The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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are there people who are not fourm members that have GTP_ in their names? GTP_Redline. I raced this dude at suzuka and he just kept ramming me, even tried to brake cut me off in the last chicane before the the straight. All the GTP races i have raced against so far are good drivers but if this is the way its gonna go the GTP name will be tarnished.

I wondered about this guy, I think he's the same guy who just parked every race at Suzuka, I had never seen a GTP_ person do that before.

drama-kyd I think we had a few good races today, if I remember you had a hooked up Tuned S2000.
I've been to so many LAN events since the release of GT4 and 99.92456192% of people don't have a clue as to what respect is and how to handle the car properly. Its not YOUR driving line, its mine until I screw it up and same for you...why is it no one gets that online? Lame...I only have 6 more cars to buy then I have completed the game 100% with every car, something I haven't done since GT1 and GT4 Prologue :). Then I will be concerned with the leaderboards and records, I have a few top 5's here and there so far, but will never do online (once I get all my cars) until they get private rooms. I know I'm not the only one there 👍 But I must say that when there are some GTP'ers in the room it does help tremendously!


Would of been nice if PD fixed it so everyone had to get gold in C,B,A & S before you could play online at intermidiate and pro. That would of kept alot of them in beginer where they belong.
I wondered about this guy, I think he's the same guy who just parked every race at Suzuka, I had never seen a GTP_ person do that before.

drama-kyd I think we had a few good races today, if I remember you had a hooked up Tuned S2000.

yea you were pretty fast in that evo
I had a pretty bad overall experience all weekend. First time online, and I swear I can't stand it, but the money is good.

I came across a few GTP folks, and I recall seeing a member GTP_BLu something on Suzuka today, a guy by the name freight something (I'm bad with names) was getting into him. I was behind the two when it happened, first lap and all, he was attempting to ram the GTP player off the road. He fought off his attempt, and freight fell back to me, when I was greeted by his attempt at ramming me off the road. Well, since I come here and check out the news, and have never had any altercations with a GTP member, I took personal offense at his attempt to take us both down. He was constantly blocking and making attempts to sideswipe me, so I just got tired of having to play Driving Ms. Daisy behind him, so I gave him a tap in the hairpin and nudged him out of the way. I'm not dealing with his attempts to take players out, and if he doesn't want to let faster players through, so be it. If I can't go around the punter, I'm going through him.

Another player, a Canadian, went by the name Grande something, I don't know what his problem was, but going around the high speed bend before the S-turns by the start/finish, he's ahead, and goes off track on the right side. Well, he's still ahead of me by a slight bit, so I pulled left to give him plenty of room to get back on track, mostly to protect myself for when he decides to plow back on I don't want to be there, but he does it anyway, and completely spins me out, and into the tire barrier backwards. Naturally he doesn't show any courtesy even though it was his fault, he just kept right on going. I returned the favor after he made another attempt to use me as a brake in the hairpin.

Nice racing to Muggles, pkdawg, and GTP_Strayed though. Nice racing, respectful of other. Muggles even stops for players when he wrongs them, which is more than I can say for 99% of people.
I haven't noticed any GTP_ people messing around...yet. It seems I always race the same few guys though.
You missed it at Fuji 600 last night, then. :)

Two drivers using GTP_ tags, one I know is a GTP member (so I will presume the other driver was from here), were not above slamming anyone around who were trying to pass them cleanly. I was watching them for a few races and they were quite blatant about what they were doing. With such a large membership, there is bound to be a few bad apples.

When I noticed now you had a black list, I was curious and took a look. Nope, no GTP_ members listed... These lists could easily be two hundred feet long if every aggressive driver name printed out, so I don't give them any credence and I certainly don't have the inclination to keep up-to-date with any. Having their names on a list isn't going to make them drive any better, that's for sure.

