The Vanishing Boy
- 9,000
- Quezon City, Philippines & Las Vegas, NV
- GTP_VanishingBoy
- Vanishing Boy
-> ...
SSR11-> There are two variations of this race track. One was the GT1 on which we have to go through under the flyover and pass through that blind chicane. The second was on GT3, it had none of the GT1's very tough chicane. Instead, there was a sharp hairpin, and a long straightaway with a very loose S-turn:
SSR11 (GT1)
SSR11 (GT3)
Grand Valley-> There were three variations on this one. The major differences are between the hairpin and the 1st tunnel:
GVS (GT1 & GT2)
Autumn Ring-> Another consistent track, but was skimped on GT3. However it came back on GT Concept series:
Autum Ring
Trial Mountain-> Everytime I engage on this track, I feel relaxed.
Trial Mountain
Notable Others:
Deep Forest
High Speed Ring
BT-> To me, my best track would be SSR11 (GT1), this course is not too technical and frustrating. A perfect balance between work and play.

^ Of all the original race tracks above, so far, Trial Mountain has the most consistant track layout of each GT series released.Grand Valley
Special stage r11
Autum ring
Trial Mountain
High Speed Ring
SSR11-> There are two variations of this race track. One was the GT1 on which we have to go through under the flyover and pass through that blind chicane. The second was on GT3, it had none of the GT1's very tough chicane. Instead, there was a sharp hairpin, and a long straightaway with a very loose S-turn:
SSR11 (GT1)

SSR11 (GT3)

Grand Valley-> There were three variations on this one. The major differences are between the hairpin and the 1st tunnel:
GVS (GT1 & GT2)



Autumn Ring-> Another consistent track, but was skimped on GT3. However it came back on GT Concept series:
Autum Ring

Trial Mountain-> Everytime I engage on this track, I feel relaxed.
Trial Mountain

Notable Others:
Deep Forest
High Speed Ring
BT-> To me, my best track would be SSR11 (GT1), this course is not too technical and frustrating. A perfect balance between work and play.