The GTP team awards!

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According to your team thread, your leaving GT5 drifting so these awards don't affect you...
Plus at this rate, no ones gonna vote for your team unless your being nice ;)

It effects everyone in the community here pal, you're trying to hoist people up on a pedestal 6 months into the games' release. The last thing needed around here is bigger egos or people claiming they won something worth nothing.
It effects everyone in the community here pal, you're trying to hoist people up on a pedestal 6 months into the games' release. The last thing needed around here is bigger egos or people claiming they won something worth nothing.

That's what happened on Forza *cough cough*:yuck:
It effects everyone in the community here pal, you're trying to hoist people up on a pedestal 6 months into the games' release. The last thing needed around here is bigger egos or people claiming they won something worth nothing.
As if people don't have big enough ego's already... It's not gonna make any difference, it's a bit of fun...
If you don't like it, stop reading the thread:tdown:
I don't see why people are getting so mad ... Why is the drift community taking everythin so seriously , can we just all get along ?
I don't think anyone is mad, but things like this just create a more divided community than a thriving one, something this section of very much does not need.

Not to mention that even with our lobbies being some of the most active and frequented by members of other teams, hardly anyone knows anyone, so the voting would almost purely become bias based on who drifts with who, not who is the most deserving. In all honesty I don't think SFX could care less as from what I heard they were one of the most highly decorated teams on another game/forum, of which I was not around for but in my time with them have shown that we are just here for a fun time with each other, without the nonsense that I experienced once again in my lobby today. Try doing something to bring people together on equal grounds, not distinguish a few from the majority of what made this place today.
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I honestly don't know why I try on this place, this is supposed to be a bit of fun.
What gain do you get from getting an award online that says you were the best drifting team from US or whatever...
Honestly you guys are overreacting to a problem that hasn't even happened yet!
If anyone else posts about possible big ego's or even starts another argument (hint: Mysterious, leave ;)) I'm asking for this to be closed. I shouldn't have to but it seems some people just aren't mature enough...:indiff:
This is all just a game guys we dont need to argue about this. Making a thread which had no point but for everyone just to vote for themselves.
some kids just don't know their place...:dunce:


Oh what the hell does "Drifting since day 1" means?

Are you implying you play video games alot?
Look slyd, even though your on my team you have to stop starting flame wars here. Instead of negative critisism, try constructive criticism. Then there will be less of this.
some kids just don't know their place...:dunce:


Oh what the hell does "Drifting since day 1" means?

Are you implying you play video games alot?

Oh wow.

Look slyd, even though your on my team you have to stop starting flame wars here. Instead of negative critisism, try constructive criticism. Then there will be less of this.

Your not allowed to vote for yourself obviously...

How exactly do you plan to stop this? I'd like to know and i'm sure so would others.

EDIT: You should really close this or at the least put it off for 12 months. Eg: I drift with my team and some members from others, I can't vote for my team so I vote for the team with people in our lobby because I see their skills. Can you see how this eventuates into a popularity contest? If you can't you should leaving this to someone more seasoned.
I like the idea but its to soon in timming
grd have more people on the site than here so we use the site more than gtp. but we are very much active;and actually on that point could Nk4e add us to the active section as were we are active and it doesn't look good for use grd'ers. sorry for going off topic
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How exactly do you plan to stop this? I'd like to know and i'm sure so would others.

EDIT: You should really close this or at the least put it off for 12 months. Eg: I drift with my team and some members from others, I can't vote for my team so I vote for the team with people in our lobby because I see their skills. Can you see how this eventuates into a popularity contest? If you can't you should leaving this to someone more seasoned.
It worked fine in forza...
I think I'm with others when they say its too soon. But a good idea kinda.
We've confirmed it's too soon XD It was mentioned on the first page...
I think it's a good idea and just wanted ideas for it!
It worked fine in forza...

Yep, but it was held about a year and a half there abouts 'after' the game was released. You also probably don't realise that most teams there already knew each other from part 2. Here hardly anybody has had a chance to get know all the other teams and this doesn't work as I stated above. I vote for my friends because I only see them, even if another team I don't know is a million times better, I don't know them.

Also if you were in the loop on there at that time you would have known that some unsavoury characters did do some dodgey stuff but the fact everyone knew everyone meant they could smell a sham a mile away. Trust me, you cannot keep something like this 100% airtight, heck Sony couldn't even keep their stuff sealed.
Lol, seriously, there is not a single team that is better then the matsuri missiles. The SS are the most active with only 5000 posts? Lol. As for the other things, im curious. My team improved very well, perhaps we are the best in europe but we havent battled at all. But everyone knows how good baha , gauz and the other wheel users are. With DS3 everyone is nearly the same.

With DS3 everyone is nearly the same? without tooting my own horn here i'd say im alot further on than most DS3 users....

Also D-Max may not be the most active on GTP but we are always in each others lounge messing around doing something EVERY night.. We post here now and then. Because we are not on here every day talking like we would in game does't mean we're inactive :)

Takes me to my next point of the comment i seen where guys join other temas lounges.. When i was in UDT/D-trick i always joined the ACN boys. we got along and had a good laugh. Is that not what the game is about anyway lol no one has to stick to there own team. Can't we all just get alongggggg?
That's the point buddy, teams need to get to know each other or know of each other before people can gauge ridiculously stupid things like how co-ordinated some 12 year old example is at mashing the right combination of buttons compared to my sport riddled mid-twenties body on the verge of arthritis.
Okay, this WAS a good idea, it's seems that we don't have quite the community I hoped for
This can be locked now, shame it had to be ruined...
Geez dude, it wasn't ruined. The truth as seen by those people involved with this exact thing that you said worked so well: You've taken someones' idea trying to make it yours to gain some popularity and notoriety for yourself, in the process you have not understood the level of organisation that people have over there. They've been getting organised since before you even dreamt of drifting online in GT5. You tried to jump the gun and were told by numerous people involved with that very one you say worked that it's too early, it needs more time and so on. You wanted to try and carry it on and in turn have just caused more ripples in the community that weren't there before. Take a step back and let the forum evolve naturally for a while, let people get to know more than one member from another team, heck organise friendlies or get-togethers with good teams, once you then have a good solid base of at least 3-5 established teams then you can look to doing this with the confidence that you will get fair and deserving votes for the right people. Right now it will end up being about who has the most friends here or who can get the most friends here. The End.
I honestly cba to read your winey essay, if you wanna ramble at me, use the PM system ;)
Can the mods close this please? :D
Knight Spirit
I honestly cba to read your winey essay, if you wanna ramble at me, use the PM system ;)
Can the mods close this please? :D

Hes right. You jumped into it too soon.
Yeah Powell.. The general feeling is soo :)

I'm not having a go but bashing up someones comment isn't a good thing. he asked for the thread to be closed so can everyone just not post :)
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