I learned years ago that the best way to tick the bashers and crashers off is just to race as cleanly as possible and win. They get so frustrated that it is much more worthwhile and satisfying doing that than closing a room or hitting back. You can just see the steam coming out of the ears of these Prologue players because there is no voice to verbally abuse us, so they have to revert to physical aggression.

In time, this will pass. Let's see how it calms down after GTA4 is released.


You missed it at Fuji 600 last night, then. :)

Two drivers using GTP_ tags, one I know is a GTP member (so I will presume the other driver was from here), were not above slamming anyone around who were trying to pass them cleanly. I was watching them for a few races and they were quite blatant about what they were doing. With such a large membership, there is bound to be a few bad apples.

When I noticed now you had a black list, I was curious and took a look. Nope, no GTP_ members listed... These lists could easily be two hundred feet long if every aggressive driver name printed out, so I don't give them any credence and I certainly don't have the inclination to keep up-to-date with any. Having their names on a list isn't going to make them drive any better, that's for sure.

I learned years ago that the best way to tick the bashers and crashers off is just to race as cleanly as possible and win. They get so frustrated that it is much more worthwhile and satisfying doing that than closing a room or hitting back. You can just see the steam coming out of the ears of these Prologue players because there is no voice to verbally abuse us, so they have to revert to physical aggression.

In time, this will pass. Let's see how it calms down after GTA4 is released.



Another Quality Post from you kind Sir - Would +Rep you if it were possible !...
Quality post?

If he named the names it could be,.....perhaps.
No need to name names. I agree completely with MasterGT, the best way to show them the error of their ways is to beat them. If they're defeated race after race, you can rest easy in the knowledge that they're frothing at the mouth while you take all the glory and the credits.

And yes, with GTA out tomorrow it'll be interesting to see if it has any affect on the bashers. Games like Burnout aren't 'big' enough to take a large number of gamers from a game like GT, but GTA definitely is. All we need then is an online Need For Speed and maybe GT5:P will be left to the proper racers!
ericroi (FR)

Classes ACD, this :censored:ing piece of 🤬 driving his orange tuned Corvette at Daytona 700PP race will :censored:ing brake test every :censored:ing driver that drafts him. In addition to that he swerves like a :censored:ing drunken snake on the straights and does nice little side brushes on you when overtaking. Just a class A+ idiot.

If this post did offend someone I sincerely hope that person was the guy mentioned.

Phew, sorry for the steam release but I just couldn't help it.
I used some tactical driving to pay a rammer back yesterday at Suzuka, It's the first time I had basically had enough and fought back with some good driving and tactical contacts to make the sod go off on every high speed bend for a full lap! It's not my usual course of action! .... but damn it felt good wrecking this guy power trip completely 👎

I am a clean racer imo and a worthy opponent for most drivers but yesterday the guy I punished was the last straw for me in the way of taking the abuse anymore .. If I belong on the blacklist also then so be it .. I will continue to race clean until some numpty decides to take his crappy driving skill out on me by punting me off the track then I will play them at the same game, ( I know the difference between a malicious move and a racing tap ) each to their own I suppose on how to deal with these guys, but If someone wants to deliberately wreck my race as if it's there given right! ... then I will stalk them for the remainder of the race and crossing the line is already gone as the objective, and thats that ;)

It would be best to see the names of the said wrong doers. And clear the issue, including (if true) why it was happening. There have been reports of people just loosing their cool and fighting back (which by the way is also wrong, but more understandable).

I think it's wrong to leave a doubt in the air... like "the GTP_ prefix is no longer a sign of fair driving, beware!"

If you see GTP people doing this, say their names so people can defend themselves (like I did a few days back), or get them on the list.

Otherwise it's nothing but a rumor. A bad and undermining one.

