The GT5 Garage Editor Thread.

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Is that what's it called? That's the funniest name ever.

Should make a paint database too.


This is pretty much what I'm working on at the moment. It's been on my PC sitting here.
@Tim Voak You should make a little database of the hidden ones, could be very useful. I know in GT6 I have a huge paint database bank that I use. Or I might include your findings into a spreadsheet to be easily readable.
Theres already a Paint Chip Data Base, and I have a list of every color in the game with or without chips, don't make another one, it took a long time to do. I'll share them here if it's cool with Jordan. (The list of colors not already in the garage editor) I thought all the hidden parts and tickets were already in the Garage Editor? I know the hidden Body Codes are not but there's lists of them floating around.
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Very cool guys... also should add the extra parts to the graph like the racing cat, stages 4&5 engine tunes-weight reductions, and super and ultra turbos or what I call stage 4 & 5 turbos just to name a few of the special parts... really not needed though cause of using the multi settings but fun to have a mess with. Sooooo many cool colors too... it would be nice to have a few ash new updated data base of hidden especially...
YES... the special parts are in GE... but... many cars won’t take them from GE when selected by normal GE extra items... hence to add a ultra turbo for example ya need the actual
Code to plug into your GE specific car... not sure if that is clear what I’m explaining ?
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Very cool guys... also should add the extra parts to the graph like the racing cat, stages 4&5 engine tunes-weight reductions, and super and ultra turbos or what I call stage 4 & 5 turbos just to name a few of the special parts... really not needed though cause of using the multi settings but fun to have a mess with. Sooooo many cool colors too... it would be nice to have a few ash new updated data base of hidden especially...
I have slowly been refining my list, I made a new one that's much more organized and informative, you know how we do.
I'm gonna use some Real Time Modding tools, but I won't heavily discuss that. It makes things a bit easier for me. If you've used such a thing you'll know what I mean. There is also a hidden Special Stage Route X too, just to say the least. I'll see what I can do with manual editing.
I posted two of my lists, I will delete them if needed, but if not, I'll post more codes later (Glaucoma sucks).

Edit: Please let me know about this!
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Wow... a hidden special stage x ... now I’m extra interested ... just when ya think you’ve got em all ... curious are we talking about the plug in number to use in GE for all the tracks and circuits as there being another better number or special number... not sure if you guys will get that question ?
It's just another layout, can't be accessed normally. And, with GTP rules I don't want to explain the general details here.
I’ve been meaning to go back to GT5 and use the garage editor. Now that this thread is up it’s going to give me the incentive to do so. I never really got to do much with it as I used to keep GT5 up to date till it got unplugged from servers.

Is it ok and or possible we can talk via private conversations and not in a public forum so as not to upset anyone I know Jordan said he doesn’t have any issues with it, but is there a line that should not be crossed with what’s ok to post or not.
I am trying to stay away from anything that could also pertain to someone playing GT6 or GTS, although many things that were once restricted in GT5 seem to have been loosened up in GT6 and beyond. It didn't make a lot of sense to me to add tons of inventory items with GT5 and then make them so rare and restricted that they may as well not have bothered. What was once sacrosanct in GT5 seems to have became more gratuitous with GT6 (i.e. Used Cars, Paint Chips, etc.) I am comfortable discussing GT5, but refrain from discussing anything that could also be used on later titles. If someone asks me "How to" anything, I'm not going to do that just to be safe.
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Is it ok and or possible we can talk via private conversations and not in a public forum so as not to upset anyone I know Jordan said he doesn’t have any issues with it, but is there a line that should not be crossed with what’s ok to post or not.

I tried to invite you to the private chat, but all I got was an error code. Do you have your profile set to block conversation invites?
I’ll refrain from my use on certain things that I do, but now that I can look at the parts easier it should not be so difficult to complete the list since I see the data (hex) with my garage, but I need to add all 1,000 different cars to the table before anything else, but I won’t release it until Jordon says it is ok to do so.
I fired up GT5 earlier this year for the first time since at least 2014 and thanks to CFW I reverted back to 2.11 (screw you 2.12 and anything afterwards) without losing my course maker tracks, photos, or DLC. (don't ask) That said, I did go through and restore some of my old hybrids from 5 years ago, luckily I made screenshots of their data years prior to this because I somehow knew they would live again one day.

Fun Fact: When you update to 2.12 or higher, the cars specs don't revert back to stock until you view them in the game itself. Since I never viewed a lot of my old hybrids after updating, many of them never reverted back and now that I am on 2.11 again, they can't. :mischievous:

My editor of choice has been GT5 Garage Editor v1.3.1 by slim355 & q-k and it still is. I tried LucaTurilli's editor before and going off memory it was more user friendly, but I didn't like it as much. The biggest problem I had with it was that "Enable All Tires" function was bugged and if you use it, you can't take cars on dirt or snow (Something I loved doing) regardless if the car originally allowed it or not. (I can't recall anything else) I hated getting hybrids from people who used that function.
Welcome Back Sonygamer455! Let the resurgence begin... :cheers:

Thank you. I'm not actually back to hybriding in GT5, let alone GT5 itself nor do I plan to be anytime soon, but I do have some stuff I guess I could share here. I actually knew it was okay to discuss these save editors years ago (at a rather unfortunate time too) and while it was mentioned some, I guess not much was said afterwards.

I actually like GT5 better for hybriding than GT6. GT6 I think has more hacking options, but unless you got CFW, you won't be doing it yourself sadly. I think they later patched GT6 in a similar manner to GT5, but what's worse is if you go back to the update before it was patched, you'd be missing out on some good content that came afterwards. None of these are a problem with GT5 however and that's why I prefer GT5 for hybrids. The updates that came after 2.12 in GT5 were just fixes (really stupid ones) and we didn't really get any extra content, if anything we lost it.
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I've recently gotten back into the garage editor and have had some fun with it, including swapping the F2007 engine sound into the 787B. It actually sounds better than the stock motor :)
I use Garage Editor 1.3.1 as my preferred one to use, but I use another one for DLC that you can’t get anymore.

Though now that I figured out Real Time Modding I find it easier to find part codes for my table.
Goes to show ya... now over 1,300 views in just a few days since the OP posted... so to many of you viewers... come on back and join the fun ! Retro gaming of all sorts is making a comeback if y'all haven't noticed. Check out some of the older equipment and game prices on ebay... been increasing of late.
hhhmmm... I'm gonna make a AWD MR2 SW20. It sounds weird I know, but I'll make it into a beast. Never mind about my question looks like 1.3.1 does that perfectly, I'm satisfied, so hybriding time is beginning for me now.
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