The Hall of Fame

New Hall Of Fame?

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Thats another thought which has crossed my mind, if competition hosts are snowed under with life and other unimportant things, perhaps some outside help could be enlisted to go and write a record of who won what, to be transplanted into the new HoF.

If you need help with the record keeping and stuff, I'll help if you want it. 👍
How are the comp hosts going with the compiling of the winners?
When you're done, PM them to me please :)
ill try my upmost to get in there.....finally....
I've got the H2H HOF all sorted out, with exception to the links to each thread. I was actually going to bump this up to see how all the other comps are doing :)
I've opened the former Hall of Fame so you can get the code for the existing winners. Hopefully this one will be able to be kept up. I would suggest a new user account with the password distributed to competition holders so they can update their records weekly. It's way too much for one person alone, which is why I let go of it.

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