I got to meet my first real openly-gay person last year. He also had plans to become a male-to-female transsexual. I have my own thoughts about homosexuality.
First off, I hate it when people use "gay" to describe something bad. It's totally offensive to homosexual types. If you want to ask for my thoughts... it's really a mixed subject. I believe in social values, and so I have no problem with homosexuality. It isn't a malignant disease. It isn't a psychological problem. It is not a crime on any level. It is just a preference to want to be with someone of their own gender. There's no shame in this. One thing stuck out at me when I was watching some of those... I guess you can call them public access channels. One person simply said, "if you're gay, you're going to die." This, in response to homosexuality in the Bible. I am a social thinker. The idea of homosexuality is going to rub some people the wrong way. I've grown to be more appreciative of people as I've matured. I'm going to feel uneasy myself with the notion of homosexuality, but I'm not going to go and lash out at somebody or call them nasty and inappropriate insults. Homosexuality is not a crime. I'm well aware of Christian values (I'm mostly speaking of homosexuality in America. I'm not sure how it may be in countries outside of America) here in America, but I don't think homosexuality is anything to belittle or hate. Homosexuality is nothing to throw an insult at. It is not something to use to attack or demean people on. If you don't like homosexuality, fine. You're not required to do so. Just don't go around attacking people on the notion that they are homosexual (or even bisexual).
A lot of things really need to change. As I mentioned in my previous paragraph, I'd appreciate nothing more than for people to stop using "gay" to represent something bad. It's what I experienced in my grade school days, AOL chats, stupid ass YouTube video comments in which some bastards don't know common sense even if it slapped them upside the head and made their cheeks red. Again, don't use sexual preference as a method of attacking or belittling people. You just end up feeling stupid and being treated like dirt. I mentioned that the person I got to know last year was gay as well as wanting to be a full-time transsexual. To be honest, I didn't really freak out seeing a (when I first saw him) person in the bathroom with long hair. Speaking as a heterosexual, I actually thought he was rather handsome in appearance. Maybe part of me is that I am an art person, and you tend to see the world in a different way. Okay, I confess... I am heterosexual, but VERY slightly bi-curious. So I'm pretty aware that the same-sex issues would make me somewhat of a target.
I voted "okay for anybody" from the choices. Reason I voted is because I've heard of people who are usually heterosexual, but then have some same-sex experience. I'm not exactly talking intercourse, but getting to see what it is like to love someone of your gender. A person may be heterosexual, sample loving people of the same gender, and never want to meet/date/love anyone of another sex ever again (at least according to the person in question). By stating "okay for anybody," I am basically saying it's okay for anyone of either gender to meet and perhaps grow very fond of someone of the same sex. I just believe in what makes others happy. People come from different cultures or don't really prefer having the Christian-style man+woman marriage. That also brings up issues of same-sex marriage. Again, I feel a person in a same-sex couple should be able to be with whomever makes him/her happy. And if for one guy that another man is whom he chooses to love and be with, that's his call. If one lady is very happy dating and loving another lady, then that's her call. I just believe in love and happiness. Homosexuals are not the lowest class of people on Mother Earth. They are not lost souls in need of exorcising. They are people like you and I. They just have different tastes in mating. So if a guy was asked to pick between Jessica Alba and Justin Timberlake, and if the guy responds Justin Timberlake, then who are we to tell him otherwise? We have to learn at one point to live together with homosexuals and not belittle them each chance we get. I know it's tough to do for some or most people, but they aren't the kind of dirtbags people make them out to be. Let them do as they please. They aren't hurting anybody. Don't make you any less of a person to see or encounter them. Again, all of this from personal experience as well as my social viewpoints.
For an interesting perspective on homosexuality and the Bible, check out this link: <
http://www.soulforce.org/article/homosexuality-bible-gay-christian >.