The most annoying "GT Wishes" ever - Hall of Fame

  • Thread starter amar212

I created this thread in order to celebrate all those "wishes" that surfaces every this-and-then regarding GT games.

It should concentrate not on cars-and-tracks wishlis or those resonable wishes that conclude with sanity. Main goal is to remeber and list all insane wishes, ideas that have no addition to gameplay and such.

Since I look for contribution from all old-core users here, I'll just point out two of my all-time favorites and leave this thread to it's own life. I hope some oldies-but-goldies will be remebered respectfully :D.

Working Reverse Lights
Utter example of useless feature that lives on for 10 years on usenet. My deepest wish regarding reverse-lights is that it remains never applied in GT series so that legend can move on forever.

3D Specators
We got them in rally races, we also got 3D pit-members, we got 3D people in intros, but goal to reach full-grid of 3D spectators is something that PD should pursuit as their final goal. Why to spend presciouss resources in physics, graphics or whatever when we can have 20.000 3D animated spectators on the stands around Suzuka? Because the difference between cardoboard and 3D specator is very visible when driving 260 km/h and trying to overpass for the 3rd place. And 3D spectators also makes you a better driver and makes a better driving game too.

So, dear friends, contribute NOW! ;D
spectators are a stupid waste.

first lap: oh hey, there's a blurry lookin fella waving his hand. cool i guess.

lap 2: there he is again...doing the same thing. i'm going to stop and watch him, see if he does anything different. nope. same canned animation jerkily stitched together.

oh and the spectator sounds are irritating as all hell. especially the air horns.
More cars - 700 isn't enough?

Better graphics - That comes naturally as the graphics team develop car/track models, and work their head around the graphics engine.

Less Skylines - Face it, it's a japanese made game, it's going to have a buttload of skylines

Better AI - Annoying to me, because I personally couldn't care less about the AI, I play it to better myself, not the AI. If I can belt round, get a whole wad of cash, and drive whatever car I want, wherever I want, thats fine by me.
More cars - 700 isn't enough?

Better graphics - That comes naturally as the graphics team develop car/track models, and work their head around the graphics engine.

Less Skylines - Face it, it's a japanese made game, it's going to have a buttload of skylines

Better AI - Annoying to me, because I personally couldn't care less about the AI, I play it to better myself, not the AI. If I can belt round, get a whole wad of cash, and drive whatever car I want, wherever I want, thats fine by me.
Buttload of skylines, forget buttload. You wouldn't be able to fit all the GT skylines in a rhinos testicales!
The paintshop: Its just a way to show the people of the internet just how freaking tasteless you are. If i see an Aston Martin DB9 covered with animu, video game characters, penises, or porn on GT5 I will walk out of my house to the nearest middle or high school and beat the living crap out of every male student that enters my line of sight.
That I hugely dissagree with, not that your against anime porn on cars, I am, but classing the idea of a paintshop as annoying. It simply allows creativity, it allows someone to create not only their personal car mechanically, but visually as well, whether that comprises of tastless gaudy looking vinals or a recreation of a classic race cars livery, that's upto you. Having the option of a paint shop does no harm to thoes who would rather have less freedom to express themselves creativley.

I can think of plenty of stupid wishes, some already mentioned, but to class that as one is just plain narrow minded imo.
I can't stop thinking of the request one user made about having 'driveable' horses... anyone remember that?
-> I get a lot of rants in regards to my vehicle wish list lately. And on top of that it bacame controversial all over the net! :dunce:

-> So far the most annoying 'GT Wish' ever in my book are "Better Physics" and "Better A.I." both tied at first place, second are "Liveries" and "Career Mode", and third are "Paint and Body Customization". :dunce:

-> I also do admit of being guilty of mentioning "Functional Reverse, Turn, and Foglights" and most especially "More Cars and Tracks". :sly:
The whole "Drive to Events like in NFS". People seemed to think GT could be set in a huge city, with players driving across town to enter in events, just like the Need for Speed franchise.

Guys - and girls - if you want to do that, go and play NFS.
I'm not sure I can get into the comic spirit of this one :( :lol:.

Stick "Reverse lights" where the sun don't shine (right next to A-Spec points and Rally/F1) but allow me to at least freely choose the colour of the car I'm driving - or at least make them all British Racing Green :D.

