The Elder Scrolls VI

United States
Marin County
I don't play these games but the guys I was watching stream the show basically laughed over this and said "Skyrim 2 basically". So it's Skyrim 2.
I'm not very well versed in TES lore, but the geography appears to be Mediterranean influenced. Anyone know which domain that points to?
For some reason lots of people are saying Elsweyr (the Khajiit homeland, and a desert) or the Black Marsh/Argonia (the Argonian homeland, and a swamp). Cyrodiil is unlikely - no appearance of the Imperial City? - and High Rock was the setting for Daggerfall. I want to say it looks like Valenwood, although that should have a few more giant trees.

I think on balance it's probably Hammerfell - which fits with the coast line, bits of mountain and reasonable, but not excessive, vegetation. That would give us some more Dwemer history and centre on Redguards who, like the Nords of Skyrim, rejected the White-Gold Concordat. So more kicking of awful Altmer. Yay.
For some reason lots of people are saying Elsweyr (the Khajiit homeland, and a desert) or the Black Marsh/Argonia (the Argonian homeland, and a swamp). Cyrodiil is unlikely - no appearance of the Imperial City? - and High Rock was the setting for Daggerfall. I want to say it looks like Valenwood, although that should have a few more giant trees.

I think on balance it's probably Hammerfell - which fits with the coast line, bits of mountain and reasonable, but not excessive, vegetation. That would give us some more Dwemer history and centre on Redguards who, like the Nords of Skyrim, rejected the White-Gold Concordat. So more kicking of awful Altmer. Yay.

I'd be down with Hammerfell. I'm looking forward to this a lot. If I were to pick a real world location that this resembles, I would probably say Greece (although a little stretched in the Z-dimension). Hammerfell seems to fit the mold of a Mediterranean landscape, am I right?

I don't play these games but the guys I was watching stream the show basically laughed over this and said "Skyrim 2 basically". So it's Skyrim 2.

Hmmm....I'm just not sure about that.
I almost cried when I saw this. But then I realized this is only a confirmation that they are actually planning to work on TES6. I wouldn't expect anything concrete until 2020, and that's just maybe an official trailer with hopefully some gameplay.
I think 2021 is more likely, it's still in pre production. Right now I am more interested in Starfield, according to sources, it's already playable at least in some form. So we will get that game a lot sooner than ES6, probably 2019, and more importantly, it should be available for this current console generation. ES6 probably will be a next-gen only title
I also was thinking High Rock or Hammerfell, maybe both. There is vegetation in that video, but it's not lush enough to be Black Marsh or Valenwood. It's not desert, so Elsweyr is out (unless Beth drastically altered lore again, *cough cough*). I'm with NLxAROSA; I don't care when it comes out, I'll be there.

The real question for me is: PS4 or Xbox1? I don't own either console yet. If I get it for PS4, this means I can also get GT7 when that comes out. But the Xbox will have better mods, and in general, the Xbox always gets the better deal in comparison. I do have a PC, but I'd have to upgrade the heck out of it to get its specs up to spec. :)
The real question for me is: PS4 or Xbox1? I don't own either console yet. If I get it for PS4, this means I can also get GT7 when that comes out. But the Xbox will have better mods, and in general, the Xbox always gets the better deal in comparison. I do have a PC, but I'd have to upgrade the heck out of it to get its specs up to spec. :)
Bethesda games at launch are usually hit-and-miss a bit (lots of bugs, some of which are progress-blocking), so it's an advantage to be on PC where you can use the console to get you out of hairy or broken situations. Then again, the last few games I haven't had any issues whatsoever. If I had to pick a console today, it would be Xbox One X.
I wouldn't assume mods are going to be made available on console for ES6, it might be a PC only, 3rd party, we'll see, but PC would be the better way to go if you want to mod you game.
Gopher also thinks it's Hammerfell. He says "we think" in the video so I assume he's been discussing it with others in the community.
If I had to pick a console today, it would be Xbox One X.

Thanks for your input.

I'll probably get it for PS4, this way I can also get Gran Turismo 7. At some point I'll just upgrade my PC (it's for gaming) like I said. I don't want to get both consoles though, it has to be one or the other. So in my mind right now, Playstation gets my vote since it'll be guaranteed good for GT. I can mod my Elder Scrolls game on PC, and leave it vanilla on PS4.

