The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 01 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter syntex123
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If anyone needs a free video editing program, Blender is a good one to use. It's more commonly known as 3D modelling software but it can do many other things. Here's a guide for first-time users if they're struggling to optimise their recording for GIPHY.

First of all, download and install Blender. I used 2.78 for this tutorial but the current one at this time, 2.79a, shouldn't be any different.

Open Blender up and you should see a screen like this (minus all the recent files because you haven't used it yet)

Currently, it's in its Default mode, for 3D modelling. We'll need to change it to the Video Editing mode.
If you go up to the top where it says 'Default', click on the button outlined in red to choose the Screen layout...

... and click on Video Editing...

... and you should now be greeted with something like this.

First things first, go down to the bottom, where it says Add. Click on that and click on Movie.

Locate and select your recorded clip on your USB or wherever you've placed it. Click Add Movie Strip...

... and you should now see, along the lower section of the screen called the Video Sequence Editor, two bars. The darkish blue coloured one is the video, the teal coloured on is the audio. Don't worry about the audio, we don't need to mess with it.

Press the Home button while your mouse cursor is in the Video Sequence Editor to see the whole sequence.

Next you'll need to change both of the values, outlined in red, to 450. The left value is the end limit of the number of frames your final video will have, and the right value is the cursor point (the green thing that says 15+00)

The reason why is because the 450th frame on this current project, running at roughly 30fps, would equate to 15 seconds.

Now to speed our clip up to fit those 15 seconds. Go into Add, the Effect Strip, then select Speed Control.

Right-click on the pink Speed strip, then go over to the sidebar on the right. Scroll down until you see the tab named Effect Strip and Untick 'Stretch to input strip length'.
Now for a bit of Maths, you'll see in the image below that my Speed factor is 1.200...

This is worked out by dividing the total number of frames of your clip, found on the end of your bar label (540 in my case)...

by the total number of frames we need (450). 540 / 450 = 1.2 so I put 1.2.

Now the clip has been sped up, press Play on the bottom to check to see if your clip runs and loops properly in the top right. You might see a fps counter pop up and slow down as you play but don't worry about that.

Now to export the new clip, go to the top left screen part, click on the square box with an image inside and select Properties...

... which will change that screen part to this.

We need to set up the export options and encoding before we export. Scroll down until you see the Output tab and select MPEG, then the Encoding tab will pop up. Open the Encoding tab and make sure you have the Format as MPEG-4, the Codec as H.264 and the Audio as AAC.

Right, scroll back up to the top and hit the Animation button, under Render...

... and you should now see Blender playing through your video and rendering it.

Once it is done, open File Explorer, go into your C:\ drive and open up the 'tmp' folder, there you should see your new video. It'll probably be named '001-450.mp4' or something.
Drag that video into GIPHY, set the duration to 15 seconds and click through the rest and there you go.
Format tweaks aside, here is my hat into the ring. :) Working on getting the GIF done and will edit it in when I can get it later tonight.

Chevrolet Camaro LM - Corvette Gr.4



All 4 are the same car with different paint, of course. None of the decals are mine, but credits as follows:

6 - okasan_joestar07
5 - okasan_joestar07
BBS - colgateam
Bosch - blackbeauty-79
Chevrolet Bow Tie - LorD-ProtectoR99 @Lord Protector
Chevrolet Text - muteXG
Goodyear - GTS default set
GT Logo - GTS default Set
Polyphony Digital - nippi_2121
Shell Logo - Zeppy_ZEP @zeptrans
Shell Text - Zeppy_ZEP @zeptrans
US Flag - Matski @MatskiMonk

EDIT: And of course I've now found something I missed..... :dunce:



Preview images can not exceed 640 pixels in either direction.

