The New Direction of Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter AJFast12

Do you like the new change in the GT Franchise?

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Also, in terms of physics, I don't think your gonna be satisfied with GTS. At this point, from all that I've seen, PD don't seem to be creating a game on the same level of PC or AC. I just don't see that ever happening. I'm fine with this but I know some aren't.
Really? I think it's vice versa. The others are miles behind regarding gaming components if we compare the games in consoles as whole. GTS convinces more and more as a game along the more pre-glimpse videos drop on youtube.
Really? I think it's vice versa. The others are miles behind regarding gaming components if we compare the games in consoles as whole. GTS convinces more and more as a game along the more pre-glimpse videos drop on youtube.
I was referring too the physics. I worded it wrong.
Is criticism really considered taboo on this site? Because for the past couple of months, I've seen tons of criticism towards PD and like four members actually treating their opinion as fact, or getting triggered at anyone who criticizes GTS. In fact, I would say that I've seen more people complain about these types of members.

Also, in terms of physics, I don't think your gonna be satisfied with GTS. At this point, from all that I've seen, PD don't seem to be creating a game on the same level of PC or AC. I just don't see that ever happening. I'm fine with this but I know some aren't.
Criticism and the people involved with it is a tricky subject. There are less people negatively discussing aspects of the game than not(I don't like counting the people that are obviously coming in only to flame bait.) This iteration seems to have more of a negative light focusing around it than the past, I feel, but the vast majority of people are fine with what's happening, so when someone comes in discussing a negative, it'll get noticed much more than someone being positive.
Criticism and the people involved with it is a tricky subject. There are less people negatively discussing aspects of the game than not(I don't like counting the people that are obviously coming in only to flame bait.) This iteration seems to have more of a negative light focusing around it than the past, I feel, but the vast majority of people are fine with what's happening, so when someone comes in discussing a negative, it'll get noticed much more than someone being positive.
That makes sense. It's that I've seen a lot more people criticizing the game rather than people getting angry over said criticism. When I do see that happen though, the whole thread becomes, something else.
That makes sense. It's that I've seen a lot more people criticizing the game rather than people getting angry over said criticism. When I do see that happen though, the whole thread becomes, something else.
You can go to any thread and the vast majority of the topics will be in favor of the game. A thread will get derailed from time to time, but for the most part, they are usually in a favorable light for the game.
Is criticism really considered taboo on this site? Because for the past couple of months, I've seen tons of criticism towards PD and like four members actually treating their opinion as fact, or getting triggered at anyone who criticizes GTS. In fact, I would say that I've seen more people complain about these types of members.

Also, in terms of physics, I don't think your gonna be satisfied with GTS. At this point, from all that I've seen, PD don't seem to be creating a game on the same level of PC or AC. I just don't see that ever happening. I'm fine with this but I know some aren't.
If 4 members are treating their opinion as fact then call them on it. Nothing is stopping you. Making passive aggressive statements about members of this forum doing things that contravene the rules and getting away with it is an insult to Jordan and all of the mods that participate on a regular basis. You are, in essence, saying they are biased and/or turning a blind eye to the AUP. That's a bold claim, hope you can back it up.
If 4 members are treating their opinion as fact then call them on it. Nothing is stopping you. Making passive aggressive statements about members of this forum doing things that contravene the rules and getting away with it is an insult to Jordan and all of the mods that participate on a regular basis. You are, in essence, saying they are biased and/or turning a blind eye to the AUP. That's a bold claim, hope you can back it up.
Mate I wasn't trying to say that at all. I was just stating I've seen over the past couple months. In fact, the "four members actually treating their opinion as fact" should have been worded differently. Really, I've only seen 4 members act overly hostile towards people criticizing the game.

I never meant to insult anyone, that was never my intention.
Making passive aggressive statements about members of this forum doing things that contravene the rules and getting away with it is an insult to Jordan and all of the mods that participate on a regular basis. You are, in essence, saying they are biased and/or turning a blind eye to the AUP. That's a bold claim, hope you can back it up.

Seriously man - you got that from his comment?
Seriously man - you got that from his comment?
I did, yes. Members on this forum are routinely called on their statements that are presented as fact. Members are sometimes removed from this forum for continuing to present facts as opinions without evidence. Suggesting that 4 members are doing this on a regular basis and no mod has noticed it and called them on it is something that could only happen if the mods are complicit in some way.
I did, yes. Members on this forum are routinely called on their statements that are presented as fact. Members are sometimes removed from this forum for continuing to present facts as opinions without evidence. Suggesting that 4 members are doing this on a regular basis and no mod has noticed it and called them on it is something that could only happen if the mods are complicit in some way.
I was referring almost directly to Nixxon, Greek, PorcsheHD(to a lesser extent) and another person I can't name off the top of my head. Like said in my previous post, I didn't word my original comment correctly. The 4 guys I was stalking about were just overly defensive/aggressive at on point or another. Greek has already been banned but I don't mean to get Nixxon or Porsche banned at all since they never treated their opion as fact. They were just acting a bit immature.

