The new video on GT site: I am sorry, the demo looks nothing like that.

  • Thread starter nafai23
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The video looks fantastic. No brightness problems, no AA problems, no low res shadows, the backs of the cars look crystal clear, passing other cars look like 60fps. Amazing!!

This video does not resemble my demo on my sony XBR3 40'' 1080p TV at all.
The demo is a flickery, dark mess to my eye with amazing car models.

My point....
Just seems strange all these videos get released looking great and the demo is not all that.
I am saving this video because I have a hard time believing that this was not edited or doctored up.
If this is the real deal.....can't wait!
It's a replay of a car you can't drive in the demo on a track you can't drive in the demo.

So I'm guessing this is GT5: Prologue and not the demo. It's not reasonable to assume that the game will look anything like the demo at all.
If a 1080p vid is downscaled to 720p doesn't that remove the jags and such?
I think everything they've shown since way back at the TGS is the Prologue, but many not be the final build of the Prologue. In addition to the visual and the type of cars and tracks that on those videos; you will also notice how in cockpit view the driver will actually cross his/her hands while driving, which is not present on the demo.

To us the demo may be "brand new", but to them it is probably 9 months old.
The video looks fantastic. No brightness problems, no AA problems, no low res shadows, the backs of the cars look crystal clear, passing other cars look like 60fps. Amazing!!

This video does not resemble my demo on my sony XBR3 40'' 1080p TV at all.
The demo is a flickery, dark mess to my eye with amazing car models.

My point....
Just seems strange all these videos get released looking great and the demo is not all that.
I am saving this video because I have a hard time believing that this was not edited or doctored up.
If this is the real deal.....can't wait!

Ever since GT4, PD releases their videos pre-rendered. It's exactly the same engine from the real time one, it just has some effects added to make it look nicer. (i guess you could call it missleading, and you could say the same thing about the sounds they use in some of their videos, just some though.)

However, i got no clue how you think it looks like 60 FPS the videos run at 30 and it's extremley obvious... to this day i'm still in awe just how many people have no clue how the difference looks like, even though it's so obvious.
The videos run at 30 FPS, and by no means does it look anything like the realtime game which DOES run at an allmost constant 60 FPS. (the framedrops are extremley rare, and when they do drop, Vsync goes off for that time also.)

Then you say your demo looks "flickery". There is no flicker whatsosever. (maybe you are trying to point a different issue?) and the "dark mess" can be adjusted from your TV. (i don't have this problem either, my TV has brightness properly adjusted.)

I really am still puzzled how people can't seem to tell the difference from 30 to 60 FPS, i can't think of anything more easy to tell apart. (I can see people having trouble telling 1280x720 from 1920x1080, but for framerate i just don't get it, night and day difference.)

If a 1080p vid is downscaled to 720p doesn't that remove the jags and such?

No, why would it? i don't think you understand the concept. there's been discussions on what causes these jaggies, look them up.

It's a replay of a car you can't drive in the demo on a track you can't drive in the demo.

So I'm guessing this is GT5: Prologue and not the demo. It's not reasonable to assume that the game will look anything like the demo at all.

I think that it does look exactly like the demo, again. all those effects you see are because the videos come from a pre-rendered source, not by the PS3 in realtime.
Think of all these videos they release as "photomode" videos, and you'll understand where i'm comming from.
I really am still puzzled how people can't seem to tell the difference from 30 to 60 FPS, i can't think of anything more easy to tell apart. (I can see people having trouble telling 1280x720 from 1920x1080, but for framerate i just don't get it, night and day difference.)
Because the human eye has troubles seeing anything faster than 24fps?

Yes, you can tell the difference, but only if you really knwo what to look for. The average everday Joe can't tell anything beyond 30fps. For instance, I don't have an HDTV so I rarely ever see anything over 30fps. I can only tell the difference if I see two TVs side by side.
I am hoping this isnt a rendered vid, but the difference is vast compared to what were playing. Especially in cockpit view.

I here what your saying about pre-rendering on the promo vids and intros to GT's past and present but this just looks like a normal replay playback. Not some edited enhanced version.

I allways doubted the look of GT5 Prologue from the promo vids as these are allways (virtually) tarted up versions.
no one who played the game at liepzieg game show reported any of the problems in the demo.

I said it on another thread that it's cut to fit under a gig, and if it was that bad at launch then not many people will have a ps3 after it.
Because the human eye has troubles seeing anything faster than 24fps?

Yes, you can tell the difference, but only if you really knwo what to look for. The average everday Joe can't tell anything beyond 30fps. For instance, I don't have an HDTV so I rarely ever see anything over 30fps. I can only tell the difference if I see two TVs side by side.

Ok, i'm just in awe i still see this comment pop up this day and age.

