No pics yet, but I am working on a Cizablo (Yes, Cizablo) SV.
It will have:
Nomad Chassis with very low amounts of Downforce
Murcielago Brakes.
TVR Engine (I forgot what it's called, but it's the premium convertible one)
Engines: Speed 6, Convertible TVR, Stock engine. (Don't know which to choose)
Stock transmission
I updated my Orange Diablo too, gave it a Guardsman Blue paintjob (Think it was this), and the stock rims.
I plan on:
Giving it next to no downforce
Will update my Cizablo GT '95 with the Engine from the Nomad, and pretty much next to all of the Nomads parts.
Will create a Cizablo SE30 Too
It seems like stock rims can be painted?
If anyone knows how, can you PM me on PSN? (If that's allowed)
I would like to give the stock Cizeta rims a Red Painjob, because I will be using them or plan on using them on the Ciablo SV, SE30 and a Fantasy Prototype Red Cizeta.