Still, good post, sums up what we've been saying in this and other threads.
Yeah, you really should be naming people off. It's sort of a double standard to say "These people ard bad drivers, these people are bad drivers, and some GTP_ players are bad drivers, but since this is GTP_ we won't list them." You being a GTP_ member shouldn't make you above the black list, as you're supposed to be held to a higher standard, and are supposed to be a worthy, respectable racer to carry the GTP_ tag in the first place. Maybe they were mistakes, maybe it was retaliation, maybe they're imposters? Who knows, but nobody here will unless you tell the tale
When I enter a race and see some GTP or other boards tag, I say to myself "Yeah we are gonna have a good & fair race" and i never saw any of tag user acting bad on purpose.

I do not agree when some say "just beat them that's the only way".... Of course that's what I try when I can, but those crappy players win 9 races on 10... Go on HSR and loock at them Wallsurfing, you don't have any chance finishing 1st:mad:

As Mr P does, I allways try to get focused on my race & avoid them but sometimes, too much is too much when they make my blood pressure too high, I cannot bare this behavior anymore and give them what they deserve:grumpy:
Well,accusing GTPlanet that there are not any GTP_ tags on the blacklist but at the same time not saying who belong there is a bit strange.
Why? I'm not using any names at this point because I didn't know for sure if the actual person using the name was the member here or not. I recognised one name, but I didn't write down the other name, so I can't remember what is was beyond GTP_ anyway.

One of the drivers has PMed me asking it it was him, so he already has a guilt trip going on inside him. He would know who the other person was.


We can't take the GTP tag for granted. It's all too easy for a person to create a GTP PSN name without being verified by the board yet they still can catch out people by letting their guard down. Though it is difficult to double check these things before racing.

The only way I think is best to verify given the current situation is either people to survey the actions of the GTP tag racer or to do a self video capture of your own races if you can to use as evidence. Unless PD have some way of adding a spectator view would be quite good.
Why? I'm not using any names at this point because I didn't know for sure if the actual person using the name was the member here or not. I recognised one name, but I didn't write down the other name, so I can't remember what is was beyond GTP_ anyway.

One of the drivers has PMed me asking it it was him, so he already has a guilt trip going on inside him. He would know who the other person was.



Kinda stupid trying to get on a "Clean Racers" board and then going mental online - I mean, come on, how low did you score on that IQ test. At least use a third account with a name not known to GTP... Sheesh - Retards :rolleyes:
One of the drivers has PMed me asking it it was him, so he already has a guilt trip going on inside him. He would know who the other person was.



I believe MasterGT is talking about myself GTP_UnoMOTO and GTP_Esoterik.

I really think much less of MasterGT because he has made an untrue assumption without contacting the GTP member to get the actual story.

He has accused myself and Esoterik of some how working together to bang up other racers which is the most laughable thing I have ever heard. I have NEVER ran another racer off the road intentionally...EVER. If you want to make a comment that I need to improve driving then so be it.

As for Esoterik I could say that he was off the track sometimes but I'd just say that he was just trying to race but not trying to mess up the race of others.

If I needed back up I'd like to have GTP_Earth to jump in here and mention what my driving looked like on a 700PP race this weekend that I won in which he finished second. He would have been able to see it first hand.

Maybe MasterGT should stay out of the 'intermediate' racing as we are not up to his standards.
Would of been nice if PD fixed it so everyone had to get gold in C,B,A & S before you could play online at intermidiate and pro. That would of kept alot of them in beginer where they belong.

I don't have all gold,which means i would be stuck with all the idiots, Thanx
Yeah, you really should be naming people off. It's sort of a double standard to say "These people ard bad drivers, these people are bad drivers, and some GTP_ players are bad drivers, but since this is GTP_ we won't list them." You being a GTP_ member shouldn't make you above the black list, as you're supposed to be held to a higher standard, and are supposed to be a worthy, respectable racer to carry the GTP_ tag in the first place. Maybe they were mistakes, maybe it was retaliation, maybe they're imposters? Who knows, but nobody here will unless you tell the tale

I think the best thing for gtp to do. Is when we get privet rooms is do a request forum. For people who would like to use the gtp tag. Then one day every week host 2 or 3 rooms and vet them that way they can see what they are like. I know it wont stop them all but that way they will have no choice but to have there name in this forum. because they will have to ask on here first.
And yes, with GTA out tomorrow it'll be interesting to see if it has any affect on the bashers. Games like Burnout aren't 'big' enough to take a large number of gamers from a game like GT, but GTA definitely is. All we need then is an online Need For Speed and maybe GT5:P will be left to the proper racers!