No, the human eye does not have trouble noticing above 24 FPS, 24 FPS looks like a slideshow, the only reason 24 FPS is even used is because of film, that's how it started, and that's how the standard stayed.
24 FPS might not be that obvious on a fixed camera. Which is how movies are for most of the time, still cameras for most shots troughout the movie.
However, when there's panning you can see the frames change very evidently, it's extremley noticable. You can say the same for 30 FPS material by the way. in games however, where the camera is constantly panning and not just switching view all the time, it becomes a lot more aparent.

The avarage joe CAN tell 30 from 60 FPS easily, if you explain to them what it even means. Which in your case, you don't seem to know yourself.
Why do i make this assumption?
Well, for starters you seem to think that because you don't have an HDTV your perception of FPS is bad.
framerate has absolutley nothing to do with HDTV or SDTV, both are capable of this just fine.
Ever since GT3 the GT series has run at 60 FPS, and in consoles we've had games running at 60 FPS since the PS1. (tekken has run at 60 FPS since the first game came out for example, the ONLY exception being the PSP version of Tekken 5 DR, that one is 30 FPS.) and in arcades even earlier than that. (the very first games i remmember running at a constant 60 FPS on arcades are SEGA model 2 games such as Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter 2.)
I get the vibe that you are very confused of what it even means.
Well, what i'm getting at is that your claims are a way out there. and you can easily prove yourself wrong if you just try a few games that are 60 FPS and 30 FPS. The difference really is that obvious.

I said it on another thread that it's cut to fit under a gig, and if it was that bad at launch then not many people will have a ps3 after it.

So that was you? then you musthave not read my reply. this is absolutley not related. the demo isn't "cut" to fit under a gig, the render quality has absolutley nothing to do with this. all of the graphical problems that have been pointed out are completley independent from the size of the demo.
Not even the textures seem to be lower res. (which is the only thing that would actually be related to the size of a demo.)
I really don't understand how you came up with this reasoning, this is completley unrelated.
It's like saying that x car is faster than y car because one has leather seats and the other one doesn't.
Kamus, and foolkiller i think youre both right from what ive noticed at 30FPS some people think it looks good others dont. same thing with the refresh rate of a moniter, I cant stand anything under 70hz but most of my friends cant tell the diff between 60 and 70. same thing with the FPS some can see it some cant. To be honest i wish i couldnt tell the diff, then i wouldn't have to spend so much on my graphics cards :P
Kamus, and footkiller i think youre both right from what ive noticed at 30FPS some people think it looks good others dont. same thing with the refresh rate of a moniter, I cant stand anything under 70hz but most of my friends cant tell the diff between 60 and 70. same thing with the FPS some can see it some cant. To be honest i wish i couldnt tell the diff, then i would have to spend so much on my graphics cards :P

Well, lets not confuse refresh rate and framerate, while flicker is very evident at 60 hz, framerate increases above 60 FPS aren't really that noticable anymore. but yeah, on a CRT monitor anything less than 72~75 Hz refreshrate will result in very noticable flicker, i still use a CRT monitor. and for my desktop resolution i run 1920x1200 @ 85 Hz. and it looks pretty flicker free.

But the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS is just too noticable to say that some people might notice it more than others, it's extremley noticable for anyone that is told just what framerate actually is and what it looks like.
Ok, i'm just in awe i still see this comment pop up this day and age.

No, the human eye does not have trouble noticing above 24 FPS, 24 FPS looks like a slideshow, the only reason 24 FPS is even used is because of film, that's how it started, and that's how the standard stayed.
I'll ignore the insulting tone and just reach into my four years of studying telecommunications. Although, I will ask that you not assume. We all know what that makes you and me.

Yes, film started the 24fps standard, because that is where the majority of human beings reach their filcker fusion threshold, the point at which they no longer perceive the flicker. It has persisted at that rate for so long because it does seem smooth to most people. However a FFT is very subjective from person to person and even animal to animal. This subjectivity would be why to you the difference between 30fps and 60fps is so great while to others it is not. To an Eagle it would be so glaringly obvious that even your super vision would seem weak.

Now, please stop acting like people who have physiological differences from you are suddenly stupid because they can't tell the difference in certain frame rates. Next you'll be calling me four eyes because I wear glasses.

History note: films originally were slower than 24 fps and had a very perceivable flicker, hence why they were given the nickname flicks.
I'll ignore the insulting tone and just reach into my four years of studying telecommunications. Although, I will ask that you not assume. We all know what that makes you and me.

Yes, film started the 24fps standard, because that is where the majority of human beings reach their filcker fusion threshold, the point at which they no longer perceive the flicker. It has persisted at that rate for so long because it does seem smooth to most people. However a FFT is very subjective from person to person and even animal to animal. This subjectivity would be why to you the difference between 30fps and 60fps is so great while to others it is not. To an Eagle it would be so glaringly obvious that even your super vision would seem weak.

