The GT Sport Livery Editor Competition 24 (Movie Stars) - CLOSED

  • Thread starter Cytoria
Little Copen always wanted to be a race car. He would watch racing every day and had dreams that when he grew up, he would win the Super Nippon Cup. But driving school was difficult for Little Copen. He was bullied by the bigger cars. Told he was too small, too slow and would never be a race car. This saddened Little Copen, and after dropping out of driving school, he started getting into trouble with street racing gangs and the police. But then a chance encounter with Master Kamui turned his ways around. Master Kamui saw his desire, his passion and his heart to race. Using his experience and wisdom, Master Kamui takes Little Copen under his wing and teaches him the ways of the race car. Can Little Copen realise his dream, become a racing car and win the Super Nippon Cup? All will be revealed in Super Copen! The Heart of Speed.
Little Copen always wanted to be a race car. He would watch racing every day and had dreams that when he grew up, he would win the Super Nippon Cup. But driving school was difficult for Little Copen. He was bullied by the bigger cars. Told he was too small, too slow and would never be a race car. This saddened Little Copen, and after dropping out of driving school, he started getting into trouble with street racing gangs and the police. But then a chance encounter with Master Kamui turned his ways around. Master Kamui saw his desire, his passion and his heart to race. Using his experience and wisdom, Master Kamui takes Little Copen under his wing and teaches him the ways of the race car. Can Little Copen realise his dream, become a racing car and win the Super Nippon Cup? All will be revealed in Super Copen! The Heart of Speed.
This brought a tear to my eye. Go little. Copen. GO!
year 2025

There is no government anymore, after several violent riots and unknown outbreaks of diseases, public services like the police force are taken over by one big company...Umbrella Corporation. The people that survived the onslaught live in protected towns nowadays and the only men allowed into the infected zombie area's are the fast and powerful Police Highway Interceptors of Umbrella. Their task is to eliminate opponents of the corporation.
In particular one guy is a real pain,nobody ever has lays eyes on him but his reputation is well known and he has got the highest prize on his head, donated personally by the Umbrella Board of control.
Some say..... he eats 3 full apple pies a day! and that his nipples are made of stainless steel!
All we know he is called..........The CrazyMax!!!!!!​
11 brilliant entries so far – and still 3 days to go. My own entry is soon to be finished. And no, it won't be a police car nor a Hello Kitty vehicle...:lol:
That will be 14 entries with yours, Sjaak’s and mine (15 if Sian can find the way to do it too). But I don’t think we will reach 20 entries...

I have the idea since the beginning but with work, family and the Williams Esports contest, I’ve had no time to start it yet. It will take some work to reach some of the established standards here, but hopefully I can present something decent on Wednesday !

The Boy, The Chase

It's the year 2038 and the blockbuster movie this year isn't the hollywood blockbuster people are used to.

It's a documentary that gone horribly wrong in a very good way !
For your information. It's legal to drive your smelly petrol engine driven car in the United States AND Europe since 2032, but it's illegal to enter the GreenZones.

Then, if you do.. You're a criminal and you'll pay a serious amount of dollars plus, the gas guzzler will be destroyed immediately. Car brands don't sell new cars anymore. Since EV converstations are cheaper than buying a kitchen now, brands like Mazda, Suzuki or Ford are releasing old and new concept cars like empty bodies or kitcars to convert these to fully equiped EV's.

This story is about somebody called Steve McMillen and his best friend Christian.

Whenever Steven talked with his best friend Christian, Chris always talked about his regrets of selling his friend, his car.. he talked about it like a life human being and once in a while he talked about "The Boy".
Christian isn't a normal guy, no, he was an actor in Hollywood between 2024 and 2035. Three Mission Impossible movies as a bad character, two good guy movies with Liv Taylor and a thriller movie made him one of the best payed actors in the past 20 years (let's say he's fully loaded, yes, Steve too).

But before all that. Christian was a team principal of a Formula 1 team. A winning Formula 1 team ! Christian Horner was enjoying the Indian summer of his life somewhere above the hills of San Fransisco. The Boy was nothing less than his beloved Ferrari Dino 246 GT.

He sold it at the end of 2022, the fourth year in a row he won again World titles with Honda and boy wonder Max Verstappen. But despite to all success and history of Formula 1, Max Verstappen became the last Formula 1 champion ever, the series continued as Formula Super-E.

So Christian sold his Dino and entered the unknown ship of acting. The Birtish gentleman was an instant hit, but then again why did he sold his Dino? Steve was ready to make a movie about everything of that story.
He did everything to hunt that car. And yes he found him. He had a strange but cool looking wrap around the body. A decal with Jamiroquai on the left side and a double contra gradient from the front to the back and double pinstripes too.

Oh and that "F3RR4R1" license plate ?! He had to show it to Chris, personalized plates are over since the same day the first GreenZones where live.

