The Funny Video Thread

  • Thread starter DRIFT4EVA

For some reason this scene from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood seems a heck of a lot creepier now than it did when I was a kid.
my child hood........its all ruined just by this one video. Wait no I still have reading rainbow to hold on to.

But that is one creepy video for sure.

Does this count as Ironic?

Considering it's an electronic device....made by the Amish. Then again, it's not so much the video that's funny, more the thing being advertised.
So here's something to make up for that.

Not funny at all. I want my 10minutes back sir.
Frome the new hit show Mike & Molly. Hilarious scene from last week's show. It's the 'Earth, Wind & Fire Limo Scene.'

It might be worth it again for me to purchase a new Glock. But then, I'll just wait for somebody to do this with a Colt .45 pistol.

I haven't looked at all the pages so apologies if any of these are repeats.

The greatness that is Paul whitehouse, best actor ever. 👍

Voltswagen are great at making amazing ads. One of my favourites is their one of a guy putting up billboard posters advertising the new golf, he gets the last piece out (the price) and calls his supervisor because he thinks they have given him the wrong piece. (However obviously havent.)

Very clever.

Watch the top gear episode where they had to make a vw ad, it has lots of other examples of vw ad greatness.