Regarding the concerns of using other's SVGs and the other "problems" mentioned I cannot really agree with them. Why make your own SVG if there are already 500 of them uploaded? If somebody uses a logo with the wrong font that's that persons problem imho :D
A week is a tight time range, I'd maybe do a 2-week-competition? Usually I slap together a livery in a few hours in one session only to then find minor flaws with it some time later, but I guess that's just how I work :dopey:
To make the 360° gif mandatory is not a good idea imho as it's quite a challenge to loop it perfecty, as stated yesterday it took my several tries and errors and it's still not a perfect look. With time comes practise tho.
That the topic isn't too specific with this one isn't a problem imho, there are very open PMCs and some with very big restrictions, so whoever wins a LEC(?) can also make everybody use specific stickers, tire logos, sponsors and cars. That's the joy imho, you never know what somebody else comes up with and how much it challaneges your creativity or eye for detail :)
Personally I think the idea of a weekly livery competition is a great idea but I don't agree with the format as it stands.

I know this is the first one, but for those of us with lives outside of gaming (recently I've been lucky if I can get on the PS4 for a total of 2-3 hours a week) a week is too short for the amount of work a fully detailed replica livery requires. Sure you can chuck a few decals on a car in a rough approximation of the original, but where's the challenge in that? A replica needs at least two weeks to a month to produce accurate results especially if custom decals are required.

Like you said this is the first one, and I thought a reminiscence of the past would be a great way to kick things off. Sure, I'll increase the length to two weeks, seems only fair since like you said livery work is delicate work and with the limited playtime for most it seems fair.

The other big issue is that a theme this open is that it won't necessarily reward quality. You post up a mediocre Martini livery on a Porsche vs. an obscure, yet 100% accurate livery on a Nissan GT-R and chances are the Porsche will win as that's a more popular car with a more universally popular sponsor.

People should be allowed to vote for what they like, that's how all competitions go down. But this shouldn't be abused. Contestants are free to explore and make their own twist, and in regards to the theme I think @LaSupra did an excellent job of recreating and reimagining a classic livery on a different car, given we have no Pulsars in GT Sport.

For a fair competition I think you need to limit both the car, and title sponsor(s) (in some cases even tyre and oil suppliers) and treat it like a real-world livery design job from a team. This way, people can judge the finished results based on the design itself instead of being swayed by a particular car or sponsor.

This will reward people's creativity rather than focusing (or not, as in my example above) on who’s better at creating custom decals and using the camera alignment tool (of course those skills will still come in handy and may produce better results on certain trickier cars). It also allows for people to throw together a quick idea and potentially provide more entrants which is healthy for the competition.

Yes, this will be limited as the competition progresses with other themes. Winners are free to set limits the way they see fit, and how you just explained it how I see it happen. Next theme (since the winner this time can't choose the second but third theme) will utilize your limits.

"This week, GT Planet Racing want you to design a livery for their new Gr.3 entrant. For the 2018 season they have secured title sponsorship from Brembo Brakes. GT Planet Racing have left the base colour of the car open, but request that you incorporate their corporate colours (Red, Blue & Black) into the design"

Car - BMW M6 GT3
Title Sponsor(s) - Brembo Brakes
Tyre Supplier - Michelin
Oil Supplier - Mobil1
Base Colour - No Limit
Corporate Colour(s) - Red/Blue/Black

The winner then suggests the options for the next week using the same template.

Yes, I agree. In risk of repeating myself, like I said above this is how I too see how it should go down. The theme I chose to start with doesn't really need heavy restrictions like this, though.

As you can tell, I've put a bit of thought into this and would be happy to help anyone with the setup/running of a comp, and I hope I’m not treading on anyone’s toes by suggesting this, just sharing what’s been in my head for a while now.

Yes, and I appreciate your words, and I hope I clarified a few things with this reply. :)

Also as a quick side point - whilst the 3D GIFs look cool, they're a bit of a faff and may put people off entering if they're not computer savvy or lack the access (I know of at least one member on here who's great at liveries but doesn't have access to a computer and I suspect more and more people view GTP via tablets and phones) so something to bar ein mind if you want to appeal to more entrants.

