...huh this can be huge TBH.
Well here are 'few' things I'd like to see:
- Options
possibility to use different FoV (per car, per camera setup)
possibility to use multi-monitor setup (3x 1080p monitors for example, ultra wide screen monitors - this all depends on PS5 HW)
possibility to use any possible measurements (km/miles, C'/F', Nm...) regardless of region
option to use local IP for server connectivity (and region) instead of account (there are many people not having PSN so they use US accounts, imagine someone from over the world connecting to online race to US etc.)
customisation for race UI (minimap shoud be separated from car controls, car controls should be always on if race has them enabled even if UI is disabled etc.)
rear view mirror in every possible view
possibility to have more sub-menus (like adding lights menu within the ABS/Fuel map etc.)
more camera options while in race (without steering wheel option, helmet option, option to rotate camera around car, co-driver view in replay etc)
- Livery editor
livery cap per car increased
livery detail increased
possibility to download 2D template for car, so one can make BMP/PNG (or some other format) of livery in his own tool and upload to car/server
possibility to put liveries on glass parts
possibility to put liveries on rims/tires
each tire to be separately colored
more options for colors, variety of color materials etc.
more options for liveries, variety of color materials (instead of just one) etc.
different rims per wheel (rim width should be changed either here or in tuning, unsprung weight and physics dependent)
- Garage and car gifts
no car limit
gifted cars (via daily if they'll exist or via race trophies) can be sold
- Car setup
more detailed setup
(since tuning is teased)
possibility of engine, drivetrain swap
possibility for tire width change (not only visual change, unsprung weight and physics dependent)
real life like racing transmission ratios (there is no transmission that can hit almost every possible ratio per gear, transmission ratios need to be predefined)
possibility to change FDR on any transmission without 'tuning' (some cars have short transmissions, some have long)
possibility to add ballast (as in GT5/6)
possibility to add aero parts to cars (separate spoilers, wings, spliters, complete body kits etc.)
possibility to use any car that has potential to be in that BoP/PP without leaving server/room for rearanging
possibility to make purchases of parts via car setup menu (I know it makes tuning shop obsolete, but it is pain in the a$$ to get out of server just to do that and return)
- SP & MP races
possibility to change AI difficulty
AI should be a bit more clever and use every trick to be faster on track
possibility to add AI to MP races
multi-class racing with proper timing
overhaul of collision/penalty system
more setting options:
* list of cars that can be used
* setup for every car BoP/PP/Power and Weight
* on/off switch for every car so it can only use electronics that it has in real life (so if car doesn't have ABS, it has none on server/session etc)
* setup for every car what modifications can be used (including tires)
* setup for every car how much fuel/P2P/battery can it have (in percentage, real weight should stay as it is in real life car, so if a car has 35L of fuel, even on 75 or 150% it has max 35L but fuel depletion is higher or lower)
* take in account real weight of specific fuel

* more detailed penalty system implementation
* driver through pit lane penalty
* option to disable penalty slow down zones, so penalties can only be accumulated
* option to add penalty by judge if one is assigned as person (when car cuts track depending on setting, judge gets notified with short replay when it happen, and presented with options to punish/warn)
* track cutting/off track driving needs to be more precise:
** off - all is allowed
** low - one wheel on track all the time
** medium - two wheels on same side of car on track all the time
** strict - all wheels on track all the time
* possibility to use real life data for weather and ToD for real world circuits
* possibility to create tournament event with multiple tracks (one day, or even to be able to race on multiple days)
* more detailed post race report
* option to force view, HUD options
* option to add ballast to specific player for better BoP (like Super GT, good for tournaments, room creation can have automatic ballast addition to finishing order etc.)
- Physics
tire physics needs overhaul (more zones per tire, tire punctuation, more real life tire profiles)
(if they have agreement with Michelin, then use their real life tire names and simulated physics, after all they have all possible compounds)
ABS/TCS/ASR/VDC overhaul (more realistic behaviour for all of these systems)
aero needs to be sorted out also
wet weather needs overhaul (as it is now, when cars go off track, they have more grip on grass then on road)
racing and non racing dynamic lane grip
dynamic track temperature
dynamic wind
dynamic weather effects on track (not just visual)
more options for ABS/TCS levels
automatic gearbox real life behaviour (upshifting on low throttle, downshifting on high throttle etc.)
eV cars need battery usage (separate setup for races, like fuel and P2P)
possibility for more detailed damage model (with visual feedback)
overrev with damage to engine and gearbox would be nice
more realistic turbo build-up, release preasure
- Game
multi-class racing
much more cars on track at the same time (let's get N24, LeMans in it's full glory)
option for Viewing of the races (so instead of joining full lobby, we can watch what people are doing, good for streaming, TV broadcast etc.)
damage visuals, wheels rip off, body parts rip off (visual and physics) etc.
more immersive car headlights with options to turn on rain/fog (with sub-menu option)
better weather graphics on car glass
weather graphics in every view with simulated wipers (droplets, snow, mud gets wiped in intervals like with wipers etc.)
These are few things that just came to my mind... I am sure many many more will come and I'll add them...
BTW this is just me, that is what I'd like to have in GT