Now, please stop acting like people who have physiological differences from you are suddenly stupid because they can't tell the difference in certain frame rates. Next you'll be calling me four eyes because I wear glasses.

History note: films originally were slower than 24 fps and had a very perceivable flicker, hence why they were given the nickname flicks.

So now you are confusing refresh rate with motion smoothness, which is the whole point of the 30 vs 60 FPS debate.

You seem to have completley ignored what i said about the cameras panning in games, as oposed to the cameras being still, for the most part in movies.

In movies you can clearly see from frame to frame when the cameras is panning, but it's not so easy to pick up when the cameras are still, as the background itself doesnt move, as oposed to changing in evry frame when the camera is actually being panned.

In games however, the camera is allmost never still. It certanly is allmost never still in a racing game, the background is always changing. Which is how it becomes easier to tell the difference and the cameras are always panning. It is also worth noting that motion blur from the film helps ease out the percived effect that 24 FPS looks smooth enough for some people.
(and even WITH motion blur the difference is still very aparent.)
as far as games go, there's very few that have motion blur, and even fewer that implement it well. PGR4 does a very nice job IMO, but it doesn't disguise the fact that it's running at 30 FPS at all, because the background is always changing, and not all of the screen can have motion blur of course. only the parts that are supposed to be moving fast.
Crysis is another example of an awsome use of motion blur, that game of course doesn't run above 30 FPS with all the settings turned on, even on the best computer setup you can come up with right now (assuming settings are all on high.) and yes, even with motion blur the framerate is still very evident. (and i personally can't wait to have a computer that is fast enough to run it at 60 FPS.)
With games with out motion blur it's just even more painfully obvious.

Now, you can even tell the framerate difference in still shots, it's still very noticable. it's just a lot more noticable when the camera is in motion.

And by the way, at 24 FPS flicker might not be that noticable on a film projector, because there's always light. however on a CRT the flicker results on the monitor going black when it's not displaying an image, and the flicker is really noticable on a CRT even at 60 Hz for ANY human being.
When displaying material that isn't as bright like say your desktop while browsing the flicker isn't that annoying on CRT's. (people might find the flicker more obvious while browsing than say, when viewing a video on a CRT.)

By the way i never called you stupid, or insulted you in anyway. i'm mearly pointing out just how wrong i think your argument is.

Before you reply again, at least take the time to go put the debate to test, boot up a game that runs at a constant 60 FPS, and then go with one that is 30 FPS, hell if you have Tekken 5 for the PS2 (or ps3) and PSP you can do it side by side even.
I'll try to find some videos or 3d demos that people can try out if this debate persists.
And here's a good read for people that really do belive that it isn't that different:

Oh, and another really simple test you can run that i forgot, is that you can simply look at a replay of GT5:P, and while looking at it go into one of the "driving" point of views and the game goes from 30 FPS in the replay mode to 60 FPS when in a driving point of view.
If that isn't enough to convince anyone, they are just in denial, i also found a video that people can download, even though i think i can find better examples, this one is ok.
After playing GT5p demo @ 60fps and then going to a game like Oblivion on PS3 that @ 30fps looks like a slideshow.
Yeah, this looks, conservatively, about 136.2 times better than the current prologue demo.

There isn't even a comparison, make me want to play the existing demo less than ever... Rats.
After playing Forza at 60fps and then going to GT5Pdemo at 60fps, GT5Pdemo looks like a slideshow.


If I have a few cars in front of me the v sync shuts off and it gets choppy......that is not 60fps..

The new video though..........I do not care what FPS it is at. Looks smooth, clean, well lit and consistent.
Cross your fingers for the release!!

After playing GT5p demo @ 60fps and then going to a game like Oblivion on PS3 that @ 30fps looks like a slideshow.
After playing Forza at 60fps and then going to GT5Pdemo at 60fps, GT5Pdemo looks like a slideshow.


If I have a few cars in front of me the v sync shuts off and it gets choppy......that is not 60fps..

The new video though..........I do not care what FPS it is at. Looks smooth, clean, well lit and consistent.
Cross your fingers for the release!!

