The GT6 Photomode Tournament Discussion Thread: Season 2 - 2.0 Advanced Champion crowned.

  • Thread starter Nato_777
I have a lot of ideas. :dopey:
For now I'll just post one.

Theme: I Believe I can Fly (or, alternatively, Touch the Sky)
Description: Blur the line between car and plane, and show some major air time!
Cars: Any
Locations: Any Track
Unique Restrictions: All four tires must be off the ground.
If we go anonymous throughout the tournament I will have to insist that all Flickr users must set their entries to private. As the majority of photomoders use Flickr and many follow each other any public images will be seen by many and the identities will quickly be known. I don't see Photobucket and Imageshack being so much of a problem as the user base here is very small, but it would still be a good idea to set images there to private too - although I don't know how to share a private image from either of those services.

With the tournament (and Secret Santa for that matter) you don't have to supply a preview image as all images for the polls will be uploaded to my own Flickr account and hosted (privately) from there, where the preview image will then be generated. So you may just send the fullsize image or just a link to it instead, which incidently is the only way to send a private Flickr image so the recipient can view it. For anyone that doesn't know how, read on... ;)

To send a fullsize private Flickr image as BBCode just use the share button and 'Grab the HTML/BBCode' as usual but instead of the 'Medium 500px' size option choose the 'Original' size option instead. Copy and paste the entire BBCode and I'll be able to view it.
View attachment 127402

To send just the link use the 'Grab the Link' option instead and select 'Add a Guest Pass'. Copy and paste the resulting link and you're good to go.
View attachment 127404

Can you do one for the flickr beta too as I get the following message when I want to share a private set image original size -
"Please share this photo publicly to view embed code"
Thank you

Am I stupid????:banghead:
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Yeah, I have to work out the best/easiest method for the new Flickr layout - I'll update the post when I have. ;)
This would work. A bit troublesome though.


Click on the icon
and you will be asked share it.


Copy the "500 x 281" html code and paste somewhere.

View attachment 134143

Copy the url as shown. Click on the insert image icon
and paste the url on it.


Go back to the second picture and select the html code for "1920 x 1080" resolution. Paste somewhere again. Select and copy the url as above. Lastly select the picture and click on the insert link icon
and paste that url you just copied on it.
@MoMo PeeZero - Thank you for your tip Gary -

"Anyone find new Flickr stupid? Set your language to French. Google translate will correct spelling for you. Old layout returns.👍"

It did work!!
@MoMo PeeZero - Thank you for your tip Gary -

"Anyone find new Flickr stupid? Set your language to French. Google translate will correct spelling for you. Old layout returns.👍"

It did work!!
Thanks for sharing that Werner :cheers: And thanks to @MoMo PeeZero for discovering that out. But, is my language going to only be French if I want the old layout?
Will the 2.0 tournament be starting sometime around mid-late May?

As for private pictures, I recommend dropbox, I use it for all entries requiring anonymity and it doesn't keep changing around like flickr.
Seems all you need to do to share a private photo is use the share link icon, say yes to the 'This is a private photo, do you still want to share it?' question and copy/paste the link. That will give me a guest pass to the photo in your photostream where I can view and download the original size image which is all I need.
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The PMC Tournament has finished with the results as follows;

Gold Medal.png
Grand Champion - Gold Medalist

Silver Medal.png
2nd Place - Silver Medalist

Bronze Medal.png
3rd Place - Bronze Medalist

Just missing out but deserving of an honorable mention

Congratulations! :cheers:

Thank you everyone for your participation in the tournament, both as contestants and voters. I hope you all enjoyed the experience.

This was our first time keeping the entries anonymous throughout the tournament and I would like to hear your thoughts on how you found that and if it should be a permanent feature of future tournaments.

Speaking of future tournaments we now have the 2.0 Advanced Tournament to run and I am expecting to open the Qualifying in around a weeks time. I will be needing more themes for this tournament so once again any suggestions will be gratefully received. ;)
Was not easy at all and to be honest some of the themes was really painful 👎 (My last round was like ugh plain headlight because the theme asked for it - No pain to the person who suggested it 👍) !

A suggestion for @Nato_777 (or maybe a poll) - can you not pick some themes (at random) of the previous GT5 ones for the Tournaments to come?
Another one is to maybe have one theme per round and the top 16,8,4,2 of each of the rounds advance?

Expected more people would have voted (±30 votes was cast per poll - is our band of enthusiasts really that small?)

Hope nobody is offended by my comment.

The 2.0 Tournament is about to begin I should be posting the Qualifying Round sometime in the next 8 hours.