All GT5 needs to do is go back to being GT2 with better driving physics and prettier pixels - add tyre temperatures, AI that acknowledges my existence when it comes to racing lines and a visualised suspension model and that'll be close to good enough for now.

Oh, no oil changes, HP loss or chassis wear that affects only the player would be nice too ... and hardware 'improvements' that don't actually do anything noticeable (cough ... cough ... carbon driveshaft ... cough).


GT's about the best console driving game experience there is with it's ability to drive any car, anywhere. Why they keep futzing with it to try and attact the NFS/Ridge Racer crowd who will never accept the need to actually drive the car is beyond me.
Oh, no oil changes, HP loss or chassis wear that affects only the player would be nice too ... and hardware 'improvements' that don't actually do anything noticeable (cough ... cough ... carbon driveshaft ... cough).....

Come on man, if you didn´t ever noticed how the carbon driveshaft noticeably enhances the car´s performance, for sure you´re not a true gt series player or enthusiast. The car becomes a lot faster exiting the curbs, because it improves acceleration.
-> So far the most annoying 'GT Wish' ever in my book are "Better Physics" and "Better A.I." both tied at first place, second are "Liveries" and "Career Mode", and third are "Paint and Body Customization". :dunce:

some of those seem like reasonable things to want in a racing game. the a.i. is ****e and boring to play against, and physics could be better.
The reverse lights thing may seem like a trivial complaint, but it's also incredibly easy to fix. Also, aside from perhaps frequency of use, it's no more trivial than pretty much any detail in the game -- would you care if none of the cars' brake lights lit up in GT5?
The reverse lights thing may seem like a trivial complaint, but it's also incredibly easy to fix. Also, aside from perhaps frequency of use, it's no more trivial than pretty much any detail in the game -- would you care if none of the cars' brake lights lit up in GT5?
I would simply assume all cars portrayed in the game were made by Alfa Romeo and move on. :D jk
Reverse lights does seem pretty silly, but it would be an easy add. When I see people wanting buses or tractors or rediculous crap like that, I wonder about them.

I'm going to chime in with the annoying "Car wish lists", since they've just become a ****-swinging contest for people to list their most obscure cars. That or list every possible model for a specific car, much like the Skylines that are so complained about. It's stupid to think PD would want to include some half-baked sports car idea from a unknown "company" that only ever pushed out a rendering and gave some vague idea of performance specs. Oh, not to mention every single wish list has so far included cars that don't even exist in real life (rumours do not equal fact).
car wish list started as genuine list of sort after cars for GT5 but is now there to educate people about the cars that are out there....heaven forbid someone would learn/discover something new!!!! After all arnt we all car nuts???? I'd bet about 90% of people on this forum didnt know of the Cizeta before playing GT4.
I'm going to chime in with the annoying "Car wish lists", since they've just become a ****-swinging contest for people to list their most obscure cars. That or list every possible model for a specific car, much like the Skylines that are so complained about. It's stupid to think PD would want to include some half-baked sports car idea from a unknown "company" that only ever pushed out a rendering and gave some vague idea of performance specs. Oh, not to mention every single wish list has so far included cars that don't even exist in real life (rumours do not equal fact).
^ 'Unknown half-baked cars' in GT is what makes the game separate from any other racing or should I say driving game. Most people don't know about Pagani, ASL, Tommy Kaira, Cizeta ,Alpine and other special marques until PD brings them to life in GT. :)

-> In fact, unlike before, I verify each car requested by the poster. So its not 100% fictional, I'm still on the process of eliminating any inaccuracies on my wish list.

car wish list started as genuine list of sort after cars for GT5 but is now there to educate people about the cars that are out there....heaven forbid someone would learn/discover something new!!!! After all arnt we all car nuts???? I'd bet about 90% of people on this forum didnt know of the Cizeta before playing GT4.
^ That is really true, as I add each car or manufacturer. I also learn the significance of these manufacturers like Monteverdi and ZIL, as well as various of significant cars that are flying under the radar. ;)
Oh, no oil changes, HP loss or chassis wear that affects only the player would be nice too ... and hardware 'improvements' that don't actually do anything noticeable (cough ... cough ... carbon driveshaft ... cough).....

