InvincibleM5Ah, fantastic! Thanks for the tips and corrections Liquid.
I'm soon to be an English teacher so all this stuff are very important.
Good luck 👍
Ah, fantastic! Thanks for the tips and corrections Liquid.
I'm soon to be an English teacher so all this stuff is very important.
I'll go even further than Matty. ^^
I punctuate if it's part of the quote. I'm actually unsure when I would ever do otherwise.
With apostrophe is possesive, without apostrophe is plural.
Although you will sometimes see people write Boeing's as a plural, it's wrong.
CDs. DVDs. BMWs. All plural.
Quite true, except for the word "it". "It's" is a contraction of "it is", period, full stop. The possessive form of "it" does not have an apostrophe.
Possessive form of it is its, that's correct. But there's a difference between a possessive apostrophe and a possessive pronoun.
's - possessive suffix attatched to nouns. The car's colour, as in, the colour of the car (Genitive). The man's sense of humour, as in, the sense of humour of the man (Genitive). The post's threadworthiness, as in, the threadworthiness of the post (Genitive).
It's pure coincidence that the contracted form of 'it is' is it's, courtesy of the S in is. It's got nothing to do with the possessive form of it, and is comparable with I'm, you're, we're and they're. Stems from the auxiliary verb 'be'.
Its is a possessive pronoun. Comparable with my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
He kicked his brother.
You fell, and broke your leg.
The cup fell, and its handle broke.
Nothing to do with it's, although the two are often confused.
Actually the pronoun with the verb "to be" yields a whole plethora of contractions.
Similarly, we have other possessive pronouns: his, hers and yours.
Although I locked the thread, I started a similar thread in 2010.We already have one of these. Try doing a search for it.You search it then. I couldn't find anything. If you want to tell me to search, the least you could do is actually find the thread. I've looked everywhere, high and low, but I couldn't find any thread remotely similar to this.