The GTA Online Roadtrip Club

It's also not like change in command is going to free up people's time/interest. Tomorrow school starts again, and with only 2 evenings to really do events people don't show up. Not to mention we've been dry on ideas for a while now :lol:
I forgot this was a thing! Hopefully I'm not an outcast here for not posting anything for months haha. The PSN I use for Grand Theft Auto and other games is white_tail20. I have a brand new character so if someone wouldn't mind helping me grind so I can do these I'll love you forever (not really).
I forgot this was a thing! Hopefully I'm not an outcast here for not posting anything for months haha. The PSN I use for Grand Theft Auto and other games is white_tail20. I have a brand new character so if someone wouldn't mind helping me grind so I can do these I'll love you forever (not really).
I'll help ya I'll add ya in a sec
Ok :scared: Also you still need to grind levels, I sent you a request
That would be me, and to be perfectly fair I haven't been playing all that much as I've been focused on my GT6 racing and upcoming events on there. I'll get on at some point to do some work but if you're not on then I wouldn't worry about it. It's just me putting GT6 ahead of GTA. Thanks for adding me, I'll accept it whenever I'm free of obligation on GT6 and feeling like killing people (on GTA, that is).
That would be me, and to be perfectly fair I haven't been playing all that much as I've been focused on my GT6 racing and upcoming events on there. I'll get on at some point to do some work but if you're not on then I wouldn't worry about it. It's just me putting GT6 ahead of GTA. Thanks for adding me, I'll accept it whenever I'm free of obligation on GT6 and feeling like killing people (on GTA, that is).
Okie dokie I have the Super License on Gt6 and On Gta Level 103 so I'm In the good life
I can't hear mics that well, so don't be offended if you're talking to me and I don't hear. Not that I'll be able to say anything anyway.

Aki Ishikawa has returned to playing Hot Pursuit because GTA Online is being useless.
Sorry GT916 - We tried but GTA Failed
The first time I tried to join my PS3 froze, the second time I tried to join it said the cloud servers were unavailable, the third time I tried it said I didn't finish the tutorial, and right now the menu isn't showing up but I can hear you guys on the mics. I hate my PS3.