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- United Kingdom
@Liquid First link needs checking![]()
Both shocking and saddening that this verdict took so long, and required the perseverance of the families of the dead to achieve.
Yes, times were different, and yes, football fans frequently behaved very badly at the time
the lack of proper care displayed by the police (or at least the senior officers present)
RIP the 96.
Their front page in the morning better be: WE LIED.This is why the Sun will never sell in Liverpool...
Lying scum.
Their front page in the morning better be: WE LIED.
I think The Sun is going to come to regret that decision...
As far as I'm aware this has never been covered. Perhaps there was something in the 14 verdicts I missed though.One thing I'm still somewhat unclear on is where the pressure at the back came from to crush the people at the front.
Opening or not opening a gate or a tunnel is one thing, people pouring down it to the point of stampede is another - I'd love to know why there was such an overwhelming desire to be over there and not over here that resulted in the movement of people in that fashion. Were they being charged by horses and driven into the pens?
I'm not sure, other papers have also relegated the news to the inside pages but none have included an apology like The Sun has. The Sun weren't the only paper to have ever carried the "official story" as headline news, of course.
In one respect, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Imagine the cries of hypocrisy if the Sun ran a JUSTICE AT LAST headline on the front cover.
I get that this verdict places sole blame on the stadium design, seating allocations, police decisions and emergency response to the incident, and the subsequent version of events put out by South Yorkshire Police has been found unreliable, but...
As far as I'm aware this has never been covered. Perhaps there was something in the 14 verdicts I missed though.
If there's zero blame on the fans, they must have been forced in, surely? It seems important to know how, particularly for the criminal investigation - whomever or whatever was doing the forcing is surely culpable.
Yes but the other papers don't have to atone for their past coverage, they simply have to report it.
As far as I'm aware this has never been covered. Perhaps there was something in the 14 verdicts I missed though.
If there's zero blame on the fans, they must have been forced in, surely? It seems important to know how, particularly for the criminal investigation - whomever or whatever was doing the forcing is surely culpable.
After reading what Liquid has written, can you really say that the fans have absolutely no fault with this?
Given what has been said, if the crush hadn't happened inside the stadium, there is a very real chance this could have happened outside.
Admittedly, they probably didn't know what was going on up ahead, but to not have the intelligence that a high number of people being directed into a funnel could cause an issue is suspect.
The police made a judgement based on the very limited information they had at a time when they were faced with an impossible situation.
I know what I'm saying may cause offence, and I apologise if I do so, this is not my intention. Just merely to postulate a theory which is different from the one the fans and the Hillsborough Family Support Group push.
Turn around and head against the tide of people still being corralled in? A new crush would have occurred.
"If the price of a free press is a boycott of our newspaper, then it is a price we will have to pay."Lying scum.
Going by the way it has been covered down here, the stadium was overcrowded, so the police made the decision to open one of the gates in the hopes that they could relieve the pressure inside - but the fans amassing outside took this to mean that another entry point was being opened up, and tried to get in. If you're wondering what the inciting incident was, it was probably groupthink. I know that's a business-y buzzword, but it rings true; if the police were struggling to control the crowd outside and had limited means to communicate with one another, much less the crowd, then when the gates were opened, thousands of people already whipped up into a frenzy came to the same conclusion: that the stadium was being opened up, which would have been enough to push them over the edge, break the containment line and surge toward the entry.As far as I'm aware this has never been covered.
Going by the way it has been covered down here, the stadium was overcrowded, so the police made the decision to open one of the gates in the hopes that they could relieve the pressure inside - but the fans amassing outside took this to mean that another entry point was being opened up, and tried to get in. If you're wondering what the inciting incident was, it was probably groupthink. I know that's a business-y buzzword, but it rings true; if the police were struggling to control the crowd outside and had limited means to communicate with one another, much less the crowd, then when the gates were opened, thousands of people already whipped up into a frenzy came to the same conclusion: that the stadium was being opened up, which would have been enough to push them over the edge, break the containment line and surge toward the entry.
... since, again, that isn't what freedom is.Except that freedom of the press isn't freedom to post whatever you want without consequence
Sounds like they underestimated the crowds outside. Their plan makes perfect sense, if you assume that the crowds outside would remain in place - which is an assumption that was faulty, to say the least.This is what the police were not prepared for and ultimately lost control over by opening a Gate which led to two individual pens which were already at full capacity with no staff or police to direct fans to safer areas.
Then what? How do you force or coerce five thousand people to act in the same way at the same time? The only thing that I can think of is an explosion or gunfire, but survivors or witnesses would have noted it in their testimony, and the likely outcome would be five thousand people running in five thousand different directions. As @Liquid noted, it was a steady stream of people entering the grounds - as chaotic as it was, there was a semblance of order and logic to it.It simply can't be the case that 5,000 Liverpool fans mindlessly walked in through an exit and caused the crush, as the inquiry has put zero blame at the feet of the fans. They must have been forced or coerced in, or else some of the blame would be on them - after all, every other party involved (except Nottingham Forest and the FA) has shouldered some blame.
At a football match during the hooligan era of British football - an era in which England's football teams were forbidden from playing in European competition due to our hooligan element that caused things like Heysel? Kettling or charging with horses would do it.Then what? How do you force or coerce five thousand people to act in the same way at the same time? The only thing that I can think of is an explosion or gunfire, but survivors or witnesses would have noted it in their testimony, and the likely outcome would be five thousand people running in five thousand different directions.
But again, that would lead to some blame on the fans. 5000 people walking where they shouldn't, on purpose, sounds blameworthy to me.As @Liquid noted, it was a steady stream of people entering the grounds - as chaotic as it was, there was a semblance of order and logic to it.
But again, that would lead to some blame on the fans. 5000 people walking where they shouldn't, on purpose, sounds blameworthy to me.
As they were all completely exonerated of any responsibility, that can't be the case...
Something other than the fans themselves drove those people into the stadium and a criminal prosecution will have to find out what it was...