The Giveaway Thread: READ OP before posting - thanks

  • Thread starter Outeke
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@scotttish GT5 ticket sent.
Now what you be offering in hear for free instead of take take take.....
I can give you a silver Sebring metallic only got one slot today
Any perticular one

Was just looking for a metallic or two to jazz up my RM cars, anything snazzy metallic will do thanx. :tup

FR: hornet919
Well for all those who thought I was take take take, I am now going to give give give!
I can offer any of the following:
Level: 1, 5, 7, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1000
Year: 1967
NB: I can't send for 2 days. And at the moment I can only give away one until my schedule clears!
EDIT: I also have a 0/0/0 Speed 12 if anyone wants that!!
does any1 have 2010 ticket i want to have them all
Sorry! I always get caught out with this one!


Lets share this together :)

Currently on offer:

[*]XJR-9 Purple paintchip (can be asked)
[*]#112 horn (can be asked)
[*]Gifts like cars and tickets (cannot be asked)

We don't allow asking for things in this thread besides the one marked as so!!
Give more then you take. In the long run, you will benefit from that for sure.
Scottish GT5
Well for all those who thought I was take take take, I am now going to give give give!
I can offer any of the following:
Level: 1, 5, 7, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1000
Year: 1967
NB: I can't send for 2 days. And at the moment I can only give away one until my schedule clears!
EDIT: I also have a 0/0/0 Speed 12 if anyone wants that!!

Give more then you take. In the long run, you will benefit from that for sure.

Is this ok?
Hey OUTEKE, How would you get this thread stickied? I think it needs to be.

5 free paints available this morning! 👍
Hey OUTEKE, How would you get this thread stickied? I think it needs to be.

5 free paints available this morning! 👍

Good question, I have no idea what criterea is needed.
And no idea which mod to ask...

Maybe when lot of people wants it sticky'd...they do.

Please promote it 👍
Good question, I have no idea what criterea is needed.
And no idea which mod to ask...

Maybe when lot of people wants it sticky'd...they do.

Please promote it 👍

I would certainly like this thread to be sticky'd!

The tickets are still available if anyone wants one! 👍
I would certainly like this thread to be sticky'd!

The tickets are still available if anyone wants one! 👍

Great that is #2!

Yes, it is some days difficult to get rid of a car/ticket.
I anyway wish you all the best 👍
When I do get some rare paints I will offer them up. For now If you want any gear just ask. I'll see if I have it. If I have it I will gift it to you.
Maybe we need to do a Flash-Noob! We pick some random 'Hi, I'm new to GTPlanet...' thread. We all friend him. Then we unload tickets, paints etc to fill his gift box.

I call it the - Flash-Noob. ;)
Maybe we need to do a Flash-Noob! We pick some random 'Hi, I'm new to GTPlanet...' thread. We all friend him. Then we unload tickets, paints etc to fill his gift box.

I call it the - Flash-Noob. ;)

I tell you what, that would be one lucky newbie!
When I do get some rare paints I will offer them up. For now If you want any gear just ask. I'll see if I have it. If I have it I will gift it to you.

Friend Request me, I'll give you some chromes and mattes!
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