The Green Thread.

  • Thread starter W3H5
My parents litter a lot. Whenever my parents drive me somewhere I always spot them throwing away used napkins, plastic stuff, etc. onto a place that isn't appropriate, where instead it should land in a trash can or a recycle bin. I told them to stop but they continue to litter. It puts me in a bad mood to witness such an involuntary action. It surely isn't helping on the litter that plagues the neighborhood & the district. It is quite commonplace for many people to litter where I live, yet no one attempts to speak out and try to relinquish this. Even the district cleanups is not enough to cause a significant change in the environment, because many people would ignore it and treat the world as their own personal trash can.

Obviously I shun on littering. It doesn't bother me that the nearest trash can is a mile away. I'm not too lazy to walk a mile. And usually laziness is the one of the strongest encouragements in littering.
^ I'm like that too, I'm lucky that my parents hate litter too. Probably why people like to "hang" with me. Because if they litter I will shove the litter in their face and then tell them to put it in the bin. I once yelled at a friend for littering when a bin was literally five meters away!!! Littering isn't just bad for the earth, but it just makes people see the litterer as a loser. That's how I see it.

My school's litter is so bad that I got yelled at for throwing bread onto the field, and when I told teachers it was for birds (which it actually was, I've always given them bread) the teacher forced me to pick it up and put it in the bin! What a waste!!! I didn't put it in the bin, I kept it on my person and then threw it back out when they had gone.