How can I do dealership dioramas like these images below?
I have the gas pumps displayed in the upper photo - they look like the ones made by Tomica.
AFAIK - Tomica made a lot of Diorama stuff very early on in the game (discounting the HO-scale stuff that Lesney was involved in) and you may be able to source these off the Internet or from some hobby shop. As well - some of the present-day Tomica
sets also have diorama stuff that come with them.
The lower picture is a lot easier to simulate.
If we take a look at the 'floor' that could be any tile or board of the right colour.
The white lines look painted and only need a steady hand.
The 'grass' could be simulated by any fuzzy material - felt for instance.
The background walls look like cardboard, and again you can use a box (read further inside this thread and you may find some ideas) or Fome-Cor (a.k.a. foamboard) or any other type of stiff card.
Signs can always be cut out of magazines, or better - printed to detail and scale using a colour printer and a computer.
The pots, trees and other miniature stuff, again, can be purchased, or you may try making them out of plasticine.
The right scale people are the hardest to source - and you can find these on the Internet, or make them yourself using plasticine; for the latter you will need some sculptoring skills.
The major problem in creating effective and realistic dioramas is not so much finding the right stuff or even making them - it is setting everything up to scale so that the 'Proportions of Reality' (a phrase of mine I mayhaps use too often
) are satisfied. This means that the people should look like they could actually get into the cars. Look at pics of real people beside real cars and you may be surprised how small people look beside their cars.
Also - not all vehicles are built to identical scale, since model makers of small cars tend to follow a 'box-scale' and that can throw a viewer's perceptions off.
We all tend to look at stuff 'proportionately' and if those proportions do not satisfy our neuronic processing, then our brains start to make up stories about it to fit our perception - 'Oh! That's a monster monkey on the tree!' not that the monkey is regular size and that the tree is just a bush.
But this works to our advantage when also trying to fool the brain into thinking that it is reality it is viewing.
Next step is the photography itself - and that's a whole different ball-game.
And that's why this workshop is here in the Photography Forum.
Mood is the prime factor in presenting dioramic shots.
Running out of time. More later.
Feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. This is a leaning process . . . and for some of us will always remain one, as we learn more and more. 👍
Edited: for paragraphing and spelling.