I wouldn't assume mods are going to be made available on console for ES6, it might be a PC only, 3rd party, we'll see, but PC would be the better way to go if you want to mod you game.

You're right, it's bad to assume. I'm only making that assumption because Bethesda surprised everyone when they made Skyrim mod-able for the latest-gen consoles. I never thought that would happen!
The real question for me is: PS4 or Xbox1?
I'd guess neither. Current assumptions are that TESVI (I can't wait until it has an actual name though; I wonder if it'll be geographical like Morrowind and Skyrim, event-based like Oblivion*, or something else) will be out late 2019 at the earliest. That's right around the time a lot of people suspect the PS5 will arrive...

*Technically a place too, I guess, but not the primary setting for the game, which is Cyrodiil
I'd guess neither. Current assumptions are that TESIV (I can't wait until it has an actual name though; I wonder if it'll be geographical like Morrowind and Skyrim, event-based like Oblivion*, or something else) will be out late 2019 at the earliest. That's right around the time a lot of people suspect the PS5 will arrive...

*Technically a place too, I guess, but not the primary setting for the game, which is Cyrodiil

Yeah. I'm imagining it will release on both generations as the console adoption rate isn't exactly immediate. I doubt Bethesda would leave PS4/XB1 sales on the table and I'm sure they will be building in a sliding scale of graphics fidelity already due to the PC version. I myself, will be picking it up on PC. Now, should I refresh my system (built late 2013 with high end components) or build a new system....that is the question...

On topic: I think Skyrim was an improvement on Oblivion in most ways and I hope that VI continues to improve the brand. One thing that Bethesda does pretty well is create strong narratives based on factionalism. I really enjoyed that this was a core aspect of Skyrim and New Vegas. In the other games it felt more like a device that was implemented in a more marginal way. NV's factions were especially well developed and deep....I hope that VI borrows some of that richness.
edit: legions of youtube comments indicate that it's likely High Rock which would mean a likely Breton-focused game.
High Rock has already had a TES game - Daggerfall. Although it should be pointed out that a lot of the map of High Rock (and bits of Hammerfell, admittedly) was randomly generated and not like the Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim maps, so perhaps it's due an update...

It also depends when the story is set. If it's around the time of Skyrim - or a little while after - Hammerfell will be more interesting, as it's not part of the Empire, and it has significant Dwemer history, like the city of Volenfell.
That's right around the time a lot of people suspect the PS5 will arrive...

Yikes, what a scary thought (for me and my gaming budget). i was hoping to hit this current generation for both games, this way the console I buy would already be reduced in price.
For some reason lots of people are saying Elsweyr (the Khajiit homeland, and a desert) or the Black Marsh/Argonia (the Argonian homeland, and a swamp). Cyrodiil is unlikely - no appearance of the Imperial City? - and High Rock was the setting for Daggerfall. I want to say it looks like Valenwood, although that should have a few more giant trees.

I think on balance it's probably Hammerfell - which fits with the coast line, bits of mountain and reasonable, but not excessive, vegetation. That would give us some more Dwemer history and centre on Redguards who, like the Nords of Skyrim, rejected the White-Gold Concordat. So more kicking of awful Altmer. Yay.
Someone at Eurogamer turned the ideas in this post into an article. A much, much, much longer article (and I have to say good work on that :lol: ) :
Thread is already five years old, and the game is still not due for another 3

Season 2 Waiting GIF by SHOWTIME
I hope Bethesda can bring back some magic that has been lacking since probably Skyrim. I've been playing that game again and enjoying it immensely in a way I didn't with Fallout 4. I haven't played Starfield, but I suspect I would feel the same way. They've prioritized base building as a mechanic too much at the expense of exploration and simply being in the world. Hopefully that won't carry over to TES - I want to be given a great world to explore, not some janky base building mechanics to be distracted with.
I don't hold out much hope. Starfield was so incredibly dated and that was announced at the same show. I've yet to see any evidence that Bethesda aren't still living in the Skyrim era, and that won't cut it these days.
Given how public opinion soured so quickly on Starfield, I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is meddling directly with its development now and delaying it even further.
I don't hold out much hope. Starfield was so incredibly dated and that was announced at the same show. I've yet to see any evidence that Bethesda aren't still living in the Skyrim era, and that won't cut it these days.
Maybe if they started selling their new titles to the 64 million PS5 owners as well, they'd be able to afford to develop their games better :rolleyes: