- 301
- Dorset
- Drtrebor007
PSN ID: DrTrebor007
Location/Time Zone:GMT
Favorite Car(s): Corvette Convertable and RX7
Favorite Track(s): Tsukuba and Deep Forest Raceway
Drifting Experience: Pretty much Drifted since game came out
Previous Team(s): N/A
Wheel or Controller? If you have a wheel, what kind?: Both, Drift with Controller as have yet to nail any drifts with DFGT
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
How often do you drift on GT5?: Everytime im on it
(most days)
What are you looking for in a team?: Casual approach, but with Structured Practices
Anything else you would like to add?: Please?
Location/Time Zone:GMT
Favorite Car(s): Corvette Convertable and RX7
Favorite Track(s): Tsukuba and Deep Forest Raceway
Drifting Experience: Pretty much Drifted since game came out
Previous Team(s): N/A
Wheel or Controller? If you have a wheel, what kind?: Both, Drift with Controller as have yet to nail any drifts with DFGT
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
How often do you drift on GT5?: Everytime im on it
What are you looking for in a team?: Casual approach, but with Structured Practices
Anything else you would like to add?: Please?