The jumping up and down while hugging...also very wrong, at least for a drifting video. I didn't get it at all. It was yet another drifting video that made me turn the sound off and my winamp player up.


You mean to say that Cypress Hill and Celine Dione fall in the same category?? Bro.. That's twisted!!!:odd:
Originally posted by Catch-my-Drift?
You mean to say that Cypress Hill and Celine Dione fall in the same category?? Bro.. That's twisted!!!:odd:

You said it, not me. I merely said that I had to turn the music down in both situations. :)

the music blew... plain and simple...the title of this thread this guy really never gonna play GT3 again??? thats like saying im gonna never jerk off again...
Originally posted by Catch-my-Drift?
Hmmm.. makes me wonder what you consider as "ok" music..:confused:

Just wondering...:D :D

I consider most rock music to be "ok" as long as they aren't screaming or whining in every song (ex: Slipknot: Screaming, Deftones: Whining). I like some trance, rap, hip hop, classical, metal, etc, etc. To give you some examples, my favorite band is Incubus and lately I've been listening to Audioslave a lot.

Originally posted by Ethix101
I consider most rock music to be "ok" as long as they aren't screaming or whining in every song (ex: Slipknot: Screaming, Deftones: Whining). I like some trance, rap, hip hop, classical, metal, etc, etc. To give you some examples, my favorite band is Incubus and lately I've been listening to Audioslave a lot.


I see what you saying.. I'm also mostly into rock ballads... but the "screaming" songs that I like really ROCKS!! And I try to choose music that fits nicely with the vid... there is meaning to each vid I choose.... check the lyrics... it's not just because I like the song that I use.. it's also because it's significant to the vid I produce... (just a little explination of how i do things - bit of useless info!!):lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by exhaust_note
the music blew... plain and simple...the title of this thread this guy really never gonna play GT3 again??? thats like saying im gonna never jerk off again...

:lol: :lol: Don't get me wrong bro.. Im really not defending Celine!!! :lol:
this whole thing is totally pointless, GT3 aint goin nowhere just because GT4 is coming, heck, my broke ass will prolly be playing it for another 2 years till GT4 is like 9.99 lol.

And both songs were by Celine Dion o_0 At least thats what it said in the credits :P

ok music = anything but rap/hip-hop/gay white boy rock-rap, which I spose is ok in the right place and time, I think the rest of it all has its place and what not, but this music to a drift vid with the gay guys humping each other from behind = not cool. And having the credits go by at -30mph is seriously stupid, lol.

Also noticed u didnt use any drift shots from people on your own team, wuts up with that?

Okay, maybe the title is a little controversial, but what's Ameica without conroversy.

I really wasn't hoping to upset anyone with it and I'm sorry if I did. I thought it would be just a fun movie that would make people think about GT3. I didn't mean to phase out GT3 or make it seem like it's not a good game anymore, it's just that I made the movie while I was sitting around one day bored and thought to myself "Hmm, I wonder what the threads will be like if no one played GT3 anymore when GT4 comes out?"

I didn't mean to imply that I will never play GT3 again, nor did I mean to imply that GT3 will die in general, I just thought it was an interesting concept.

I also didn't mean to omit my own teammates, and you know that B. I have nothing but love for my teammates, you guys are family, why would I not include you guys, once again, I was just sitting around in my room and I decided to make this vid. I have other movies planned from GT3 and I just got through making one from me and my real life drift crew out in town drifting. And NO it doesn't have any cheesy music, I learned my lesson from the last vid and I will never do that again, or at least, not with music THAT cheesy. I'm sorry drifters, different folks different strokes I guess.

Steven, I'm sorry I didn't consult you first, I should have remembered that one from Law 101 that you should always "consult the holder of the copyright before you publish their work", just a little saying we had. I'm sorry once again.

The soundtrack award. I want it, at least the vid will have something come from it.

I hope that this doesn't detur any of you guys from watching further Night Majik productions because I really do put my all into these videos, mostly because video editing and rendering is what I want to do when I get out of the Marine Corps. I do work hard on these and I hope that future videos/movies will entertain my fellow drifters more than this last one did.

The guys, jumping, I see alot about that, and I can't help but laugh everytime I read about it because it totally wasn't my idea to put them in, it was a fellow Marine whose name will go unmentioned for fear of lawsuit, :lol: but I guess that's what happens when you let someone else interfere with your movie production. I hope that this clearifies any disputes, questions, concerns, comments and . . .anything for that matter, that may have come up.

Once again, I apologize for such a cheesy movie, I'll do ten push ups for every complaint so it looks like I'll be pushing concrete for a while. :lol:

Take care and Semper Fidelis
Shadow Drifter
Originally posted by Touge-Drifter
Nice Vid

but whats up with your car list man????????

whats up with all the stupid muscle cars man???

your japanese/okinawin right what the hell?????????

have a little pride in your own nation??????

Hail JDM

Oh, and I almost forgot about this guy.

1. No, I'm not Okinawan, although I love the Okinawan/Japanese culture, I am an American serving in the Armed Forces.

2. Muscle cars are not stupid, they would have to be able to have an Intelligence Query to be considered stupid. They are inanimate therefor have no IQ, ergo, cannot be stupid. I love raw torque and horsepower that comes from mashing your foot to the floor on an American gas-guzzling V8 and there is nothing that anyone can say to change that.

That said, I also love my S13 and I loved, and I mean loved, my Skyline before it went splut.

3. I do have pride in my nation, that's why I joined the Marine Corps.

4. I learned to drift in a Skyline, I currently give free, yeah that's NO COST, lessons to anyone in Okinawa that wants to learn how to drift. I will never, drift an American car in real life simply because of the torque and weight values. That's why I have muscle cars in the game, because it's fun to pretend and fantasize about drifting a $52,000 ZO6, but when it comes to actually doing it, let's just say that I'd trush myself behind the wheel of my $800 dollar S13 more.

Semper Fidelis and keep drifting,
Shadow Drifter
hey man if you are ever in san diego, ca, you think you could give me a few drift lessons? i have a 91 240sx fastback, open diff though...but its driftable! and i could use some help...but yeah man if yur ever out this way, i could use all the help i can get =]

btw, just like to say again that i really enjoyed the video.