moulin rouge?!?!?! i'll give ya that the singing was good, the screenplay alright, and all in all a pretty good story line.......but a musical??!?!???!?
hey what ever though, if you liked it that much, props to ya
i really liked the skyline in f&f, imo it was the best looking car in the movie, and a stock s2k would have troubles beating a souped up volksy.

but then again, i love the black car at the end, don't even know what it is.....ha
i wonder what everyone thinks about the green mile. 13th warrior 13th ghost, the patriot, the matrix, star wars all of em (the epic), seven, fight club i could go on and on.
i digged saving private ryan, i just don't think it was outstanding, because even how you explained it made it sound like a documentary and i go to movies for entertainment....not knowledge. it was still a good movie though eh, and i understand where you are coming from.