I meant to add, plugging the PS into the router is not an option; it is two floors up from the router.
Just an option that might be available. Might it be possible to take an ethernet cable up the side of the building. I realise that's a bit extreme, but I thought I'd mention it, just in case it could fit.
Standings after Willow Springs. I guess it could be closer, in theory.
Yeah! The "Bloke who's scoring and bloke who organised being 1st and 2nd" plan is coming together nicely.
Chaps, I've done a little bit of testing. Half is right, it's not spike tyre time, the cars run on wets with the settings we're using (full details to follow). Anyway, they're both belting motors. I can't separate them, so the choice is open.
There is, however, a strategy issue. They start with only 50 litres of fuel, which you can go through in no time. Alternatively, you can short-shift, and make it last, thereby avoiding a pit stop. (The race will be 12 laps)
I don't think it will be worth changing tyres. They take a while to swap, and the advantage isn't great.
The date will be 28th July. Quali will begin at 10:00am, with three weather zones, snow, snow, overcast.
The race will begin at 12:00, and will have four weather zones, snow, snow, snow light cloud.
Details for second race to follow...