The Illuminati and other Conspiracy Theories thread

Do you think the Illuminati is real?

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This was a wild read:

It links the Russian GRU Unit 29155 to "Havana Syndrome," which has shown up in US and Canadian officials in overseas locations.
Had she only shown her work, maybe I could've posted this in a different thread instead.

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Everyone knows the global defense system vs Goa'uld is located on Antarctica.
That means everything up there is a cover up for them aliens trying to disable our defense system by making us believe the bad guys are hiding there.
Nothing outside the secure checkpointed part of Asia is real, and if only my passport hadn't been confiscated by the Queen, the real mother of Richard Branson (the worst criminal of all time) and his seven identical siblings, I could return to design every supercar ever made 15 years before the fake ones appeared.
Everyone knows the global defense system vs Goa'uld is located on Antarctica.
That means everything up there is a cover up for them aliens trying to disable our defense system by making us believe the bad guys are hiding there.
stargate sg1 scifi GIF
I went somewhat deep into flat earth arguments when it was at peak popularity and tried to find any reasonably consistent way to break through all of the logical fallacies, confirmation bias, and willful ignorance. I came up with nothing besides output. Keep pointing out the errors and maybe, hopefully, a small fraction of people will realize that their beliefs make no sense. People are so willing to follow nonsense. It also doesn't help that conspiracy theorists seem to avoid looking at the big picture. They like to have counterpoints ready for specific information presented to them but don't care if those counterpoints are consistent when taken at a whole.
It also doesn't help that conspiracy theorists seem to avoid looking at the big picture. They like to have counterpoints ready for specific information presented to them but don't care if those counterpoints are consistent when taken at a whole.
I had a friend tell me that the WTC had to have been purposely demolished because "according to the 3rd law of thermodynamics, the top 15 floors that collapsed couldn't take out more than 15 floors because then the forces would equalize."

I had a friend tell me that the WTC had to have been purposely demolished because "according to the 3rd law of thermodynamics, the top 15 floors that collapsed couldn't take out more than 15 floors because then the forces would equalize."

That's a new one for me. It's so badly malformed I have to wonder if the misuse of thermodynamics was supposed to be the misuse of Newtonian mechanics instead. Not that it would help I guess.
Respectfully, this may be perfectly suited to the primary conspiracy theories thread (of which the OP may be unaware)?
I was aware. That thread was closed.

[edit] Oh, wait. That was a different conspiracy thread that was locked. My mistake.

[edit 2] I've requested this get merged into that one.
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That's a new one for me. It's so badly malformed I have to wonder if the misuse of thermodynamics was supposed to be the misuse of Newtonian mechanics instead. Not that it would help I guess.
I went back to find it elsewhere, and he did mention Newton's third law, not thermodynamics. Which is the "equal and opposite reaction" one, so maybe slightly closer to the target, but still not even on the same continent. Here's the actual quote:
[T]hat still doesn't explain how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. If the top 15 floors collapsed, Newtons 3rd Law says in a perfect condition, it can only take out another 15 floors once the mass equalized, the whole building fell at free fall speed, that is impossible unless the resistance is taken out of the equation, IE, controlled demolition.
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I went back to find it elsewhere, and he did mention Newton, not thermodynamics. Which is the "equal and opposite reaction" one, so maybe slightly closer to the target, but still not even on the same continent. Here's the actual quote:
Once the mass equalized? What the what? Stuff high up fall down because gravity.
Once the mass equalized? What the what? Stuff high up fall down because gravity.
He is... very much a far-left, Bernie-loving, anti-establishment, anti-capitalist who thinks everything is a corporate plot to enslave the working class.
All political ideologies are emergent from germ/disease theory. Ideologues are Petri dishes culturing their unique bio-social neurosis into the world. Capitalism is the most mature strain- dirty money was the original superspreader making way for globalism. But mutating too fast, becoming diluted and in late stage, made way for new strains, in this case, COVID-19. The severity of these new strains were too strong and fizzled out. Post-COVID social stagnation annd isolation stopped the spread of global capitalism and other nascent stains temporarily, but this only led to a collective immunity debt. With less people bumping into each other, dirty physical money giving way to digital interchange, newer strains of Frankenstein ideology with more balanced velocity/ severity are taking hold. Adapting from COVID, they cause chronic immune damage such as long COVID, AIDS, etc. Physical immune damage is also matched with spiritual, ideological immunodeficiency. To counter isolation and slowed spread, we are moving from a transactional economy to a risk economy. A lack of consensus disrupts the way firms, and individuals, weigh risk/loss aversion. Rather than being spread through a growing global network of transactions, these new bio ideologies spread through unpredictable local outbreaks. The risk factor errs towards higher severity, disrupting large networks and incentivizing localization, where new bio-ideologies are ever-virile, competing in a communal, and even hyper-local individual arena.
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So apparently Ronda Rousey did a thing where she answered public questions on social media and someone brought up her having shared a conspiracy video in the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook attack. She has since issued an apology. The post includes mild profanity in two instances of a word which, taken literally, refers to bovine fecal matter and I don't really want to edit the content so I have put it in a spoiler. I also have a brief comment that I've included in the spoiler because...spoiler...but I do want to preface by saying, unequivocally, good for her.