Sure. But you can make that GIF on your phone as well. You can crop clips, edit speed, make a GIF through the Giphy app. If your phone doesn't do this vanilla, there are tons of editing apps for free, both on Android as well as iPhone. Those GIFs look best viewed on a mobile format anyway, which is why I chose to have it as a form of entry. A static picture doesn't do the livery any justice. A film clip would be too time consuming to watch, a spinning GIF doesn't require you to click anything, just stop scrolling for a second and view it, then scroll to the next. :)

If we're doing comments and criticisms of the format...

... The biggest issue I have is one of decal credit. Slapping someone else's great decal work on an otherwise easy to create or unimaginative livery might yield someone a lot of votes... but at the same time, not everyone can produce their own and it wouldn't be cool to exclude them. I think some consideration should be given to addressing this.

I actually thought about this. But giving credit to a Bilstein decal which everyone can make doesn't really make sense, if it was Forza where it takes time and a lot of effort making a good decal, sure. But yes, I think where it is possible you should give credits. In a spoiler to not clutter the entry, for example.

FWIW, I've already knocked up an entry because I'm happy to join in for a bit of fun and pad out the entry's - though I've already spent more time on trying to do the 360° Gif than I did on my decals! I don't have windows movie maker, and I'm not sure if I can reinstall my old perfectly legitimate copy of Adobe Premiere. I'm tempted to suggest that doing a manual sweep around the car in the livery editor, to last no longer than 15 seconds, might be an easier option - that way it's much easier to go from PS4 to Giphy without that extra step in between..

I think I used five minutes, from recording the spin to making the GIF. I had never done that before, I just had it in my head and did it. It shouldn't be hard. I cropped the clip in Quicktime (a PERFECT loop isn't neccessary. Just not a huge difference in start- and ending point, if you know what I mean). And there should be several free options to speed up a clip, I used iMovie. Use your phone if necessary :) (For those unsure how to get a clip from your PC to your phone or vice versa just use Dropbox)

My gut feeling is maybe the scoring system needs to be something more than a simple poll, perhaps this would allow people to give points for different aspects of livery creation. Creating a good replica is not at all like create a great original livery --- or perhaps I'm just overthinking it.

Like I say, I don't wish to criticise, happy for it to be just a bit of fun.

A poll is the easiest to manage, and I need several moderators to help out if every person voting is going to give points to several aspects - to then see who wins. I think it's a great idea, 8 points for execution, 7 points for replication, 5 points for colors and 10 points for logos. But it would take forever to collect and add up the data in the end if I'm doing this all alone. Also it would take up unnecessary time for voters to actually vote, when they are scoring several aspects instead of clicking the one they like the most. I like your idea, though.

To make the 360° gif mandatory is not a good idea imho as it's quite a challenge to loop it perfecty, as stated yesterday it took my several tries and errors and it's still not a perfect look. With time comes practise tho.

Doesn't have to be perfect, I did it on one try in Quicktime and it ended up pretty decent. Just do a 90% good loop and that's it, no need to strive to get that 99,9% :D

That the topic isn't too specific with this one isn't a problem imho, there are very open PMCs and some with very big restrictions, so whoever wins a LEC(?) can also make everybody use specific stickers, tire logos, sponsors and cars. That's the joy imho, you never know what somebody else comes up with and how much it challaneges your creativity or eye for detail :)
Exactly. Better to start off soft and then get more limited as the competitions go along. I foresee specific liveries in the future of this LEC. Next one for example, like I said a lot further up in this post, will have more restrictions and things to look out for. ;)

This has been a long write, I hope we all are in a state of agreement now! :) Carry on as you were. :lol:

If anyone needs a free video editing program, Blender is a good one to use. It's more commonly known as 3D modelling software but it can do many other things. Here's a guide for first-time users if they're struggling to optimise their recording for GIPHY.

First of all, download and install Blender. I used 2.78 for this tutorial but the current one at this time, 2.79a, shouldn't be any different.