God, i hope so
I believe MasterGT is talking about myself GTP_UnoMOTO and GTP_Esoterik.

I really think much less of MasterGT because he has made an untrue assumption without contacting the GTP member to get the actual story.

He has accused myself and Esoterik of some how working together to bang up other racers which is the most laughable thing I have ever heard. I have NEVER ran another racer off the road intentionally...EVER. If you want to make a comment that I need to improve driving then so be it.

As for Esoterik I could say that he was off the track sometimes but I'd just say that he was just trying to race but not trying to mess up the race of others.

If I needed back up I'd like to have GTP_Earth to jump in here and mention what my driving looked like on a 700PP race this weekend that I won in which he finished second. He would have been able to see it first hand.

Maybe MasterGT should stay out of the 'intermediate' racing as we are not up to his standards.

I can hardly remember that race but I certainly don't remember you roughing anyone up, and I would if you did
On a positive note, brendholdt (DK) seams to have cleaned up his act. I raced a 700pp HSR against him on a Ford GT LM yesterday night, me on my usual Elise tuned.

a) didn't fight off my overtaking
b) overtaked me correctly twice
c) we where side by side on T2 and the S at least once and he avoided contact
d) did not sideswipe me or even rubbed me when passing me
e) did not wall ride T2 or last corner
f) did not quit being host
g) more, did not quit period, although he was about 2 second behind throughout laps 4 and 5

I don't know if changed completely, or chose to respected me on a one-on-one. But I had to report this, since I was one of the nominators for his greylisting. I'd like to believe he read this thread, so I hope he reads this as well.

If so, we've made a difference at least once, and it's been worth it.
In response to Kyd and Moose. Kyd if you were rammed I was either hit from behind first or was a mis judgement. Racing for position includes some rubbing and maybe a bang now and then. I am not a punter or a slammer or an Idiot. I race hard and clean as I can. If I remember right I was hit by you a couple times also. Rubbing is racing but punting and reckless driving are not what I do. Also I believe your name was nominated earlier in these forums awhile back. After racing you yesterday I know you are a skilled fast driver and the person who mentioned you before must have mistaken a bump for ramming. If I nominated every one who bumped me I'd never get to race I'd just be posting on the black list all day. You can tell who intentionally wrecks people and I am not one of those people. Moose I never park my car EVER at any time on any track.I have been wrecked from first position at times and end up last because of it,and I ALWAYS finish the race and have never ever parked on any circuit. Be sure who you are talking about before you post something like that. I get messages all the time thanking me for quik clean fast racing. If people raced as much as they cry about other people racing they might actually win some. This BL is a bad idea and It don't do any good anyway. Those you complain about will still be on the grid with you next race.Do your talking on the track and beat me instead of posting untruths about people who have pride in the GTP name and try to uphold clean racing habits at all times. Nuff said.
On a positive note, brendholdt (DK) seams to have cleaned up his act. I raced a 700pp HSR against him on a Ford GT LM yesterday night, me on my usual Elise tuned.

a) didn't fight off my overtaking
b) overtaked me correctly twice
c) we where side by side on T2 and the S at least once and he avoided contact
d) did not sideswipe me or even rubbed me when passing me
e) did not wall ride T2 or last corner
f) did not quit being host
g) more, did not quit period, although he was about 2 second behind throughout laps 4 and 5

I don't know if changed completely, or chose to respected me on a one-on-one. But I had to report this, since I was one of the nominators for his greylisting. I'd like to believe he read this thread, so I hope he reads this as well.

