The New James Bond Is...

  • Thread starter Famine
We all know Perfect Dark sucked compared to Goldeneye (whether to have a male or female lead). I'm also hoping Young Warrior was joking to freak me out. It worked. If everyone could be a bit more wholesome and a bit less "progressive" in terms of their sexual orientation, that'll do nicely.

I can't see Keira knightly getting off the set of Pride and Prejudice and stepping into a tank to comedically smash through orange stalls... She has the right blend of class and hotness though. Can't quite see how the sexual inuendo would work. Maybe she could be a lesbian and still pick up women. Then blokes would still go see the film, which they wouldn't do if the main character was lusting after some "bond guys":lol::yuck: the whole time. No, I can't see it working at all...
I was really really hoping for Clive Owen. :guilty: As a huge Bond & Clive fan, I was heartbroken to see the first post. :( I guess I should rent that "Layer Cake" DVD. :grumpy:

Personally, I'd have liked to have seen Colin Salmon ("Charles" from the Brosnan Bonds).
I liked him in Resident Evil. Reminded me of Laurence Fishburne. Really cool, collected, sophisticated.

They need to get away from the Bond=Superhero thing they've been doing recently in the movies. They also need to get away from the BondBadGuy=SuperVillain.

They need to stop trying to outdo the previous films with even bigger more amazing stunts and just stick to an interesting plotline.

They need overall more intelligent, believable plots and scripts.
You are so right. Only if they were paying attention.........

At least I have black hair.

Actually, on second thoughts I don't look anywhere near sauve enough. Or mean enough. In fact, totally weak and a bit of a tosser going by the beach setting and the sunnies. :lol:
Finally, we get to see James! The Fender shirt was a big surprise. :lol: For some reason though, I thought you were fat and blonde with some facial hair. :dopey:
CRICKEY! Those Aussie stereotypes ain't what they're cracked up to be eh. I do like beer though. And lots of it. Whats that no facial hair? I thought that was a fair 5 o'clock shadow happening...:sly:

Yes, clive owen would've been much better. Daniel Craig looks like a crusty old sheep dog and about as classy. I got put off clive owen because of King Arthur, he was so un-bondlike I just couldn't picture him as bond. But that movie did open my eyes to Keira Knightley, so that was a plus. :D

First official pic came through.

Certainly not as bad as the pics from Layer Cake. But I think they picked the only good angle to not show up his funny shaped head.

Here's the first little official logo hidden on James
I can't see Keira knightly getting off the set of Pride and Prejudice and stepping into a tank to comedically smash through orange stalls... She has the right blend of class and hotness though. Can't quite see how the sexual inuendo would work. Maybe she could be a lesbian and still pick up women. Then blokes would still go see the film, which they wouldn't do if the main character was lusting after some "bond guys":lol::yuck: the whole time. No, I can't see it working at all...
She already has stepped off the set of Pride and predjudice, go see Domino.
I want to see her in Domino, she's a bad ass butt kicker in that, true story too.
It fits with my theory to explain away the fact that James Bond has been apparently fighting the forces of evil for 50 years and has been 6 different people - "James Bond" is a titular for whomever is the 007 agent, above their "real" name. "Charles" is already in the agency, so could be promoted to "James Bond".
Fact: if James Bond were a real person, he'd be over 80 years old.

A lack of teeth must be attractive to many women. Now I know what I'm doing wrong.
I quite like him, he a good actor, he was great in Road To Perdition, but as a bond im not too sure, hes more like a rogue agent that bond has to kill, but not the man himself. ahh well see it's no longer a British owned thing so the Hollywood bigwigs have ruined something again :(
Nah, it should be me, they'd need to dye my hair though, but I'd kick ass as a younger Bond in a prequel (besides not looking like him), but if I can pretend all the products I've sold are the best thing since sex was discovered and onvince othe people of that, I can act.

The name's Blonde, James Blonde...


I rented the "Layer Cake" last night. I'll try to watch it today. Maybe it'll change my mind....... :(
He's not a bad actor, I'm just not convinced that he can pull off James Bond.
Bleh, I don't like him as the choice. But whatever.

I wonder if they'll ever have a non-white James Bond?
Well, "L4YER CAKE" was way better than I expected(great soundtrack!), but now I like the new Bond even less. Daniel Craig, great job in the Layer Cake, but you are wrong choice for James Bond role, and you are going to prove it in your first Bond flick.

I loved Craig's love interest in "Layer Cake", hope to see her in more films. :eek: 👍
Hmm, the trailer didn't tell me much tbh, mainly with it being in French, I hope it will be worth the watch though. Can someone clear this up for me, is the new Bond a prequel or a sequel? I read a while ago that it was a prequel, but they have modern car's, Judi Dench, nothing to suggest it's set in the past, so I'm thinking it's the Casino Royale story set in modern time's. << easier link

It is a prequel (start of Bond's career as a 00 agent) set in modern times. So its a relaunch of the franchise really. Judi Dench's presence causes a bit of a rift in the Space-Time Continuum however...

Translation of the FREEEENCH (excuse my silly voices you can't hear):

M: "It might be asking too much for a bulldozer to understand this... Just any tough guy can kill... I ask you to put your ego aside."

Bond: "You want me to become half monk, half killer..."

M: "I knew you were to immature for this promotion..."

Bond: "I heard 00's have a lifespan of the most limited kind. Gun barrel shot."

Excuse the bad, very unsure translation, but I think you get the drift.
I was hoping the next Bond film would be in a more back-to-basics style - more story and characterisation and less OTT stunts and visuals.

I think Daniel Craig will make a good Bond - more like a rough-around-the-edges Connery style Bond than a slightly plumby Moore/Brosnan character. Just by looking at Connery or Craig you can see that they've lived a little.