Tournament now started. :)

Approximate schedule;​

Qualifying Round
14-05-14 - 21-05-14

Qualifying Poll
21-05-14 - 25-05-14

Round One
25-05-14 - 30-05-14

Round One Poll

31-05-14 - 04-06-14
Round Two
04-06-14 - 09-06-14

Round Two Poll
09-06-14 - 12-06-14

Semi Final
12-06-14 - 17-06-14

Semi Final Poll
17-06-14 - 20-06-14

Grand Final
20-06-14 - 25-06-14

Grand Final Poll
25-06-14 - 28-06-14

These dates are subject to change and if we have more than 32 participants there will be an extra round pushing the tournament out another 9 days or so.

Good luck all. :cheers:
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Results for the 2.0 Advanced Photomode Tournament - Season 1 were;

2.0 Gold Medal.png
Grand Champion - Gold Medalist

2.0 Silver Medal.png
2nd Place - Silver Medalist

2.0 Bronze Medal.png
3rd Place - Bronze Medalist

Just missing out but deserving of an honorable mention

Congratulations! :cheers:

Thank you once again everyone who participated in the tournament, both as contestants and voters.
Apologies for the lateness of this post - got a little busy doing some much needed updates for my gallery.

@Stopforpetrol - the next Tournament will likely be somewhere around late August or early September.
Hopefully get a season in before everyone vacates for Project Cars, DriveClub and The Crew. ;)
Theme: Blimps and Balloons
Description: Find and photograph either a blimp or a hot air balloon.
Cars: Optional
Locations: Trial Mountain and Chamonix are suggested, but you might find them elsewhere
Unique Restrictions: Picture must feature a blimp or a hot air balloon.

Theme: Banking The Curve
Description: Take a picture of a car in a banked corner.
Cars: Any
Locations: Any banked turn (Daytona, Ascari, Indy, etc)
Unique Restrictions: Car must be in a banked corner.

Theme: Rally Sally
Description: Take a picture of any Ford Mustang off road.
Cars: Any Ford Mustang
Locations: Any, but rally stages are recommended
Unique Restrictions: No static shots and no paved road.

Theme: Here's My Number, So Don't Quote That Song
Description: Take a picture of any car which you've put your own driver number on.
Cars: Any that allows you to use a driver number.
Locations: Any
Unique Restrictions: Must feature a driver number that you put on the car.
Hmm, i think more themes are needed.

Theme: Stripes Galore
Description: Take a shot of any car that has racing stripes
Cars: See above
Locations: Only race tracks
Unique Restrictions: Car must have racing stripes, no static shots.

Theme: Bottom Dollar
Description: This theme is all about CHEAP. Use any car that you can purchase for 10,000 credits or less.
Cars: See above
Locations: Any
Unique Restrictions: No cars that cost over 10,000, car must be completely stock.

Theme: Reflect on Life
Description: Take a shot that highlights the reflections on a car
Cars: Any
Locations: Any
Unique Restrictions: None

Theme: GT2 Nostalgia
Description: Take a shot of a car that was available in Gran Turismo 2, and take it to a track that was available in GT2.
Cars: Any car that was in GT2
Locations: Only GT2 tracks
Unique Restrictions: See above

Theme: Modify
Description: This theme is all about MODIFYING your car. Add bumpers, an aftermarket spoiler, a nice paintjob, a racing number, you name it, as long as the car is visibily different from it's stock version.
Cars: Any car that allows exterior modifications
Locations: No photo travel
Unique Restrictions: Car must have visible exterior modifications, no static shots.

I'll throw some more in the hat too, looking forward to the season 2!

Theme: Playing The Blues
Description: Photograph any car that is painted blue
Cars: Any
Locations: Any
Unique Restrictions: Car must be a blue color

Theme: Tunnel Vision
Description: Take a picture of any car inside of a tunnel
Cars: Any
Locations: Any track with a tunnel
Unique Restrictions: Car must be in a tunnel

Theme: NASCAR Yawl!
Description: Take a picture of a NASCAR. Simple!
Cars: NASCAR's only.
Locations: Any track, no Photomode
Unique Restrictions: Must be a NASCAR

Also I would just like to throw out the idea of doing a bracket after the qualifying round. Have the #1 vote getter go against the #16 vote getter, the 2 and 15, etc. 💡
Right-o, I am nearly really to fire up the tournament again, though it may be getting a bit late in the year.

Interested to hear you thoughts on using a limited multi-vote system for the qualifying poll, I'm thinking 3 votes, so you would place a vote for your top 3 entries.

I'm also interested in exploring the idea @Stopforpetrol put up here earlier...

A suggestion for @Nato_777 (or maybe a poll) - can you not pick some themes (at random) of the previous GT5 ones for the Tournaments to come?
Another one is to maybe have one theme per round and the top 16,8,4,2 of each of the rounds advance?

I did recycle some older themes last tournament as I didn't have enough new themes submitted to cover the whole tournament - same will apply this time - which leads to the second suggestion.

