gamerdog6482Why would you? Fiddle remote me and I'll sabotage them to you.
@Rob192005 Did you get my bobs working?
I don't have a GT-R yet. Pretty please?
I'll take the mattes if that's ok.
I need you to log into mate.
How about starting the game and hosting a race, that might get the servers to update.I've done that!
Why does it work when y'allz suggest it but not when I do it beforehand?
Scottish's bobs will be in this one alongside Ouwtje's bobs,Gamerdog's and few others.
I don't want to spoil too much of the fun we have here with out Bob's and stuff.
But we cannot let this thread become a B-grinder chat room
I'm afraid the Mod's would move it away from here if it would becoming one.
Thanks for the understanding and cooperation 👍
gamerdog6482Uh, sure, but it will be 2-3 days.
We should make one 💡
The glitch gear and some other stuff have been shippedenjoy!