Open Blender up and you should see a screen like this (minus all the recent files because you haven't used it yet)

Currently, it's in its Default mode, for 3D modelling. We'll need to change it to the Video Editing mode.
If you go up to the top where it says 'Default', click on the button outlined in red to choose the Screen layout...

... and click on Video Editing...

... and you should now be greeted with something like this.

First things first, go down to the bottom, where it says Add. Click on that and click on Movie.

Locate and select your recorded clip on your USB or wherever you've placed it. Click Add Movie Strip...

... and you should now see, along the lower section of the screen called the Video Sequence Editor, two bars. The darkish blue coloured one is the video, the teal coloured on is the audio. Don't worry about the audio, we don't need to mess with it.

Press the Home button while your mouse cursor is in the Video Sequence Editor to see the whole sequence.

Next you'll need to change both of the values, outlined in red, to 450. The left value is the end limit of the number of frames your final video will have, and the right value is the cursor point (the green thing that says 15+00)

The reason why is because the 450th frame on this current project, running at roughly 30fps, would equate to 15 seconds.

Now to speed our clip up to fit those 15 seconds. Go into Add, the Effect Strip, then select Speed Control.

Right-click on the pink Speed strip, then go over to the sidebar on the right. Scroll down until you see the tab named Effect Strip and Untick 'Stretch to input strip length'.
Now for a bit of Maths, you'll see in the image below that my Speed factor is 1.200...

This is worked out by dividing the total number of frames of your clip, found on the end of your bar label (540 in my case)...

by the total number of frames we need (450). 540 / 450 = 1.2 so I put 1.2.

Now the clip has been sped up, press Play on the bottom to check to see if your clip runs and loops properly in the top right. You might see a fps counter pop up and slow down as you play but don't worry about that.

Now to export the new clip, go to the top left screen part, click on the square box with an image inside and select Properties...

... which will change that screen part to this.

We need to set up the export options and encoding before we export. Scroll down until you see the Output tab and select MPEG, then the Encoding tab will pop up. Open the Encoding tab and make sure you have the Format as MPEG-4, the Codec as H.264 and the Audio as AAC.

Right, scroll back up to the top and hit the Animation button, under Render...

... and you should now see Blender playing through your video and rendering it.

Once it is done, open File Explorer, go into your C:\ drive and open up the 'tmp' folder, there you should see your new video. It'll probably be named '001-450.mp4' or something.
Drag that video into GIPHY, set the duration to 15 seconds and click through the rest and there you go.

Adding this to OP. Cheers!
A lot of valid points in the above posts regarding components of this new competition. Just trying to keep the options together.;)

Format concerns / tweaks / wishes from replies in this thread ;

- Time, 2 /3 weeks instead of 1
- Judging, who and how or keep it as it is
- Subject, winner gets to choose the next challenge. Per fixed set or keep it very open?
- 360 gif, a challenge for contestants
A lot of valid points in the above posts regarding components of this new competition. Just trying to keep the options together.;)

Format concerns / tweaks / wishes from replies in this thread ;

- Time, 2 /3 weeks instead of 1
- Judging, who and how or keep it as it is
- Subject, winner gets to choose the next challenge. Per fixed set or keep it very open?
- 360 gif, a challenge for contestants
Two or three week is too much in my opinion, I think time is part of the challenge, and with Svg liveries don't require so much times. with a too long time personally I could lose interest.
About Svg, it's clear that with free sharing svg everyone can paint a livery, is for this that you can't rate painters for a simple replica livery of old Gt's. The better painter is clearly who CREATE a better base lines and a more realistic liveries, using and choosing betters sponsor.
In my opinion this competition must be simple, in the future we can organize an addictional competition with judges and more rounds with elimination (like the Forza Idol for who remember Fm4).
Like you said this is the first one, and I thought a reminiscence of the past would be a great way to kick things off. Sure, I'll increase the length to two weeks, seems only fair since like you said livery work is delicate work and with the limited playtime for most it seems fair.