Again, good for her. It feels heartfelt and I believe it's sincere. She hit it out of the park with the appeal to reason directed at others who fall into these kinds of traps.
All political ideologies are emergent from germ/disease theory. Ideologues are Petri dishes culturing their unique bio-social neurosis into the world. Capitalism is the most mature strain- dirty money was the original superspreader making way for globalism. But mutating too fast, becoming diluted and in late stage, made way for new strains, in this case, COVID-19. The severity of these new strains were too strong and fizzled out. Post-COVID social stagnation annd isolation stopped the spread of global capitalism and other nascent stains temporarily, but this only led to a collective immunity debt. With less people bumping into each other, dirty physical money giving way to digital interchange, newer strains of Frankenstein ideology with more balanced velocity/ severity are taking hold. Adapting from COVID, they cause chronic immune damage such as long COVID, AIDS, etc. Physical immune damage is also matched with spiritual, ideological immunodeficiency. To counter isolation and slowed spread, we are moving from a transactional economy to a risk economy. A lack of consensus disrupts the way firms, and individuals, weigh risk/loss aversion. Rather than being spread through a growing global network of transactions, these new bio ideologies spread through unpredictable local outbreaks. The risk factor errs towards higher severity, disrupting large networks and incentivizing localization, where new bio-ideologies are ever-virile, competing in a communal, and even hyper-local individual arena.

What um... what happened here?
So apparently Ronda Rousey did a thing where she answered public questions on social media and someone brought up her having shared a conspiracy video in the immediate aftermath of the Sandy Hook attack. She has since issued an apology. The post includes mild profanity in two instances of a word which, taken literally, refers to bovine fecal matter and I don't really want to edit the content so I have put it in a spoiler. I also have a brief comment that I've included in the spoiler because...spoiler...but I do want to preface by saying, unequivocally, good for her.


Again, good for her. It feels heartfelt and I believe it's sincere. She hit it out of the park with the appeal to reason directed at others who fall into these kinds of traps.

That's how you do it.

Good for her, she owned and didn't attempt to excuse it.

That's how you do it.

Good for her, she owned and didn't attempt to excuse it.
I beleive this is all part of a conspiracy to humanise people from those who post silly, hurtful or offensive conspiracy theories online, desensitising people to thier effect and minimising the damage that they do. All of this is so that these conspiracy theories can become more prevelent, thereby shrouding the truth in a proverbial forrest of alternative ideas that have become an acceptable norm.

Or, maybe it was just a heartfelt apology that was very well written and thought out.
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'Pizzagate gunman fatally shot by police outside Charlotte in traffic stop - Charlotte Observer

Welch, the subject of an arrest warrant for a felony probation violation, drew a firearm on two officers and refused orders to disarm before being shot and killed.

In 2016, Welch fired shots from a semi-automatic rifle in the Washington D.C. Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor and arcade, having been motivated by an online conspiracy theory propagated by conservative activists which alleged that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex trafficking ring in the business's basement. The building did not even have a basement.
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