If so, we've made a difference at least once, and it's been worth it.

I hope it has been the case where it made the difference to change their acts. It was one of the main objectives of the thread in the first place. It's quite nice when that happens and hope others who were a bit rusty previously would follow suit.
If i hit anyone on daytona road course tonight i do apologize i kept out braking myself into the first corner.My GTR felt like a different car compared to last night.
I would like to inform members of GTP that the black list will be closed off very shortly. There will be a complaints thread regarding to GTP members which offend in OLR that will be set up very shortly. I like to thank people who made credible contributions from this thread as well with helping the GTP community to refine the way we play online. As a result, racing standards etiqutte was created to help drivers to follow acceptable OLR guidelines, the GTP registry was created with scheduled online events with aim to help improve the online experience of others as well as GTP members. I hope PD will also fine tune their online system to help enhance this even further. So overall I hope that as a result of this thread, those little changes have a made some improvements in the way we race online and helped you to enjoy GT5P a little bit more further.
So this new thread will only be for complaints against GTP members.

Does this mean all other complaints will be edited out ?

Otherwise that too will probably follow a similar vein as this one. And turn into nothing more than a whinge /He said She said list.
The idea, I think, is that the GTP Registry is the only way we currently have of verifying whether or not drivers are playing fairly or not, and as such, they are the only people who complaining about is likely to affect or influence.

Although the idea behind a Black List is honourable, it is arguable that it can only ever have a limited effect on the vast majority of people who screw up races - folks who have no idea what clean racing is, have no forum experience or online racing reputations to defend etc.

So, although people will always have cause to moan about the idiocy of loads of online idiots, it's a better use of time and effort to concentrate on a regulation system specifically for people who want to be in a regulated system...

The wisdom of "naming and shaming" folks who will never know or care that they are on a blacklist on some forum they have never heard of or are ever likely to hear of, suggests that the Registry is the only sensible way forward - even more so when private rooms become a reality and only registered members will be taking part anyway.

That said, if the very least that this thread has achieved is a better awareness of issues pertaining to fair play (which includes listening to the defence of the accused), then it has been worthwhile, and PSTC555 deserves alot of kudos for taking the time and trouble for trying valiantly to improve the online experience for the rest of us 👍
I believe MasterGT is talking about myself GTP_UnoMOTO and GTP_Esoterik.

I really think much less of MasterGT because he has made an untrue assumption without contacting the GTP member to get the actual story.

He has accused myself and Esoterik of some how working together to bang up other racers which is the most laughable thing I have ever heard. I have NEVER ran another racer off the road intentionally...EVER. If you want to make a comment that I need to improve driving then so be it.

As for Esoterik I could say that he was off the track sometimes but I'd just say that he was just trying to race but not trying to mess up the race of others.

If I needed back up I'd like to have GTP_Earth to jump in here and mention what my driving looked like on a 700PP race this weekend that I won in which he finished second. He would have been able to see it first hand.

Maybe MasterGT should stay out of the 'intermediate' racing as we are not up to his standards.

I was in those races yesterday with MGT and the two GTP members so I think I can qualify some of the statements being made here.

First I'd like to say (even though this is the wrong thread) MasterGT is one of the cleanest racers I had the pleasure of competing against.

As far as the GTP members "working together", I can't really say that for sure but because of the like prefixes I would have to assume they were looking out for each other at a minimum. There definitely was some pushing and blocking going on. At one point I saw somebody (GTP...) ghosting through a few cars and gain an advantage. Hardly a clean driving tactic. If you're going off the track repeatedly while trying to gain positions, other people are surely going to get caught up in the mess too. Technically not "intentional" but definitely unsportsmanlike. Your strategy to win a race should not include driving beyond your ability or your cars because it's the other racers who suffer.

Whether or not it was "intentional" I can't say because I can't read minds but my eyes haven't lied to me yet in the past 50 years.
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