the history gt track.

  • Thread starter RAVELLRON

The History gt track

  • Grand Valley

    Votes: 42 34.1%
  • Autumn Ring

    Votes: 6 4.9%
  • Special Stage r11

    Votes: 13 10.6%
  • High speed ring

    Votes: 13 10.6%
  • Trial Mountain

    Votes: 49 39.8%

  • Total voters
-> ...
Grand Valley

Special stage r11

Autum ring

Trial Mountain

High Speed Ring
^ Of all the original race tracks above, so far, Trial Mountain has the most consistant track layout of each GT series released.

SSR11-> There are two variations of this race track. One was the GT1 on which we have to go through under the flyover and pass through that blind chicane. The second was on GT3, it had none of the GT1's very tough chicane. Instead, there was a sharp hairpin, and a long straightaway with a very loose S-turn:

SSR11 (GT1)

SSR11 (GT3)

Grand Valley-> There were three variations on this one. The major differences are between the hairpin and the 1st tunnel:

GVS (GT1 & GT2)




Autumn Ring-> Another consistent track, but was skimped on GT3. However it came back on GT Concept series:

Autum Ring

Trial Mountain-> Everytime I engage on this track, I feel relaxed.

Trial Mountain

Notable Others:
Deep Forest
High Speed Ring

BT-> To me, my best track would be SSR11 (GT1), this course is not too technical and frustrating. A perfect balance between work and play. :)

I'm actually a bit disappointed that Midfield wasn't in that list. That's the track that got me addicted to GT. 👍
Grand Valley Speedway

With the legendary Grand Valley 300km enduro and the awesome layout it's hard to make it your favourite and deny it is the track that symbolises GT. On top of that, it's possibly the best track to tune cars on.

Trial Mountain, is a good drive, but I don't see it like a world class race track.:dopey:
Trial Mountain.
I remenber when i was playing the GT2 in that track, driving a Supra... i used to watch every single replay ! *-*
I'm actually a bit disappointed that Midfield wasn't in that list. That's the track that got me addicted to GT. 👍

Yeah, In GT3 I drove that track over and over again. There's just something about it I really enjoy. GT3 was the first GT I got.
I think GT5 needs to create new imaginary track similar to NUR-Ring. That will make history ;)
-> Although I previously said that the SSR11 (GT1) has the best balance of any of GT's tracks mentioned and ended up voting for it. I can say some notables:

Autumn Ring-> On GT4, before I try to test every car on my garage by HP rating. It took me 4 days to deside which is the best time attack course on the largest race track library in the console world. I needed a perfect race track to attack; that is not too long (Nurb, Sarthe, Infineon, GV), not too short (Tsukuba, TM, DF), not too steep (El Cap, Seattle, Aria, Amalfi), not too technical (GV, Suzuka, Cote d Azur, Apricot, Motegi), not too fun (DF, El Cap, TM, Amalfi), and definitley not a city track. The Autumn Ring delivered all the requirements needed to test all my fame garage stables. The only downside on why I didn't pick this track was its tendancy to be unpredictable if you slack your routine. Meaning, you have to be at least at your 88% minimum consentration. So far, the fastest car I have as of date is a [T]Suzuki GSX-R concept (280+hp) @ 1:10.+++. :)

Grand Valley-> I do agree with the majority of people here. This track resembles the epitomy of the word Gran Turismo molded into a race track. The track design is at the highest level no matter what version (GT1/2, GT3, & GT4) or configuation (Speedway & East). This track possesses that level of depth that is on par with race tracks in the real world, no other fictional race track could ever come close to Grand Valley. Unfortunatley, the downside was this; on some occation especially when you want to have fun. The track struggles to impress (especially on the Speedway), as if this is a 'bussiness-only' type race track. All serious, no fun! That equates it to be boring when you are not in a competitive mood.

High Speed Ring-> I forgot to mention this venerable track. It was my very first Gran Turismo track (using an Evo IV during test playing it on a store in the Philippines and it was the JDM version!), it was my deciding factor of buyng GT1. This track (GT1/2 version) was an excellent track (as a beginner) to set up grudge match along with your fellow beginner friend. The camera angles was the best of any GT track, very TV-like (GT1/2 vers). Downside was when it returned after its absence from GT3, the GT4/5P was more generic than the drug itself, life-less, unemotional, and most of all, boring. It is a major dissapointment compared to the first version.

