The Earth is Flat?

  • Thread starter Corsa
“I am the only man in history to design then build then launch myself in my own rocket“

There may be a reason for that. :lol:

I also like that nobody is allowed to watch except for people he chooses. That totally doesn’t ruin your credibility or anything.
"I don’t believe in science. I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction."

I don’t believe in science. I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air, about the certain size of rocket nozzles, and thrust. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula. There’s no difference between science and science fiction.

That is the best thing ever. "I don't believe in science, although I'll be using science, so I won't be applying it to anything where it contradicts what I want."

Anyone who claims to know about aerodynamics and rocket thrust but doesn't think those things are science doesn't really know about aerodynamics and rocket thrust. Anyone can blow up a balloon and watch it squirt across a room. Launching several tons of metal safely and accurately requires a little more understanding, which he seems to be demonstrating a lack of.

I await news of his unfortunate and untimely death in the news. It's a shame that his enthusiasm, which is commendable, isn't accompanied by an equal measure of common sense.
We all live on a flat earth under a dome in an alterante universe, experiencing many Mandela effects from other parallell universes, in a computer simulated world.

Crazy huh. :D

EDIT: What in godsname is wrong with these conspiracy theorists?

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Don't worry. The Flatties have this one covered.

How do you explain day/night cycles and seasons?

Day and night cycles are easily explained on a flat earth. The sun moves in circles around the North Pole. When it is over your head, it's day. When it's not, it's night. The light of the sun is confined to a limited area and its light acts like a spotlight upon the earth. The picture below illustrates how the sun moves and also how seasons work on a flat earth. The apparent effect of the sun rising and setting is usually explained as a perspective effect.

When the sun is further away from the North Pole, it's winter in the northern hemiplane (or hemisphere) and summer in the south. A more simplistic picture can be found below.


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I wonder how much I could make building and selling those flat earth globes, an ironic name I would absolutely use.
I wonder how they chose the North Pole to be in the centre rather than the South Pole. It would seem like either one would do.
Remember the steam rocket man? Yeah. He pulled it off. I guess.

Surely it would have been exponentially cheaper to fly to Dubai, taken an elevator to the top and taken a gander out of the window...
Remember the steam rocket man? Yeah. He pulled it off. I guess.

Surely it would have been exponentially cheaper to fly to Dubai, taken an elevator to the top and taken a gander out of the window...
Curved windows, man, like on the airplanes. We do not do this thing because it is cheaper, or easier, or makes any kind of remotely logical sense. We do this thing to prove the haterz wrong and demonstrate that Flat Earth Science is real.

Except that this flight didn't prove diddly squat because he didn't even break through the snowglobe. I wonder how many of Mad Mike's luddite backers are prepared to stump up even more cash for the next suicidal flight which will definitely show we're living on Discworld, fo realz this time.
The successful flight of the flat-Earth rocket man is proof certain that we live in a post-modern world. We are all free to create our own reality. What could be better than that, either from a philosophy point of view, or a practical point of view?
The successful flight of the flat-Earth rocket man is proof certain that we live in a post-modern world. We are all free to create our own reality. What could be better than that, either from a philosophy point of view, or a practical point of view?
Other than the dodgy pseudoscience angle what's the difference between Mad Mike's launch and other steam rocket-riding daredevils of the past, besides a liberal coating of snake oil?

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Other than the dodgy psedoscience angle what's the difference between Mad Mike's launch and other steam rocket-riding daredevils of the past, besides a liberal coating of snake oil?

It would objectively seem that, other than the degree of professionalism, there was not much difference. However, Mad Mike's flight better satisfies the criteria of post-modernism.
Postmodernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late-20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism and that marked a departure from modernism.[1][2][3] The term has also more generally been applied to the historical era following modernity, and the tendencies of this era.[4]

While encompassing a disparate variety of approaches, postmodernism is typically defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, and often calls into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality.[5] Common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress.[5] Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingentor socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies.[5] Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, subjectivism, and irreverence.[5]
Post modernism blah poderism. This man rode a rocket and the flat earthers paid for it. This guy isnt a snake oils sales man, hes conned the psuedoscience ideologues to fund his flight.
But.... if the flat eathers try using this as some sort of proof... well, clearly it was all staged and CGI and all that drivel.
I dont think he had to sell them on anything. I got a feeling he walked into the "convention" with a rocket and they said "shut up and take my money."