The HUD Thread - Thoughts and opinions for a new vision

  • Thread starter steel89
I was just thinking about the cockpit view and i thought about that:
The HUD is almost still the same on every Gran Turismo.. Lap times, Speedometer, Rear Mirror, and that "gigantic" map..

Now, with the cockpit view the speedometer could also be hidden..
And because most of the new racing games allows it, what do you think of a clear, simple and without hud race on the cockpit of your car?


Don't you think that this simple option could be added?
I don't think that this is a difficult think to do.. It's only a small particular, but I think that this could be great.. :drool:

Now we know the map of Trial Mountain or Deep Forest, and that Rear Mirror at the top of the screen on the other visuals is a bit annoying..
So, what you think about it?
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we dont' even know if there will be cockpit view for alla cars.

However you need to know your position, position of other cars, split etc. If the is no communication from the pit you need hud.
That would be great. I was actually thinking about that option a while ago. But on 720p, I can't see the numbers very well on the speedometre.
Just get rid of the HUD, altogether on the screen! Most of the time it blocks the rear view mirror any way!
HUD-less view would be great if PD could implement a race engineer in your ear (bluetooth headset?) giving info on times etc
To be honest, the HUD as always been a bit of an annoyance for me. It's far too crowded and I would rather just concentrate on driving without being distracted by a text over-lay.

In the ideal world, the HUD would be fully customisable. As already said, without information from a pit, some of the detail is needed. Some. Not all.

"The Real Driving Simulator". Real drivers do not have all this information in their line of sight, so let me turn it (or parts of it) off please :-)
"The Real Driving Simulator". Real drivers do not have all this information in their line of sight, so let me turn it (or parts of it) off please :-)

Right :D

I don't care about the hud informations, my position or the laps because I'm always 1st :sly:
jocking apart, it could be in a way like Grid/dirt:
you can choose what to display: Speedometer On/Off, Position/Laps On/Off...
I don't thinks that this could be that hard to implement...
A race engineer with voice could be also great but that will certainly be more difficult to do..

And with the cockpit view, the visibility is also compromised by all this text..

btw, I'm only asking for that "toggle hud" feature, and if we have more, better for us.
Polyphony, listen to us :)
However you need to know your position, position of other cars, split etc. If the is no communication from the pit you need hud.
We have rear view mirrors and the ability to look left/right. That's enough IMO.

At least we should be able to remove the track map, as in previous GT games.
i think from a realism point of view, it would be excellent however practically its not, you have to know what posistion your in......
"Hardcore Mode" for Gran Turismo. I like it.

That would be really cool but I still need the splits. It would kinda suck w/out a crew chief to talk to you

Although having somebody update you on the race's proceedings via a headset would be cool, I think that just having the splits pop up on the screen occasionally wouldn't detract from the immersion a HUD-less GT5 cockpit cam could produce. It's not like the splits are there permanently, just a reminder every once in a while. I personally wouldn't mind that kind of a set-up.
Or a simple pop-up at the end of every lap like the info-boards shown by the pit-stop 'engineers' could be another way to realism..
This is exactly what I was looking for in GTP the other day. I want to drive a car like a real car. I might be faster if I turn on the blue line, or see the map, or other helps like that. Honestly I would rather have a closer to real experience and come in 2nd or 3rd than be bombarded with all the HUD info. Please PD if you don't do anything else give us an option to turn it off.
I would like to be able to remove the HUD but I just want to see my splits(and how much time is the person in front or behind me) my lap times and my position (Or if someone passes me) when I pass through the start/finish line. You should be able to disable the HUD if you don't want it like in my case it is burning my plasma screen. :D
All we need is customization, then we choose exactly what we want... I wouldnt take them all away... only speed, revs and inputs..
we dont' even know if there will be cockpit view for alla cars.

However you need to know your position, position of other cars, split etc. If the is no communication from the pit you need hud.

That's what we need. Like in the F1 games. Someone who says in which position you are. The only thing is that not every car displays in which gear you are... AND I HOPE ALL THE CARS HAVE COCKPIT CAM!!! I CAN'T RACE WITHOUT IT!!!:guilty:
It should have two options "full" or "compact" imo.

Full just like it is now and compact with just the timer in the center for segments/time differences, overall position and last lap time.
The other day I was looking in the Option menu in GT5P to get rid of the HUD.. Would be sweet to drive in cockpit view w/o HUD, but there was none. Hopefully GT5 will have an option to turn it on/off.
As long as the rev meter is clear, I don't mind loosing the HUD.

Popup for a couple of seconds of the position change whenever overtaking or overtaken would be useful, and lap time on lap completion will be nice too.

Actually loose the lap time, let me give the old chronograph some use indoors. :)
I've wanted this option for ages, there was even a poll about it a while ago.

For me, I'd say 30% of GT is the first few months of racing and buying cars etc. Once money is irrelevant, I then just spend months / years just buying random cars, tuning them and just driving them, and as such, a HUD off option would be blissful.

So simple too. Let's hope :)
That's what we need. Like in the F1 games. Someone who says in which position you are. The only thing is that not every car displays in which gear you are... AND I HOPE ALL THE CARS HAVE COCKPIT CAM!!! I CAN'T RACE WITHOUT IT!!!:guilty:

I don't think that you have to see on what gear are you..
changing gear is an automatic thing imho.. I don't see on what gear I am when I drive my car..

But a customizable hud should be the simplest and more working thing no?

Let's hope :)
Surely with a g27, youll know what gear your in, you'll know when to change.

as long as you have a rough idea of the speed by the speedo in the car, and a pit board every lap your sorted.
I don't think that you have to see on what gear are you..
changing gear is an automatic thing imho.. I don't see on what gear I am when I drive my car..

But a customizable hud should be the simplest and more working thing no?

Let's hope :)

Well, when playing DiRT, I always turn off the HUD and other things. If the car doesn't have a display, then I listen to engine sound when I have to shift. But it's not very hard to know in which gear you are indeed. Because the driving force GT doesn't have a clutch I race with two feet most of the time. Only when I'm racing in arcade mode and drive a bit around, I use one foot to brake and accellerate. ;)
All I ask for is options. Options is the key to make everyone happy.

Hud On/Off
Map On/Off
Speedo On/Off
Lap Times On/Off
I posted the very same thing over here as well, and it got closed within minutes for whatever reason..

I still say we need to get the option to remove the entire HUD, and parts of the HUD.. should be a very, very easy thing to do for PD and much more fun for people like me.

If i play suzuka, i really dont need that big ole map on the screen.. lol, i know the track by now and would love to see the HUD go.

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