Like I said, I never meant to insult the mods. I respect them, and what they do. Insulting them or saying that they were turning a blind to anyone was never my intention.
I agree with you but why Greek got banned?
I can't clearly understand who is wrong and who is correct.
Without stepping on Scaff's toes, the answer to your question is in his 2nd to last post to Greek. Greek was told his next post in the discussion would require proof of his claims or he would be banned; he decided his next post would be to further insult said mod instead.
Make sure you either prove this or retract it in your next post, fail to do so and your membership is at an end, you don't get to throw around accusations of that level lightly.
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Is criticism really considered taboo on this site? Because for the past couple of months, I've seen tons of criticism towards PD and like four members actually treating their opinion as fact, or getting triggered at anyone who criticizes GTS. In fact, I would say that I've seen more people complain about these types of members.

Also, in terms of physics, I don't think your gonna be satisfied with GTS. At this point, from all that I've seen, PD don't seem to be creating a game on the same level of PC or AC. I just don't see that ever happening. I'm fine with this but I know some aren't.
Like I said the moment someone opens their mouth here and criticize the game the "PD defense forse" jumps in and treat them as a "bad person" and that they should not say anything bad about the game and appreciate the game how it is and yada yada crap.

I have tons of respect for PD and Kazunori Yamauchi (having respect does not mean I have to tolerate their actions and decisions towards the game).

And I particularly do have respect for members and moderators in here and I try to treat each person in a tolerable way. But given some attitude in here towards some specific members I will lose respect for them and simply not tolerate their attitude.

Mainly because in the past one specific member (he knows who he is) who no longers comes that often anymore possibly because of how they treated him in here for having criticism towards the game.

Now about the physics part I do not hold high expectations for it with the likes of other more physics oriented games out there. But I will continue to criticize very much till I see an improvement on the more "hardcore" simulation (with no hidden aids) for the veteran side of the community.

Excuse my post mods but this will the last of this topic.
It seems GT is dead for me. I was fan of this series from GT3. Bought PS3 for GT5 and PS4 for new GT (and some other games). Loved every game, from main titles to concept ones. But online wasn't the feature that made me a GT fan. I loved this series because of:
Great car collection. Cars from a century ago to future cars. Classic cars to concept ones. Samba Bus to Ferrari 458.
Great track list. From best Nurburgring of all games to fantasy tracks.
Lots of modes and sections. From License mode and Rally to even things like driving on the moon!!
Projects like Vision Gran Turismo which I really loved it.
And one of the most important things: Career mode. I know lots of people didn't like it, but I loved it. I want a mode in games (include racing game) that gives me a feeling of progression. Don't like to play Arcade mode without any progress and prizes and don't like playing multiplayer too. So GT was always a single player game for me with nice sense of progression and unlocking prizes and cars after races. I loved collecting cars, which PD mocked in one of the latest GTS trailers.
Don't know why PD and some people call this a new direction. Removing career mode isn't a new direction. It's only making the game smaller than before. You want to make a change? Make a better career mode, don't remove it at all!
I'm sorry to say this. But I hope to see GTS as a big failure (in GT sales standards) because I love this series. If it sells well, that means I can't enjoy it in future and PD will make other games like this. But with low sales (again, in GT standards) I can hope for future!
Over the years we´ve been in this discussion about hardcore x casual, and to me racing games evolved as a whole and they are complicated, to a point where there isn´t really a market for casual racers.

I´ve always thought Gran Turismo underestimated how much they taught us about cars and about racing in general. Many in here were teenagers or kids when the first game came out, and people were drawn into motorsports because of Gran Turismo.

What i mean is, there was only so much technology could do back then. Gran Turismo was a sim because it had the principles right, it was what you could do with the tech available.

Yes, we had Papyro games, but even those were not really advanced. I remember playing Network Q Rally with a wheel and i was just amazed at how realistic that felt. Playing the same game today on emulation, it hit me at how limited we were, how silly and uneducated i was on motorsports back then.

But Gran Turismo games always pushed me to know more, to go after information. The passion for cars is a highway to become a hardcore sim racer, i can´t see it any other way.

The series kept evolving and most of us kept asking for more, because deep inside we all wanted to feel like race car drivers, like the competent and skillful guys we admire on TV.

I don´t buy the theory that introducing realistic features drive casual people away from the game. In fact, i think in some cases it´s the other way around, i could never figure out how to play Driveclub or Forza 6 Apex because those games are so far away from real life that you just don´t understand them.

People like cars, and usually anecdotal evidence tells me that they adapt to the level of realism that´s thrown at them.

I´m writing all of this because in 2014 i had the chance to meet Kaz and Translator san and asked about hardcore features, and i got the now common answer that "technically we can do that", but in reality they just don´t want to do a number of things, things we are getting on AC, Pcars, RaceRoom and others.

It´s sad that i learned to race "the right way" in Gran Turismo, but i became a much better sim racer when i switched most of my time to other sims. GT stopped pushing the envelope and now they are in this quicksand where it´s not hardcore enough for some, but it´s not accessible enough for the millions of casuals claimed to exist out there.

I might be totally wrong, because i go on the premise that racing games in general are more complex and difficult, but i feel deep down inside that developers should not fear going for realistic features because people can adapt to it, everybody drives a real car in real life, at worst casuals would just be slower.

It´s a huge block of text and i don´t know if i expressed myself well enough, but all of this is to say that i don´t understand where Gran Turismo is going, kind of stuck in this in-between line that doesn´t help any camp.
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