It's the year 2038 and the blockbuster movie this year isn't the hollywood blockbuster people are used to.
It's a documentary that gone horribly wrong in a very good way !
For your information. It's legal to drive your smelly petrol engine driven car in the United States AND Europe since 2032, but it's illegal to enter the GreenZones.
Then, if you do.. You're a criminal and you'll pay a serious amount of dollars plus, the gas guzzler will be destroyed immediately. Car brands don't sell new cars anymore. Since EV converstations are cheaper than buying a kitchen now, brands like Mazda, Suzuki or Ford are releasing old and new concept cars like empty bodies or kitcars to convert these to fully equiped EV's.
This story is about somebody called Steve McMillen and his best friend Christian.
Whenever Steven talked with his best friend Christian, Chris always talked about his regrets of selling his friend, his car.. he talked about it like a life human being and once in a while he talked about "The Boy".
Christian isn't a normal guy, no, he was an actor in Hollywood between 2024 and 2035. Three Mission Impossible movies as a bad character, two good guy movies with Liv Taylor and a thriller movie made him one of the best payed actors in the past 20 years (let's say he's fully loaded, yes, Steve too).
But before all that. Christian was a team principal of a Formula 1 team. A winning Formula 1 team ! Christian Horner was enjoying the Indian summer of his life somewhere above the hills of San Fransisco. The Boy was nothing less than his beloved Ferrari Dino 246 GT.
He sold it at the end of 2022, the fourth year in a row he won again World titles with Honda and boy wonder Max Verstappen. But despite to all success and history of Formula 1, Max Verstappen became the last Formula 1 champion ever, the series continued as Formula Super-E.
So Christian sold his Dino and entered the unknown ship of acting. The Birtish gentleman was an instant hit, but then again why did he sold his Dino? Steve was ready to make a movie about everything of that story.
He did everything to hunt that car. And yes he found him. He had a strange but cool looking wrap around the body. A decal with Jamiroquai on the left side and a double contra gradient from the front to the back and double pinstripes too.
Oh and that "F3RR4R1" license plate ?! He had to show it to Chris, personalized plates are over since the same day the first GreenZones where live.
The Boy was spending his days for years somehwere in a garage box in Alabama, luckily he was in mint condition.
Steve bought it for almost $ 10 million dollars and after he wrote his script for the documentary of his life.. he was ready to deliver The Boy back to his best friend Christian.
Till the moment he forgot about the GreenZone, the documentary was in danger, but so was Steve and especially The Boy ! He was ready to become a piece of scrap. He never would let that happen. "The Boy, The Chase" became an instant cult movie. The documentary became a documentary action movie.
The Boy, the Ferrari Dino became a legend and former F1 teamboss was the luckiest man on earth. The Californian deputy Lola Francis Brooks declared the Ferrari a monument of true frienship and free for charges, but the Dino wasn't allowed to be driven on the road forever...
So, Steve and Chris bought the old and forgotten Laguna Seca Raceway, now and forever, the Mekka for all petrolheads !