People should be allowed to vote for what they like, that's how all competitions go down. But this shouldn't be abused. Contestants are free to explore and make their own twist, and in regards to the theme I think @LaSupra did an excellent job of recreating and reimagining a classic livery on a different car, given we have no Pulsars in GT Sport.

Yes, this will be limited as the competition progresses with other themes. Winners are free to set limits the way they see fit, and how you just explained it how I see it happen. Next theme (since the winner this time can't choose the second but third theme) will utilize your limits.

Yes, I agree. In risk of repeating myself, like I said above this is how I too see how it should go down. The theme I chose to start with doesn't really need heavy restrictions like this, though.

Yes, and I appreciate your words, and I hope I clarified a few things with this reply. :)

Sure. But you can make that GIF on your phone as well. You can crop clips, edit speed, make a GIF through the Giphy app. If your phone doesn't do this vanilla, there are tons of editing apps for free, both on Android as well as iPhone. Those GIFs look best viewed on a mobile format anyway, which is why I chose to have it as a form of entry. A static picture doesn't do the livery any justice. A film clip would be too time consuming to watch, a spinning GIF doesn't require you to click anything, just stop scrolling for a second and view it, then scroll to the next. :)

I actually thought about this. But giving credit to a Bilstein decal which everyone can make doesn't really make sense, if it was Forza where it takes time and a lot of effort making a good decal, sure. But yes, I think where it is possible you should give credits. In a spoiler to not clutter the entry, for example.

I think I used five minutes, from recording the spin to making the GIF. I had never done that before, I just had it in my head and did it. It shouldn't be hard. I cropped the clip in Quicktime (a PERFECT loop isn't neccessary. Just not a huge difference in start- and ending point, if you know what I mean). And there should be several free options to speed up a clip, I used iMovie. Use your phone if necessary :) (For those unsure how to get a clip from your PC to your phone or vice versa just use Dropbox)

A poll is the easiest to manage, and I need several moderators to help out if every person voting is going to give points to several aspects - to then see who wins. I think it's a great idea, 8 points for execution, 7 points for replication, 5 points for colors and 10 points for logos. But it would take forever to collect and add up the data in the end if I'm doing this all alone. Also it would take up unnecessary time for voters to actually vote, when they are scoring several aspects instead of clicking the one they like the most. I like your idea, though.

Doesn't have to be perfect, I did it on one try in Quicktime and it ended up pretty decent. Just do a 90% good loop and that's it, no need to strive to get that 99,9% :D

Exactly. Better to start off soft and then get more limited as the competitions go along. I foresee specific liveries in the future of this LEC. Next one for example, like I said a lot further up in this post, will have more restrictions and things to look out for. ;)

This has been a long write, I hope we all are in a state of agreement now! :) Carry on as you were. :lol:

Adding this to OP. Cheers!

All good stuff.

I still think a 3/4 front and 3/4 rear screenshot is a better way of showcasing the liveries and easier to achieve without 3rd party software. It's no real concern to me as I have a MacBook with iMovie etc, but it's more the time/hassle involved when 2 images can achieve the same sort of coverage if not better, as if taken from above they'd actually show the bonnet and roof which are not really visible in the preview rotation. Also despite the small mandatory size GIFs can still be slow to load and the GIF compression can limit colours and spoil the image.

Probably going to struggle to get anything done for this round, but I'm certainly looking forward to how this all pans out and hope to enter in the future!
I actually thought about this. But giving credit to a Bilstein decal which everyone can make doesn't really make sense, if it was Forza where it takes time and a lot of effort making a good decal, sure. But yes, I think where it is possible you should give credits. In a spoiler to not clutter the entry, for example.