Ok, you obviously just ignored evrything that was pointed out to you. i don't see any point to elaborate further.
And by the way the frame rate in Forza 2 is much more inconsistent than in any GT game, including this latest demo.
I just watched the video from the first post and it does look pretty good but the Demo has a replay video with Daytona and the lighting looks the same as in this video from what I can see. The smoothness and none jagged edges seems to be from the video's quality? Hell, before I bought Forza 1 for my 360 (backwards compatible), I saw a bunch of non-HD videos for the game on gametrailers, youtube and IGN and thought the game looked really good. Then I bought the game and played it in 720P on my HDTV and thought something was wrong with the game when I notice how horrible the graphics were.:lol:

I think the quality of the video does have something to do with hiding imperfections in graphics. The sound of the video is exactly like that of the Daytona replay in the Demo of a Demo, absolutely horrible.:lol: Unless you're using a behind the car view, you can barely hear the cars go by. Going through the cars and stopping at a Viper just to hear that it still sounds like a vacuum cleaner really breaks my heart. I wish the final release will have sounds like this original trailer for GT5P (1:05-1:15).

I just watched the video from the first post and it does look pretty good but the Demo has a replay video with Daytona and the lighting looks the same as in this video from what I can see. The smoothness and none jagged edges seems to be from the video's quality?

I have to agree that the video is pretty much identical to the demo of daytona within the gt5p demo :sly:

The only major difference i can see is that the brightness/contrast levels appear better... especially the interior :)

but the same pop-up appears in the distance... and the sounds are the same (disappointing)

anyway in a little over a month we will know for sure :nervous:
looks like the demo has been extended until nov30 now as well....
After playing Forza at 60fps and then going to GT5Pdemo at 60fps, GT5Pdemo looks like a slideshow.


If I have a few cars in front of me the v sync shuts off and it gets choppy......that is not 60fps..

The new video though..........I do not care what FPS it is at. Looks smooth, clean, well lit and consistent.
Cross your fingers for the release!!

While I believe GT5PD is not running at 60fps constant, but can we stop comparing a demo to a final game? Its just dumb.
While I believe GT5PD is not running at 60fps constant, but can we stop comparing a demo to a final game? Its just dumb.

Wel, the problem with what he's saying it's that it's just flat out not true, the framerate in Forza 2 is much more inconsistent than the one in GT5:P.
The framerate in GT5 truly rarely drops below 60.
I do not know how you can see the difference between 30 and 60fps when you cannot see the numerous visual problems with the demo.
But hey, must be my calibrated high end sony xbr3 tv.......(the same one they are using at every sony event and in the background at the PD offices in numerous movies and screenshots)

Wel, the problem with what he's saying it's that it's just flat out not true, the framerate in Forza 2 is much more inconsistent than the one in GT5:P.
The framerate in GT5 truly rarely drops below 60.
The video looks fantastic. No brightness problems, no AA problems, no low res shadows, the backs of the cars look crystal clear, passing other cars look like 60fps. Amazing!!

This video does not resemble my demo on my sony XBR3 40'' 1080p TV at all.
The demo is a flickery, dark mess to my eye with amazing car models.

My point....
Just seems strange all these videos get released looking great and the demo is not all that.
I am saving this video because I have a hard time believing that this was not edited or doctored up.
If this is the real deal.....can't wait!

Looks just like that on my HDTV (1080p) so does that make you wrong? Most certainly. You're thinking that your situation represents everyones. For that I laugh at you. I'll go back to enjoying it while you fail to learn how to calibrate your HDTV.

I'm really surprised that no one has caught on to this guy's trolling. Is no one able to check his post history? It's very easy to see what he spends his time here doing. Nearly every single post he's made is about GT5: Prologue and how 'bad' the IQ is, the frame rate, etc. Is no one really catching on to this stealth troll?

"Forza 2 has a great frame rate, GT5P is a slide show"

If you place this guy on your ignore list, he'll disappear.
I do not know how you can see the difference between 30 and 60fps when you cannot see the numerous visual problems with the demo.
But hey, must be my calibrated high end sony xbr3 tv.......(the same one they are using at every sony event and in the background at the PD offices in numerous movies and screenshots)

Excuse me, when did i ever claim i can't see "the visual problems with the demo".
I'm pretty aware of them. I was among the first to point them out.
That wouldn't do any good, Nafai. Ever taken a picture of a TV screen before? It's going to look far worse than it ever could, and you're only going to use it to "prove yourself right" by saying how ugly it is, despite the fact that all of the problems you'll proceed to describe will be the result of the photograph and not the game.

We get it already. You think GT5PD is the ugliest thing to ever crawl out of Polyphony's ass. We're beyond the point of caring what you think, and you're starting to get on everybody's nerves. If you continue this tirade of constantly complaining about the game, despite repeated requests to stop, then I'll begin to report every one of your posts that I come across as trolling.

You have made your opinions abundantly clear on multiple occasions, so I am going to ask you one time, and one time only, to STOP. We don't need to hear you whining about it anew every single day, nor do we want to.
The video does look nicer than the demo. There could be several reasons for this, including the fact that the video is newer than the demo.

GT5 is a work-in-progress. And GT5:P is also is a work-in-progress. Expect to see things improve over time, people. Sheesh.
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