High Speed Ring (GT1 & GT2 version)

High Speed Ring (GT4 & GT5P version)
US) jumps on the long straightaway after the last tunnel. Unfortunately, this track lacks depth. As opposed to Grand Valley of not being able to be the fun track; this one however, can't take anything seriously, its way too much fun. Instead of taking the serious approach of entering the corner in a formal grippy proffessional manner; you ended up like a insane hooligan drifting like a mad 'Tsuchiya-D' and laugh all the way to the finish line (same effect on Deep Forest, my drift track). :boggled:
I'm actually a bit disappointed that Midfield wasn't in that list. That's the track that got me addicted to GT. 👍

It came in way too late in the series to be considered the classic defining GT track. Though I do agree its awesome and I love driving it too.
I think anything from GT1/2 should be considered classic at least, though I would consider Tokyo Route 246, Apricot Hill Raceway, Seattle Circuit, Rome Circuit and Midfield Raceway as definitive Gran Turismo tracks.
midfield didn't born with gt1

It came in way too late in the series to be considered the classic defining GT track. Though I do agree its awesome and I love driving it too.
I think anything from GT1/2 should be considered classic at least, though I would consider Tokyo Route 246, Apricot Hill Raceway, Seattle Circuit, Rome Circuit and Midfield Raceway as definitive Gran Turismo tracks.

Been too many years since I played GT1, I almost assumed Midfield was on it but remember it from the other GT's. :embarrassed:

Alright, then it has to be GVS.
Officially, Trial Mountain represents Kazunori Yamauchi's ideal racetrack. Which makes its absence from GT5P all the more puzzling.
Officially, Trial Mountain represents Kazunori Yamauchi's ideal racetrack. Which makes its absence from GT5P all the more puzzling.
Could it be going under virtual renovations if it's going to be in GT5?
Personally I love racing at the Trial Mountain Circuit so much. It's always enjoyable racing around that circuit! :D
But as mentioned by most of the members, the Grand Valley Speedway is really a great original race track designed by PD, and the quality of this track can represent GT too! 👍
With nice views around the track and nice layout - having both long straights as well as a couple of twisty corners to tackle. :cheers:
All those tracks are my favorite tracks, but by a tiny margin I would choose the Special Stage R11 over all the others.

I still remember playing endurance at the R11 circuit and it was so much fun, it was big, it had difficult corners, it is even more demanding and exhausting then that Nordschleife, it has a very special scenery. I always liked racing in the city streets, especially at night, it was a very different experience than all the other circuits.

Good old times....:guilty:
what happend to red rock valley ???

Same feeling here! I miss that track since GT2! :ouch:
It's also a high speed circuit and I think it's much better than the High Speed Ring!
Can't imagine how nice looking will it be in HD quality! :D
Definitely Grand Valley. SSR11 wasn't in GT4 so there's no point saying that was it. High Speed Ring wasn't in GT3, so that's out. Trial Mountain was in GT Concept unlike Grand Valley, but Grand Valley is a much more...natural circuit. Likewise Autumn Ring, but that is TOO natural. lol XD

Officially, Trial Mountain represents Kazunori Yamauchi's ideal racetrack. Which makes its absence from GT5P all the more puzzling.

GT5 Prologue doesn't have any Original Circuits. (Cept for High Speed Ring) ;)
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Officially, Trial Mountain represents Kazunori Yamauchi's ideal racetrack. Which makes its absence from GT5P all the more puzzling.

He could just be saving it for the full games, as in, trying not to spoil GT5. Same reason we don't have Nurburgring. The less GT5p has, the better GT5 will be.
Heart says -
Grand Valley, cant wait to see it in GT5 in full HD!!!!

Head says -
Special Stage Route 11 from GT1, never liked any of the versions since that!!
I voted GVS because it's the best track from a world class track perspective.

My favorite track though was SSR11 in GT3 because of all the lights and that ferris wheel that would change colors. I loved driving around there, and was very disappointed when I saw that it didn't make it into GT4. Hopefully they bring it back, because it would look amazing in HD.
I picked Trial Mountain, but Deepforest is every bit as iconic to me.

I can't wait to see those, Autumn Ring and Apricot Hill in GT5, my favorite wad of tracks.

I would love to see Grindlewald come back.. big climb, big decent through the German mountains/forest/village and all tricky. And NO the Nurburgring is not a substitute!
I would love to see Grindlewald come back.. big climb, big decent through the German mountains/forest/village and all tricky. And NO the Nurburgring is not a substitute!

Isn't Eiger basically Grindlewald but ten times better?
Isn't Eiger basically Grindlewald but ten times better?
True true, they'd be sorta redundant together. I liked the foresty/villagey feel to Grindlewald tho, Eiger is blah aside from the mountain scape.
True true, they'd be sorta redundant together. I liked the foresty/villagey feel to Grindlewald tho, Eiger is blah aside from the mountain scape.

I'd prefer grindlewald.. i loved absaloutley milling the sh** out of a toyota chaser there joyrider stye :crazy:
I'd prefer grindlewald.. i loved absaloutley milling the sh** out of a toyota chaser there joyrider stye :crazy:

I went and played GT2 today. I'd def take Grindlewald over Eiger. The graphics were so bad though, it felt like I was playing a giant gameboy heh