It's not so much crediting every single decal (thanks though @DigitalBaka ;) ) that I think is relevant... it's when a livery is heavily dependent on awesome decals that someone else did. My problem with it isn't necessarily that the originator won't get credit -- that's just the nature of GTS's sharing system... it's more that the person who uses them may not have really put any effort into their livery but may still be taking credit for something that looks great. Your average sponsor logo is unlikely to make or break a livery, but some decals might... that's really all my point was. I'm not suggesting a rule change or anything, but I'd consider it good sportsmanship for people to admit if large chunks of their livery were not there own - if people still want to vote for it because it looks good, I don't have a problem with that.
A lot of valid points in the above posts regarding components of this new competition. Just trying to keep the options together.;)

Format concerns / tweaks / wishes from replies in this thread ;

- Time, 2 /3 weeks instead of 1
- Judging, who and how or keep it as it is
- Subject, winner gets to choose the next challenge. Per fixed set or keep it very open?
- 360 gif, a challenge for contestants
Set it to 14 days now, we’ll see how that works out.
Winner selects theme indeed, but since this is the first one, the second would be very delayed if the first winner gets to choose the second theme. Just like the photo comp, you know?

All good stuff.

I still think a 3/4 front and 3/4 rear screenshot is a better way of showcasing the liveries and easier to achieve without 3rd party software. It's no real concern to me as I have a MacBook with iMovie etc, but it's more the time/hassle involved when 2 images can achieve the same sort of coverage if not better, as if taken from above they'd actually show the bonnet and roof which are not really visible in the preview rotation. Also despite the small mandatory size GIFs can still be slow to load and the GIF compression can limit colours and spoil the image.

Probably going to struggle to get anything done for this round, but I'm certainly looking forward to how this all pans out and hope to enter in the future!

I don’t get how some people think it’s so hard to make that GIF, it’s so easy. But okay, if that’s what the majority wants, I’ll rid the comp of it and just make it how you wish.

It's not so much crediting every single decal (thanks though @DigitalBaka ;) ) that I think is relevant... it's when a livery is heavily dependent on awesome decals that someone else did. My problem with it isn't necessarily that the originator won't get credit -- that's just the nature of GTS's sharing system... it's more that the person who uses them may not have really put any effort into their livery but may still be taking credit for something that looks great. Your average sponsor logo is unlikely to make or break a livery, but some decals might... that's really all my point was. I'm not suggesting a rule change or anything, but I'd consider it good sportsmanship for people to admit if large chunks of their livery were not there own - if people still want to vote for it because it looks good, I don't have a problem with that.
Yeah I agree on you with that. :)
I don’t get how some people think it’s so hard to make that GIF, it’s so easy.

I don't want to labour the point, but it's only easy to those familiar with each step. If you're not accustomed to retrieving captured video from your PS4, and you don't have any video editing software, and you've never used Giphy before... it's really not. FWIW, I don't mind spending the last hour attempting to do it, because I've learned some stuff I didn't know about blender... but now I'm sat with Giphy not seemingly doing anything, and I'm thinking, "M'eh, this isn't worth it - I should probably just go to the pub instead!"
I don't want to labour the point, but it's only easy to those familiar with each step. If you're not accustomed to retrieving captured video from your PS4, and you don't have any video editing software, and you've never used Giphy before... it's really not. FWIW, I don't mind spending the last hour attempting to do it, because I've learned some stuff I didn't know about blender... but now I'm sat with Giphy not seemingly doing anything, and I'm thinking, "M'eh, this isn't worth it - I should probably just go to the pub instead!"
When I sat down and did it I had never done it before either, never thought about making a GIF before in my life. But I had the idea in my head and just did it. No fancy applications used, just what came originally installed on my Mac. But like I said in the post above, the GIF is now optional, for those who still doesn't know how to do it. :)
A preview from my first attempt.
Still an amateur on livery level but learning.:)

Thought it was an idea to start with something simple.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X Rally car GT6:

Using the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Final Edition '15


Gran Turismo™SPORT_20180316202017.jpg

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20180316202140.jpg


Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X Rally car GT6

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Just wondering, how many liveries/entries can we create? I've got a few more circling around in my brain.
@syntex123 Thanks for starting this! In my world there's a thing called "minimum viable product", or in simpler terms, something that works to use as a starting point. Things may be changed and adjusted but ultimately if you don't start somewhere you'll get nowhere. As much as we may critique the format or such It's still your thing to run with and kudos to you for giving us a start! :cheers:

I think the two week entry will be great. That should give people enough time to either make or find decals and get things on a car without having to rush. Should be able to open up participation as well. I don't know how many people actually come through here, but maybe we could borrow @SlipZtrEm (or a less busy admin :) ) to help us get a news post going.
Format tweaks aside, here is my hat into the ring. :) Working on getting the GIF done and will edit it in when I can get it later tonight and fix up image sizes.

Chevrolet Camaro LM - Corvette Gr.4



All 4 are the same car with different paint, of course. None of the decals are mine, but credits as follows:

6 - okasan_joestar07
5 - okasan_joestar07
BBS - colgateam
Bosch - blackbeauty-79
Chevrolet Bow Tie - LorD-ProtectoR99 @Lord Protector
Chevrolet Text - muteXG
Goodyear - GTS default set
GT Logo - GTS default Set
Polyphony Digital - nippi_2121
Shell Logo - Zeppy_ZEP @zeptrans
Shell Text - Zeppy_ZEP @zeptrans
US Flag - Matski @MatskiMonk

EDIT: And of course I've now found something I missed..... :dunce:



That are some beautiful liveries mate :) they are open to add right?
Just wondering, how many liveries/entries can we create? I've got a few more circling around in my brain.

Create as many as you wish; but only one may enter the competition at a time. Just like the Photo Mode Competition, just with a livery instead of a picture. :)

EDIT: If you have more color options, like @DigitalBaka and @Sjaak, that's fine, since that's just a different color not a different livery. :)

@syntex123 Thanks for starting this! In my world there's a thing called "minimum viable product", or in simpler terms, something that works to use as a starting point. Things may be changed and adjusted but ultimately if you don't start somewhere you'll get nowhere. As much as we may critique the format or such It's still your thing to run with and kudos to you for giving us a start! :cheers:

True that, if I keep changing the OP while the competition is going it might end up being a confusing one for most to follow. I thought the GIF was easy to make, and thought it was a great way to showcase your entry, with a pic or two from within the livery editor/scapes/out on track just to show it in higher resolution. But since many people appearantly have issues with making the GIF I made it optional, but I think I'll keep the rest as-is :)

I think the two week entry will be great. That should give people enough time to either make or find decals and get things on a car without having to rush. Should be able to open up participation as well. I don't know how many people actually come through here, but maybe we could borrow @SlipZtrEm (or a less busy admin :) ) to help us get a news post going.

Yeah I would think so! Any more and it would be very easy to forget about it. Yeah I was thinking about that as well, I don't want to seem pushy since I "stole" his photo mode competition formula for making this. I just thought it made the most sense to use a competition formula that has already been established and have years of success. I think people here would appreciate the similarity; instead of having two different sets of rules for the competition it made sense to adopt it here too, it means most people already looking at / participating the photo comp will be familiar with this one :)
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Oh, why not, I promised I'd give it a try, and here I am...



It's the mk1 Viper GTS-R LM, straight out of the "USA vs Japan" championship in GT1. I think I lost count of how many times I ran that championship, back then...did both the green striped and the blue striped version, as those were the winnable ones. Decals were obtained both from the already ingame ones and the "discover" function, since I can't make SVGs myself (don't have the software and don't want to buy it tbh), so I have to thank whoever shared the decals I's a long list, and I'll update this post with it tomorrow for sure.

It's not perfect, but it's a car that symbolizes my youth, as she was the untameable beast in a 10-year-old's virtual garage, so I had to bring her back...and this was the chance! I even managed to do the gif with the Blender method (thanks @LaSupra ;) ).

