I personally think that PD saw what Forza 3 have achieved and it absolutely shocked them to the core and they have had to extend to catch up.
Graphics wise we know GT beats everybody else but features wise the game sucks big time.
PD to his team - "right guys we've spent far to much time concentrating on how nice things look and we have dropped the ball (dropped a b*llock) when it comes to features - how long do we need to catch up?"
Thats what's happened and we all know it.
you all know it, anyhow.
I can't think of any big bombshells that Turn 10 dropped, unless it's that cars understeer now. Oh, and the awesome rewind button. Well, maybe the sandbox career mode that tailors itself to your choices for the most part, but I'm not seeing that as a big deal either. I mean, it picks races you would likely chose anyway? Eh, big woop to anyone?
Same old 8 car races? What you wanted?
Something obviously did happen, and my take on it is similar to what a few others have said.
- SONY's forcing Polyphony to release GTPSP before GT5 seems to be backfiring to an extent. Unflattering reviews and lots of hard feelings from GT fans like me.
- It does look like Squeenix is wanting the biggest blockbuster PS3 title moved up to keep FF XIII from being overshadowed. And the same for GTPSP.
- The work on GTPSP hurt the GT5 content efforts, possibly with fewer tracks than Kaz would have liked, not to mention us, as well as a damage build which apparently very few were happy with.
- Clamoring from fans for even more content that wasn't quite finished, such as weather, time of day changes, livery editor and race mod, etc.
And there are undoubtedly more issues as well. They may want to tweak the engine for higher PS3 performance for more cars on track for weather races, online, as well as dry asphalt offline, breaking the 16 car barrier. Maybe damage is coming for all cars, if basic, and more for race cars and tuners.
The true story is shrouded in mystery, but Kaz is giving an interview tomorrow - or perhaps tonight here in the west. In addition, a video interview with a tour of PD Studios is coming monday which will apparently offer even more revelations, so we'll have to see.