The GT5 DLC/Rare Paints database V.3.71 - muscle car link - Upd. 3.6.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

Make this thread sticky or not? - Public vote.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I purchased the paint dlc, and cant find the standard chrome paint. Do I not get it? Anyway, I'd like to trade for chrome paint, and will offer any dlc paints with a car of ur choosing. OP please let me know what I can do to get standard chrome paint(no other color but chrome)
Well, honestly it didn`t take too much time. Otherwise I had skipped that project.
It was more a challenge to get them sounds out of the game into a manageable mp3 form.
I love challenges. :sly:

I'm happy the sound isn't as wobbly as your line drawing!

But a good stream makes it a lot easier.....
Very nice photos Monatsende 👍

This exactly the equipment I used. :sly:

I purchased the paint dlc, and cant find the standard chrome paint. Do I not get it? Anyway, I'd like to trade for chrome paint, and will offer any dlc paints with a car of ur choosing. OP please let me know what I can do to get standard chrome paint(no other color but chrome)

As the word "Standard" says: it`s standard, ingame would be a good description as well. Standard unequal DLC...

This is not a trading thread on purpose. This is only for those who want to know how the paints look like and ask for a DLC painted car with the exact paint chip name.

I'm happy the sound isn't as wobbly as your line drawing!

Where is the alcohol when you need it the most...??? :drool:
Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM #78 My original post?

I am sorry but I ended up voting no for the stickey.?
I withheld my vote to see how this progressed?
My reason behind this was my original post was delighted with the work carried out in OP (very commended) but its turned into like any other stickey, Alot of idle gossip and no substance.
Great work in the original of this thread but hope it doesn,t fall into another chat room?
Chat soon bye for now.:)
As the word "Standard" says: it`s standard, ingame would be a good description as well. Standard unequal DLC...

This is not a trading thread on purpose. This is only for those who want to know how the paints look like and ask for a DLC painted car with the exact paint chip name.


Well, you did a great job. Ive been looking for the "silver" chrome paint forever for my son. If anyone has one to trade or can help me out, I'll try to trade or send you a gift for all your help. Thx for any help by anyone.
Great Work sir !

I wonder if there is a way for download the packet of the great pictures...
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Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM #78 My original post?

I am sorry but I ended up voting no for the stickey.?
I withheld my vote to see how this progressed?
My reason behind this was my original post was delighted with the work carried out in OP (very commended) but its turned into like any other stickey, Alot of idle gossip and no substance.
Great work in the original of this thread but hope it doesn,t fall into another chat room?
Chat soon bye for now.:)

I agree

Nice work, still as a hint I would use a picture site with less advertisements (if possible!) This battle game with its sound is making me crazy!!
I agree

Nice work, still as a hint I would use a picture site with less advertisements (if possible!) This battle game with its sound is making me crazy!!

Use Google Chrome with AdBlock+
ch1potle does :D
Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM #78 My original post?

I am sorry but I ended up voting no for the stickey.?
I withheld my vote to see how this progressed?
My reason behind this was my original post was delighted with the work carried out in OP (very commended) but its turned into like any other stickey, Alot of idle gossip and no substance.
Great work in the original of this thread but hope it doesn,t fall into another chat room?
Chat soon bye for now.:)

Well. I see your point. But don`t be too harsh with the "discussion" and posts. The important thing is the OP and I think it`s still clearly structured.

Great Work sir !

I wonder if there is a way for download the packet of the great pistures...

I will check and try to move the pictures to a picture hoster where you can download them easily.

I agree

Nice work, still as a hint I would use a picture site with less advertisements (if possible!) This battle game with its sound is making me crazy!!

Will check an alternative. (I have an ad blocker and page works fine for me...)
Nice WORK, but how did you get all the pictures;
do you really colored each car, went in photomode, placed the car everytime in the same place ...
I'm really imprssed, congrats!!!
I took a look at your shedule sheet, and seems you'll be free on november, I'm looking to complete my gears, 'cause i just came back to gt5 after a long stop. so i started now.
Can i ask you some help? What should you need? almost nothing i guess
Great Job on the Page; I have one question however:

I have been looking for a "Air Horn" Horn:dunce:
After scanning all of the samples on the OP, I have yet to come across it.

Can someone tell me if it exists?

All the people asking about the x2010 colours try here>>>>

From the Above thread:


Although I would assume that you'd be able to see all of the colors, since 1 - 20 are all available in the dealer.

That's great thanks.

BUT... did you ver tried going to photo mode with the #13?

It seems like a ColourShift...

I never tried the others, but as soon as i have time I'll do all the X2010
From the Above thread:

Although I would assume that you'd be able to see all of the colors, since 1 - 20 are all available in the dealer.

People asked so I pointed them in the right direction!

Think it helps as it actually names the colours and you can check against your garage if you didn't buy them in order.

Well that's my guess why they wanted it :)
for all of you posting the "USB stick trick" for stuff like this, you all are what has made the trading disgusting in GT5. why spend the $ on the DLC if its just gonna be duped and traded, and you dont even lose a paint, yet someone else gains a paint? way to use other peoples $ to spread stuff around. man you guys are dense.

as for the topic, its nice to see someone that's taken the time to put up a thread on the colors, thank you! many times over! :) now time for the other 800 some odd paints in the game lol.