Both liveries are shared, in case anyone's interested...I know it was recommended not to, but I got carried away :banghead: GL to everyone!

since I can't make SVGs myself (don't have the software and don't want to buy it tbh
Illustrator CS2 is „free“ and does the job perfectly for me. Just needs some time to get used to it as it‘s quite different compared to paint(.net)/gimp/photoshop/... :lol:
Illustrator CS2 is „free“ and does the job perfectly for me. Just needs some time to get used to it as it‘s quite different compared to paint(.net)/gimp/photoshop/... :lol:
Depends on what "free" with commas means :lol: but I'll definetly take a look at it, thanks for the hint!
Illustrator CS2 is „free“ and does the job perfectly for me. Just needs some time to get used to it as it‘s quite different compared to paint(.net)/gimp/photoshop/... :lol:

inkscape is also 100% free, and there is a good list of tutorial vids on the tube like : and from blue chicken (also here in the livery section @atteiros)

I did eventually find a download link from the official Adobe site for Illustrator CS2, so I'll definetly give it a try for future competitions. Should it not work, or be a trial masked as a free version, I'll give inkscape a try. Thanks to both of y ou, hopefully the future competitions will have more of "me" in my entries :D


I wanted to go old school and a truely unique to GT livery... so I went for this race mod livery for a car that's not in GTS, and applied it to a car no one ever uses! This is what it look like originally...


Sharing Link:
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@MatskiMonk that’s awesome :D
That was actually the first ever car I RM’ed before I started playing A LOT.
One of the sons of my parents friends had GT1 before me and my friend, and he let me buy a car and tune it. Out of all the cars I bought it was that one. Totally forgot about it until now! Haha.
Well as it happens, after saying I wouldn't have time to come up with anything, my wife went out for the day leaving me with time to play, so I came up with this, I know it's been done before, but I wanted to have a stab at something a bit different (for me) and try a car I don't normally use.

Based on the Racing Modification Honda S2000 from GT2 (which is in fact based on the real life Spoon Sports S2000 that finished 2nd in the 1999 Tsukuba 9 Hours), I chose to do a full replica of the real livery using the Gr.4 NSX as I felt that it was the closest car in GTS to the Gr.N S2000 that the original is based on.

Despite looking simple, quite a lot of research and decal making went into this one and all the decals from the real car are present. Almost every decal is custom or edited in some way. and I must have spent a good 9 Hours on the computer before I even fired up the PS4! I've had to use a bit of artist licence in places due to the obvious differences in the cars, but decal placement respects the original quite closely.

Couple of little details worth noting like the yellow Honda badge as seen on the real car and the matt black roof to replicate the closed soft top on the GT2 model. I don't expect to win, but it was a fun livery to make and has also inspired me to make a few more Spoon liveries in the future!


GTP GT NSX (Front 640px).jpg

Download here: Link

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Well as it happens, after saying I wouldn't have time to come up with anything, my wife went out for the day leaving me with time to play, so I came up with this, I know it's been done before, but I wanted to have a stab at something a bit different (for me) and try a car I don't normally use.

Based on the Racing Modification Honda S2000 from GT2 (which is in fact based on the real life Spoon Sports S2000 that finished 2nd in the 1999 Tsukuba 9 Hours), I chose to do a full replica of the real livery using the Gr.4 NSX as I felt that it was the closest car in GTS to the Gr.N S2000 that the original is based on.

Despite looking simple, quite a lot of research and decal making went into this one and all the decals from the real car are present. Almost every decal is custom or edited in some way. and I must have spent a good 9 Hours on the computer before I even fired up the PS4! I've had to use a bit of artist licence in places due to the obvious differences in the cars, but decal placement respects the original quite closely.

Couple of little details worth noting like the yellow Honda badge as seen on the real car and the matt black roof to replicate the closed soft top on the GT2 model. I don't expect to win, but it was a fun livery to make and has also inspired me to make a few more Spoon liveries in the future!


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That is awesome, especially since you did all the decals one by one. :bowdown: and I didn't know the S2K race mods were actually inspired by a real Spoon race car!
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