One theme per round which everyone still in the tournament uses would be a complete departure from the tournament format we've been used to but it could have it's merits. This would mean that there would no longer be the one on one battles each round but rather an all in battle, effectively being the same as the normal comps or for that matter the qualifier - in fact the qualifier would actually just be the first round. Round one everyone can enter and the top 16 voted go to round two. Round two those 16 battle for the top 8 votes etc, and so the field gets halved each round.
In a way it would be more of a true test of your skills against the rest of the community and not coming down so much to the luck of the draw (i.e. catching a good theme and opponent).
The question is; would it be too similar to normal proceedings and how much do you value the one on one aspect of the tournaments and would it be considered too much of a change? @SlipZtrEm - would especially like your thoughts on that.

I'll leave that for you all to mull over and discuss while I finish off the banners etc.. ;)

Edit: With the one theme system we could actually run the PMC and 2.0 tournaments simultaneously just staggered so one round is running while the others poll is up. 💡
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That idea looks great (having the same theme (limitations/conditions) for everyone). 👍

I agreed with everything except the 3 vote system in the Qualifier. Having a limit of 3 could mean you would end up with only a few shots getting votes (imagine 4,5 or 6 really great shots getting all the votes) you would need an extra poll to find the other 4,3 or 2 finalists.

The only thing that could be missed is the variaty of the themes we had in the 1vs1 battles. That system gave us some great suprises. It would be cool to have some "open" themes and not to restrict ones to allow some diversity of aproach.

This proposal should definitely make for a far more level playing field for all contestants and the ultimate winners. I can foresee some multiple tiebreakers in the early rounds if 3 votes only are allowed and as zzz said, 3 votes may be problematic, possibly 16 limit 1st round, 8 2nd, etc.? Perhaps the top voted entry each round could select the following theme from a list?

It's like a HUGE Secret Santa kinda tournament deal! yay! (I love santa)

...oh, and Nathan, hows that PS3 repair coming along, I sure don't want to start a tournament without your participation!

Looking forward to tourney's! I've been holding onto a shot for the qualifying round since June :D. What ever format it exists in I'll be in!
Fair comment on the 3 votes 👍 As you say Dave, a vote limit set to the number that will progress to the next round would be more practical. :) I'd rather not have the next theme selected by the 'top contestant' though just to keep things on a level playing field. i.e. no one can select a theme that suits their own strengths or at least be perceived to have. ;) Themes will be randomly pre-selected for each round before the tournament begins as has been the case so far.

Oh yes and at this stage I think I'm unlikely to have my PS3 fixed in time - I'm certainly not holding the tourney back on my account. I may still enter the qualifying or whatever it ends up being in the hope that I'll be back up and running by the next round though.
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I see what you mean about theme selection and perception Nathan, wise call, but as this single theme per round method would only total a few for the entire tournament other than the open themes, maybe you could run a theme "poll" (with perhaps a 3 vote limit) so the most popular themes are used?
I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of dropping the 1vs1 approach; part of me really likes how different that is from the rest of our weekly comps, forcing you to focus on one opponent, knowing roughly what their history is here, and their general style, but going in blind, since neither of you will see each others' images until the poll is live. Sure, it means that there's a bit of luck involved, based on the random pairings... but isn't that how it tends to go in tournaments? ;)
Personally I would like to see the 1vs1 approach and when you get the 16 out of the qualifying round we could make a bracket, with most votes being 1, least being 16, then you got your 2 verses the 15 and so on. If there are any ties in the first round we could di the 24 hour tie breaker vote to set the spots on the bracket and if it's still tied after that we could default to whoever entered first. Just my personal opinion but I think that would be the way to go. :D
I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of dropping the 1vs1 approach; part of me really likes how different that is from the rest of our weekly comps, forcing you to focus on one opponent, knowing roughly what their history is here, and their general style, but going in blind, since neither of you will see each others' images until the poll is live. Sure, it means that there's a bit of luck involved, based on the random pairings... but isn't that how it tends to go in tournaments? ;)

I'm quite torn between the two and don't really mind either way but definitely agree the 1 vs 1 aspect helps provides a certain X-factor to the tournaments. The single theme approach would of course still have all entries kept anonymous and sent to the host throughout the tournament retaining that 'blind' aspect. Hosting wise the single theme method is much easier but that's not my main concern - coming up with enough themes can be a little taxing though. Any more theme ideas will be gratefully received. ;)
Ultimately I think the final say should go to @SlipZtrEm as a member of staff and Photo Mod - sorry to throw you under bus there Kyle. :lol:
In other news - this season there will be a prize for the PMC and 2.0 Champions - a copy of GTPEDIA. :gtpflag:
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I'm not sure when will I'll be part of the tourneys as: a) I'm departing for Hong Kong on the 23rd and b) I don't know when I'll get my PS3 back.

Good luck to the future participants! :cheers: