The Hall of Fame

New Hall Of Fame?

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Many long time Photo Comp entrants would know that something needs to be done about the hall of fame. It hasn't been updated for quite a while, I mean the Manufacturer/H2H comp isn't even in there yet! And the most recently updated comp was Week 29 Photoshop competition! Also, I feel that it's important to keep a record of who won what comp and when.
My school holidays are next week, ie I'll have plenty of free time, so what I propose to do is to start a new Hall Of Fame thread. To do this, we either create a new account solely for running the HoF, or we could use the PSM account. Each competition runner is responsible for updating their section of HoF, and would take maybe 3 minutes if updated weekly with the new winner.
Simple, huh?
The hard bit is finding time to sit down and find all the winners for the past competitions. But I'm sure it can be done, and hopefully the Hall will be restored to its former glory.
By the way, can I put in a request to get the current HoF unlocked before we start this, so that we can copy out the existing HoF entrants.

What do the other competition hosts think of this? :)
that sounds like an awesome idea, and i would need to enter who won the tournaments too right?
Long overdue. I'm all for it Rev!! I think its a nice way to honor all the winners.
that sounds like an awesome idea, and i would need to enter who won the tournaments too right?
Well, now that I think of it, Tournament winners and deserve their place in the Hall Of Fame too. May as well throw in the runner-ups as well, they do very well to get as far as they do.
I'm glad everyone if all for the idea so far! :dopey:
I'm with the guys here.

I can't always check who has won what competitions, thus I rely on the Hall of Fame to see whose the best of the best. But being it hasn't been updated for a while, I haven't been able to.

I say go for it.👍

definetly. BRING IT BACK!
I'll beable to keep the Rally Competition updated, 👍 from me.
i will win a comp one day. (most likely to be a drift or rally comp)
Even though i don't run any competitons i'll gladly help with the HoF if neccesary.
Thats another thought which has crossed my mind, if competition hosts are snowed under with life and other unimportant things, perhaps some outside help could be enlisted to go and write a record of who won what, to be transplanted into the new HoF.
Offers like yours, GTC, I'm sure would be greatly appreciated by some.
Anybody else up for it? Warning, alot of nostalgia involved.. when I took it upon myself to go and do 20 weeks worth of Photoshop Comps a while ago, it brought back alot of good old memories of the comps in their early days.

!! :dopey:
I know we've spoke about it back-channel a few times Rev, so you know I fully support this. I've been trying to keep the thread titles for the H2H updated with winners, for all 3 polls, to make it easier to collect the info later on.

Es' suggestion is spot-on, too; we should provide links back to the respective polls, and perhaps even the full-size image with the thumb. Updating my respective part will not be a problem; since half the work is already done for each new week's post, I just have to grab the other sides' winner too :).
I think its a good idea, let me know if you need my help I will do the best I can
Yea this is a great idea! At the beginning when I started winning comps, I held a hall of fame for myself but I stopped at like the third win... :crazy: because I got behind, and the comps were dissapearing... does someone know how to view them again? I know it's possible, but I don't know how. I'll help if possible.
Sej - Scroll down to the bottom of the comp forum and you'll see the options of viewing threads. The default (at least for me) is "The Last Month", so if you change that to "The Beginning" you'll be able to view every thread in here :) (of course, a year is nearly enough too).
I will be glad to support this
but the future is so unknown
it will be sad to see the history repeating
I am definitely up for this idea, and I was kind of sad when I saw the HoF tail off somewhat last year. It look's like I will have to go back and collect about 40 past comp winners from the archives, but it'll be fun looking at all of the great entries from the past when I have some free time.
Just like Arsenal pointed out, i was disapointed to see it dwindle away. This is a fantastic idea, and im with full support.
Okay then, its on.
I'll start compiling the past 2.0 winners next Monday.
All other comp hosts should do the same :)
If you just plain haven't got time (thats very understandable), don't worry, I'm sure we can enlist some Comp Participants who are only too happy to help.
Definitely, I'd love to be immortalized in the Hall of Fame :D Of course, I don't really remember what I've won, so it'd be a helpful reminder too....
After a certain aomout of days (I think 14, maybe 21 or 28), the threads in the Photo Competition forum are deleted, so we can't go back that far (maybe the Rally Comp can).
After a certain aomout of days (I think 14, maybe 21 or 28), the threads in the Photo Competition forum are deleted, so we can't go back that far (maybe the Rally Comp can).

Wrong, look at my response to Sej on the last page. They're not deleted, the default view for the board is threads from the last month. You can just change that :).

Rev - Can you give us a hint as to what the format will be? That way I can compile the stuff and make it easier for you. Also, are you going to be making the banners, or do you want each comp "steward" (heh) to be in charge? Whichever works for me.

Consider the compiling on!

(EDIT) So, for me personally, since I've got to deal with two winners each week, I'm compiling the following way Rev:

Week: Theme
Winner's Name: Thumb
Runner-up (other side of theme): Thumb

I was going to give the preview images, but something tells me a thread loaded with well over 100 of them would not be fun ;).
It could help if the person running it was premium *cough cough* if the thread is going to be locked like the old Hof.

Anyway, I'll get to work on a banner for Rally Competition section, I'll be posting like this.

Rally Week x(x). (link to Rally Week x(x) in text).

Theme -
Winner - (Thumbnail here)
Yeah, a format simliar to the current format would be great.

Week X 2.0 Competition <that will link to the poll, so send a link as well
Theme: Open
Winner: Revolution.

Thumbnails for winners only please, otherwise, like Slip said it'll take far too long to load the entire page.
@George - Having one user run the galleries isn't practical, we need an account to which all the comp runners know the password, so they can go in and add the winners whenever they're ready. I'll set up the initial thread next week, so PM your lists to me.

Oh, and I'll make some banners for this.
Makes sense to me to have a central account (like the Gallery Directory), that way in the likely event of someone new taking the reins of a comp, they can still help. Not to mention if it's a single person, we run into this problem all over again next time.

Alrighty, I got my portion all done earlier today, but I don't have the links to each week's thread, so I guess I'll have to go back and do that...