The Boy was spending his days for years somehwere in a garage box in Alabama, luckily he was in mint condition.

Steve bought it for almost $ 10 million dollars and after he wrote his script for the documentary of his life.. he was ready to deliver The Boy back to his best friend Christian.

Till the moment he forgot about the GreenZone, the documentary was in danger, but so was Steve and especially The Boy ! He was ready to become a piece of scrap. He never would let that happen. "The Boy, The Chase" became an instant cult movie. The documentary became a documentary action movie.

The Boy, the Ferrari Dino became a legend and former F1 teamboss was the luckiest man on earth. The Californian deputy Lola Francis Brooks declared the Ferrari a monument of true frienship and free for charges, but the Dino wasn't allowed to be driven on the road forever...

So, Steve and Chris bought the old and forgotten Laguna Seca Raceway, now and forever, the Mekka for all petrolheads !
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Final Entry

My Action Short: (Please read Story for understanding)

Outrun My Gun

'Outrun my Gun' is a gritty Drama and chronicles the fall of Mafia Boss Gianni 'not Guilty' Falcone.

It is 1954. Paolo Morbidelli's dream always was to create his Vision of a classic Sportscar. As Cars were more than just a hobby. It was a life style and a magnificent way to forget all the problems in Life. One Car + one enjoyable Roadtrip can fix so many problems or make you at least forget them and feel free and happy, even if it's just for a certain time. That's why he wanted to build his dream car.
Due to the heavy influence from the Mafia within the Economy and Politics of Italy, Paolo decided to flee from Italy to begin a Mafia-free life in America. The promised land where everyone can live his dreams.

Little that he knew that many parts of America were operated by Mobster gangs.

He started to build his dreamcar in his small garage in California, together with his little son Vito.

They called it the 'Morbido Grand Coupe'. Such a beauty did not go undetected by the Mafia Boss Gianni Falcone, whos Gang spread evil through the whole town.

When Paolo declined the Offer Of the Mafia Boss to give him his car in exchange of protection by the Mafia, Mr. Falcone got very angry. He wanted to see Paolo dead. On warm summer night in 1962 when Paolo was on his way home, a black car pulled next to him on an Intersection.

Shots and sqealing wheels broke the silence of this warm sumernight. The Mobsters shot a whole Magazine round into the Mobido Grand Coupe and his unaware driver Paolo. Only 1 shot went through the driverside window. Unlukily it was fataly.

The Police found out who was behind this gruesome attack and arrested Gianni Falcone.

But due to his influence and power within the Politics aswell as his bribes, Gianni Falcone was never pleaded guilty. Because of that he earned his Nickname 'Not Guilty' as it is always the same at the Court.

Vito Morbidelli, who was 12 at this stage, screamed at Mr. Falcone at the Court and swore that he will catch him one day.

Mr Falcone laughed at him and said: "Boy, to catch me, you have to be fast. But to survive, you have to be even faster. Faster than my Bullits. You better Outrun my gun or else you will end up burried 6 feet deep... just like your dad."

At this moment young Vito Morbidelli swore vengence on the Mafia Boss who killed his beloved Father.

10 years went past. Vito rebuilded and optimized the Morbido Grand Coupe to fullfill his plans on getting vengance. He restored everything on the car and closed all bulletholes, beside only one part... The drivers door. Those bulletholes are a daily reminder of this cruel attack and fueld his compulsion for vengance.

One day Vito spotted Gianni Falcone on the Streets in his brand new Pantera and no single Guard or Gangmember followed him. Vito took this opportunity to chase Mr. Falcone down.

Vito jumped into the front seat and strapped on his seatbelt. As he pressed the ignition he felt the huge 6 litre V12 come to life with a deep roar. His heart started to Pump heavily "This is the MomentI waited for 10 years!" he thought to himself.

He started to chase Gianni and his Pantera down. They shot past the police officer who was standing on the side of the road.They clocked in at roughly 120 Miles per hour.

The red Pantera was thundering along the freeway leaving a line of dazed cars in its wake. The Meteor Gray Morbido Gran Coupe right behind him.

The lights and engines are blazing. The Pantera had only just come onto the market. As Vito followed at roughly 120 miles per hour he slammed his foot down on the accelerator

and the Morbido unleashed its fury. It quickly jumped from 120 to 255 in a mere 3 seconds. But there was no one through this Pantera as Gianni tried as good as possible to block the road. Mr Falcone realized that he stands no Chance against the Grand Coupe on the Freeway so he suddenly turns his steeringwheel to switch from the Freeway to the City where he could escape or at leatst find some Gangmembers who protect him.

But Vito was already next to him after dodging a few oncoming cars, Vito and Mr. Falcone both found themselves in the industrial area. Vito pu the accelerator to the floor, overtook Gianni Falcone, went into a drift and spun around into the opposite direction. Mr. Falcone and his Pantera slammed the brakes and came to a stop.

