Now we're a quarter of the way through the season, I will be PM'ing (private messaging) everybody who has signed on to the league to make sure everyone is still in the league and paying attention. If I don't receive a reply from the PM within 2 weeks of the PM date I will be opening up the spot.
Fact is that I don't want the field filled up with people who aren't taking part in the league.
Nurnburgring will go ahead as planned, as well as a race video. I am confident this time that you will be able to view the smoothest and highest quality race video yet.
Well I have just posted it on here.So anybody that does not read & respond to that message AND a PM I will send shortly, will be in the deadzone of losing their spot. I couldn't say it simpler, all it will take is a comment here or a PM saying "I'm still watching".
As for other video hosts, I tried them at the start of the season (including Vimeo - I'm pretty sure I did) and none allowed files larger than 2GB.
But I am pretty sure I have finally managed to crack smooth video *fingers crossed* on YouTube.
There won't be a race next week without a decent quality video.
Sandman; do you have the game yet?
dj_hazardousI've watched them go into the pits a few times (think it's a bug when it allows you to see them occasionally). All they do is stop and start, you don't see any pitcrew or anything.
Still here. Would hate to get banned.
lbsf1I'm still here keeping an eye on the thread, losing hope with Raikkonen though.
I just did a half an hour practice session and my best time so far is a 1 minute 30.2, but when i get on tonight im sure i can take a second or so off.
EDIT: can do much lower but this will do for now