The favorite movies of GT Planet

  • Thread starter infallible
Lets make a list, see what kind of buffs we have here

my two bits go for

pulp fiction
fight club
the usual suspects

these movies tickle me pink, what are your guys fav movies?
(in no particular order)

saving ryans privates :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
full metal jacket :bomb:
platoon :camo:
first blood :crazy:
aliens :alien:
the great escape :burnout:
i saw training day yesterday, good movie

saving private ryan was alright, just wondering why you think it was one of the best movies you've seen?
  • The Man Who Sued God
  • Swordfish
  • Gone In 60 Seconds
  • Fast & The Furious

1. Man Who Sued God - Really funny
2. Swordfish - Lots of explosions, killing, etc.
3. Gone In 60 Seconds - Car theives, big cop chase at the end
4. Fast & The Furious - Love the cars
Originally posted by infallible

saving private ryan was alright, just wondering why you think it was one of the best movies you've seen?

what? this is an amazing film on a couple of levels, firstly the acting, story and filming :eek: make this one of the best films ever, but more than that it gave me an understanding of what men went through to get our freedom, i have seen war films before and thought oh yeh that was exciting, but this just made me think!.......don't want to get too deep, but you get the message yeh?
-Gone in 60 Secs
-Meet the parents

F and F sucked, some totally impossible stuff happened in it. All of the cars were ricers, no just really fast cars. Civics going under tractor trailors(I've been next to all kinds tractor trailors and have not yet seen 1 that a civic would go under like the one in F&F, and even if the civics were sitting on the bottom of the car, it wouldn't fit). Eclipse loses floorboard(did that guy just leave it loose? That won't happen at all in real life)and other guy jumps in it, placing feet where the floorboard WAS. Engines blowing and still driving. It was totally stupid to the people that know enough about cars to know when something can happen, and when something can't happen. Too much NOS, too much gang related junk. Too many stunts that can't happen. To me, going to see this movie was an insult to my, and everyone in my family's, intelligence.
i sooooo loved those fake flames when the 4 cars are at the line... like an Integra could backfire at all...

was i the only one who thought the "Jetta vs S2000" race was dumb? hey, look, even a stock S2K would have smoked that poor Jetta!

i think the S2000 was the only "good-looking" car in that movie... the Veilside kit isn't too bad... and the fact that the S2000 had a HKS turbo kit (that's true, i've seen it on a pic!)
moulin rouge?!?!?! i'll give ya that the singing was good, the screenplay alright, and all in all a pretty good story line.......but a musical??!?!???!?
hey what ever though, if you liked it that much, props to ya

i really liked the skyline in f&f, imo it was the best looking car in the movie, and a stock s2k would have troubles beating a souped up volksy. ;) but then again, i love the black car at the end, don't even know what it is.....ha

i wonder what everyone thinks about the green mile. 13th warrior 13th ghost, the patriot, the matrix, star wars all of em (the epic), seven, fight club i could go on and on.

i digged saving private ryan, i just don't think it was outstanding, because even how you explained it made it sound like a documentary and i go to movies for entertainment....not knowledge. it was still a good movie though eh, and i understand where you are coming from.
the green mile was good... very close to the actual book, which i read 2 days before seeing the movie...
I really enjoyed the green mile , anything with Tom Hanks is usually good viewing :) (who cried then ? i did :embarrassed: :P )

Besides that my favs are (not in order)

Pulp Fiction
Monsters inc
Toy story
The shining
True romance
The usual suspects
Back to the future 1&2

And Jacob's ladder (just watched it last night on tv for 1st time ,pretty good!)
I cut and pasted this from my answers in the thread polyphony 001 started a while ago, but a amended some of my choices to fit my cuurent feelings on this subject. :D

1. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
2. Jaws
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. Gladiator
5. Last of the Mohicans (best ending of any movie, ever)
6. Godfather 1 & 2
7. Shawshank Redemption
8. Forrest Gump
9. Shakespeare in love
10. Moulin Rouge
11. The Natural
12. Fantasia 2000.
13. Everest (imax)
14. Return to me
15. Grease
16. Romeo and Juliet - Franco Zeffirelli's version
17. The Quiet Man - John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara
18. The Princess Bride
19. Empire of the Sun
20. Any movie with Cary Grant
seen some of shawshank redemption, i think. is that the movie where the dude crawls through a $#!t tube to get out of prison.
I like tom hanks, his stuff is great.

If i would have directed the green mile i think i would have changed a couple of shots, given the movie a little different perspective. but the movie is near immaculate.