And there they were. Eye to eye. Tension was in the Air. The Moment that Vito waited for 10 year.

This is were my Action Shot comes into place. And what happens next is up to you :D
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The movie is about the veterinary Inutetsudau Nekotasukaru who lives in Yokohama.

During the days Nekotasukaru-san is working at his own veterinary center. And during the nights he is in the street racing scene.

As in Japan the laws are not that enforced and money can buy almost everything and doctors have a high reputation, he is able to drive a GT3 car as his daily car.

His car has a heartbeat livery on it with a big Kanji which stands for life.
So during the day he is well recognized by all his clients as the reliable good warmhearted doctor he is.

But during the night his car is well known as a very dangerous and fast togue (mountain pass) racing machine among his opponents.
The Kanji of life becomes the meaning of life as survival together with the rest of the car in the darkest black you can imagine.
It is rumored among the racers that he already pushed his opponents off the street when he gets angry about loosing a race.

Being a good man during the day, the money he earns during the night races he spends on maintaining a catcoffee to search for new homes for the cats & dogs that are living in his animalshelter.

One day he meets the attractive young lady Aimaru Waifubatsu who is bringing in her cat for a surgery and he ultimatively wants to be with her. So he ask her out and Aimaru-san agrees.
They be dating for months and everything looks good, but as soon as she finds out about his dark nightlife, even the fact he does it for good, she immediately leaves him.

The Bonus picture is the end scene of the movie where Nekotasukaru-san is at Daikoku Futo PA, waiting for his next opponents to rush to the mountains and race for big money to help dogs & cats again. Let's hope he doesnt loose and gets angry again . . .
Livery editor or gtp story creator competition? :confused::lol::nervous:
What matters is the livery, tbh. The story is an extra, welcome addition :P

I hope we can at least make it to 20 for a double vote, or it will be hard to decide...for me at least.
Livery editor or gtp story creator competition? :confused::lol::nervous:

Relax my friend, it's just this fortnight's theme that made it a story archive for very ambisious (future) filmmakers ;)
We're going back to livery Editor mode in a few days :D (But to be honest, I loved this fortnight's theme)

QualityLand is a fun dystopia that plays in a near future. The story to be filmed takes the spectator to an unspecified western country, which for reasons of corporate image was renamed. In QualityLand work, leisure time and relationships are optimized by algorithms. QualityPartner knows who is best suited to you. The self-driving car knows where you want to go. And anyone who is registered with TheShop will receive all the products he or she wants, without having to order them, because the system knows what everybody wants. No one is forced any more to take difficult decisions – because in QualityLand the answer to every question is: OK.
Nevertheless, the machine-scrapper Peter begins to suspect that something is wrong with his life. He is missing any thrill and is willing to change this.

Peter owns an analogue hydraulic scrap press inherited from his grandfather and gets jobs to scrap broken machines like computers, androids, robots, cars, etc. since repair of products is forbidden by law to support the economy of QualityLand.

Due to the fact that it is prohibited to destroy other property, the objects he once has received are becoming his own possession officially and there is no deadline for execution. In his underground workshop Peter has cumulated a considerable collection of things – his pride and joy is one of those autonomous driving cars that know where you want to go and what music you like to hear.

Whenever Peter has time he tries to overhaul it although this is forbidden. His girlfriend Sandra Admin successfully has hacked the complete operation and navigation system of the vehicle in order to control traffic lights and switch for green light any time you want. Both of them are longing for the first test ride in a world where private cars are broadly unusual since most people are using car-sharing systems and public transport. Only the super-rich, most of the pimps and some rednecks have private cars of their own. Many of them are able to efford a speed ticket fine flat rate. It is quite obvious that they make use of it.

And out there in the night hours is waiting a stinging competition for our driving enthusiasts Peter and Sandra.
(See storyboard action shot “first test ride”)

No more details shall be revealed – wait for the official trailer in June 2020.
Inspired by

Author: Marc-Uwe Kling
Berlin: Ullstein 2017, 384 p.
Television deal with Lionsgate for Mike Judge (Silicon Valley, Idiocracy) to executive produce, write, and direct

Over 335,000 copies sold
Under the top 10 of the Spiegel Bestseller list over 5 month

Complete English translation available

A really great use of a VGT, to portray a dystopic future (which may not be that much dystopic, considering how things seem to be going). Great job, I love it!
A really great use of a VGT, to portray a dystopic future (which may not be that much dystopic, considering how things seem to be going). Great job, I love it!

Thank you @Strax
While reading this novel I got a little bit frightened, indeed. In "QualityLand" they have a civil rating system - the transparent citizen is reality already. And believe it or not: China has just launched a system like that!!