Come on man, if you didn´t ever noticed how the carbon driveshaft noticeably enhances the car´s performance, for sure you´re not a true gt series player or enthusiast. The car becomes a lot faster exiting the curbs, because it improves acceleration.

Whoa, I'm impressed - the first post from someone who joined in 2005 :bow:.

Is this real criticism or aggreeing, self-referential, sarcasm?

If the latter, then, just so. If the former ... nope, too experienced to go there :(.
I hate the complaining about the car wishlists. In my American wishlist, I chose cars that I thought would fit in the game as well as span many years. I also tried to choose the sportier versions of many vehicles as well as some cool cars/concept cars that may not be popular or well known about.

Basically I did my wishlist as cars that I would want to drive in the game, since 90% of them aren't represented in any other games. How many games are there with a Ferrari of some sort? Too many to count. How many have something simple such as a 1993 Ford Festiva GL or something muscular yet not well known such as a 1963 Plymouth Savoy Drag Special, or even something older and off-roadish such as a 1981 Jeep Cherokee Chief. None that I can think of. Driving the high end cars gets old after a while.
To me GT has always been about the cars, I so want more cars, to be honest I could live with the physics, graphics and (dare I say it) the inscesant droning of the engine sounds, from GT4, all I want is more cars! When GT introduced the 'ring I started to become obsessed with tracks too, so to be honest the MASSIVE wish lists people post I can live with...

... what I'm not so keen on is turning GT in NFS.... the tuning was about as complex as it needs to be, baring in mind that body kits and vinyl DO NOT constitute "tuning"... and yes I agree with the post above... tyre pressure's should be included, according to ABC's coverage of NASCAR a 1lb change in tyre pressure is equivalent to a 70lb change in the spring rate!!! so it makes a difference!!!!!!!

... I'm going on a bit now, in short I guess I'm not against any additional elements to the game, but my 1st choice is always going to be for more cars.
Kind of funny you came off with this. I always attack some of the dumbest ideas. Some of the ones with no real positive aspect or anything to add further pleasure playing the game.

Now let me get to some of the ones mentioned. Working reverse lights have been a knock that people had given GT for ages. I'm kind of thinking what's next- functional blinkers? I responded in the past that I haven't really seen those in most forms of racing except maybe rally. How do you call what you can't see? 3D spectators was a rough point as well. What I've always said was that you can add these spectators... only if you have a good-enough processor and such to program it all in. Most of you were thankful you even got the fine folks in rally stages. They do seem a bit brain-dead when you stop right in front of them. But then again, is this a human simulator? You all can get mad at me for saying this, but I don't think we're going to get full 3D spectators in the grandstands. I always say that we should never overstep what the Core engine is capable of. It's like the people who want to see completely-modeled trees and real blades of grass rather than flat bitmaps. Hell, Motorstorm had psuedo-3D grass (in other words, it looks the same even if you walked or moved around it in a circle), but nobody complained. It's possible, but will PD make full 3D spectators for every race including Grand Prix circuit races? Probably not.

The horses one really drove me crazy. I had a little fun myself, but voted this one down. I'm more of horsepower than riding horses. I'll ride a horse in one of those Barbie games. I was always critical of Driving to events like in NFS. I'm thinking... why? This game doesn't allow for a true massive world. Maybe this would work if Gran Turismo was a massively-multiplayer online racing game (I choose not to use an acronym). A waste of time and programming. Why not focus on the racing and being a racing hero to dozens of GT gamers?

Whether or not the Gran Turismo is a true and complete racing game for gamers is up for debate. I know one thing... at least I question what would make the game better, even if the ideas expressed are as pathetic as Britney Spears. There are too many to name, but I'm not really sure what I'd contribute to the all-time annoying wishes. I'll probably add something when it comes to me.
I would have the ever so popular "Paintshop like in Forza" or "customization like in Forza" wishes. People can't seem to say they want a Paintshop or customization in GT without saying "like the one in Forza". I hate this wish because it tells me that they want a PS3 Forza instead of GT.

And This is off topic really, but I'm getting tired of seeing Race cars in Street racing games. This irritates me because these cars that Are NOT made for street racing or the always overrated drifting yet are always put in these overly done Fast and the Furious type games. It needs to stop seriously. Enough of my ranting now.