The Escudo Pikes Peak

The Escudo: post your opinion!

  • YES!!! :eek: This car is RAD and it helped me finish GT3

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Get some tape & a rubber band and PRESTO! Instant money at Super Speedway :O

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • It's fun to race my buddy and kick some butt!!!! :cheers:

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • It's great for practice but i rarely race mine.

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • I respect the Escudo but it has only one proper place: up Pike's Peak

    Votes: 12 35.3%
  • It's a cheat machine! :dunce:

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters

Parnelli Bone
United States
Columbia, MD.
Lately there's been a bit of Escudo discussion here in GT3 and so the other day I got curious on everyone's opinion.

What do you think of the "Excuse-o"? Have a vote and let us know!!
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I voted the rubber band thing, even though I just use toothpicks on my X button, and also lean the controller with the anologs touching the ground, to it can turn slightly right to avoid pit stops. I also used this to win the Test Course F1 Race, popping wheelies as soon as I exit the turns.
Yeah,the Escudo......brings back some memories.It was first introduced in GT2 and was especially made for the Hill Climb Rally (or so it was....) and it was the most dominating car in GT2(beat other racing cars to a pulp!) and at 2,000,000cr,it value for money as well.It was the cheat car everyone uses in GT2.

Then in GT3,the Escudo was not as great as it was (due to having F1 cars in GT3) but none the less still fun to do Championship with.But another cheat arose then,the wheelie cheat made the Escudo the fastest car in GT3. :crazy:

In GT4,the Escudo wasn't available as easy as GT2 or GT3.And sure enough,it didn't handle as good as it used to....being outperformed by Group C car and the Formula GT car.So by now,the Escudo was no longer a "cheat" car.But it has a long lasting legacy left behind.....thanks to PD,they made the car more into an even playing field.....good job PD! 👍

Well i hope they still include this car in GT5 :)
It's quite possibly the most overrated car in the game. When I won mine, I took it for a spin at Tahitti Maze to test it out. :crazy: What a dissapointment. It goes fast, but it's an absolute handfull if you want to turn. I really can't think of any events in the game I'd want to use it for, much less find it necessay for. There are so many cars that are more fun to drive in this game.

how du u du weeeleys
In GT3 I only ever used the Escudo and rubber bands at the Speedway Enduro, and even then it was only to win specific cars, not to make money. I ran the enduro myself the first time, and by the time I used the 'Scudo on it, I already had plenty of money.
I actually just used this beast mostly in GT2. In GT3, I actually used the F1 cars, Toyota GT-One, Mazda 787B and Nissan R390 to win most of the stuff.

The Escudo was without a doubt one of the funnest cars to drive :D
Instead of tape and rubber band
I just put a brick on the pedals for the steering wheel...Lmao.
Im using the car alot latley im trying to do the wheelie trick thing i can only get about 450km with it though :S
Lately there's been a bit of Escudo discussion here in GT3 and so the other day i got curious on everyone's opinion.

What do you think of the "Excuse-o"? Have a vote and let us know!!

Just thought, since the Escudo Pikes Peak seems to accerlerate from 0-200mph in 0.00000000001 seconds you should have called this thread something simalar to Dont blink! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I voted for the kick your friend's butt option because that's usually what I do with it. I remember when I bought it and tried it out for the first time. I was like, "Holy cow this thing's fast!" Then I bought a stage 4 turbo and I was even more amazed. Except every time I turned I'd lose control. Then I turned off all driving aids and it could only turn about 2 inches so I hit the emergency brake and it spun out like 7 times before I could stop it.:sly:

I don't remember ever RACING it though.:scared:

I mainly used it in GT2 for the s license needed events ( I think that's right, I've lost simulation mode since then) and in GT3 for Like the wind/my 300 mph break.
I voted for the kick your friend's butt option because that's usually what I do with it. I remember when I bought it and tried it out for the first time. I was like, "Holy cow this thing's fast!" Then I bought a stage 4 turbo and I was even more amazed. Except every time I turned I'd lose control. Then I turned off all driving aids and it could only turn about 2 inches so I hit the emergency brake and it spun out like 7 times before I could stop it.:sly:

I don't remember ever RACING it though.:scared:


Thank god. I was beginning to wonder if anyone around here actually uses Excuseos not to cheat. :boggled:
YES!!! This car is RAD and it helped me finish GT3!

And, yes! I'm back! :D

Well I applaud your honesty Mr. Cheatman! :D Finally someone filled that vote in! :cheers: I won't give you any +rep, tho, sorry :guilty:.
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I wish that PD would just bring back the Hill Climb! I loved Pikes Peak in GT2 and I really missed it in GT3. They could do an awesome job with it nowadays.
I wish that PD would just bring back the Hill Climb! I loved Pikes Peak in GT2 and I really missed it in GT3. They could do an awesome job with it nowadays.

I know; that was a fun track. And an unusual one since it doesn't loop back to the starting line. GT2 gives us basically only one of several stages of Pike's Peak.
Years ago, when I was a kid that didn't understand Gran Turismo, I used the Escudo for everything since it was the fastest car and unlike the RWD cars, I didn't spin out every 5 second. I got killed in the HP limit races though.

I've been trying to complete GT3 this Summer, and I only used the Escudo for Rally (I hate rally so much), the Professional 4WD race and the Super Speedway Endurance. The GT-One and F686 are better.
Stupor Speedway Endurance is actually a very challenging race if you approach it the right way. I know it's an oval, but to me it seems so much more interesting than the Test Track. I did Super Speedway 3x: in a Civic, in a Mustang, and some other car I'm forgetting. If you downplay your power, it's cool because you you really gotta learn how to take those corners (both of them) as efficiently as you can.

....but I'll get ignored with my suggestion as usual. :indiff:
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You won't get ignored Parnelli. Actually, earlier in the game, when I was on my second major car (The RX-7 you win the the Beginner 80's cup), I tried the race. I went about 30 laps, before realizing that my car was too slow and I was just wasting my time. I could have won the race though, but I didn't have the Super-slick tires, and I wasn't willing to drive around an oval track for an hour and a half only to lose. And Super Speedway is better because the test track is very depressing. The scenery is nicer, and there actually is a bit of strategy involved.

About the Escudo: Does anyone know of any rally games with the Escudo in it?
You won't get ignored Parnelli. Actually, earlier in the game, when I was on my second major car (The RX-7 you win the the Beginner 80's cup), I tried the race. I went about 30 laps, before realizing that my car was too slow and I was just wasting my time. I could have won the race though, but I didn't have the Super-slick tires, and I wasn't willing to drive around an oval track for an hour and a half only to lose. And Super Speedway is better because the test track is very depressing. The scenery is nicer, and there actually is a bit of strategy involved.

About the Escudo: Does anyone know of any rally games with the Escudo in it?

Well I never said you should finish a race you know you're gonna lose! That would be silly. My approach is usually: I could win this race, but I might not win it...and it takes some serious knowledge of braking points and cornering lines to tackle Super Speedway in a car that's a bit underpowered (or has iffy handing). I guess I'm really saying I didn't find the SSE to be boring at all...not with the drama between me, the S2000 and the Lotus, both of which kill with few pit stops.
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