The next GT

  • Thread starter inferno

Do you think

  • GT5 will be the next GT and will debut with the PS3.

    Votes: 33 32.0%
  • GT5 will be the next GT and there will be no GT title for the PS3's launch.

    Votes: 35 34.0%
  • We will get an Optimized version of GT4 for the PS3 as a launch title.

    Votes: 30 29.1%
  • Other: please specify.

    Votes: 5 4.9%

  • Total voters
So far we've got a few vids, no info, and lots of speculation. But that's what makes it fun right? So lets do some more speculating. I want to hear what you guys think about what you would like to see and what you think will actualy happen in the near future of the GT franchise. the one thing we know is that the next GT will be on the PS3, but will GT5 be the next GT? When will it come out? we had to wait quite a while for GT3 after the PS2's release. Or do you think we will get annother GT4 based, "hold me over" game at the PS3's release, and would you even like to see another partial GT?

Dangit, I forgot one and i cant edit the pole. well, what do you think about The359's idea about using the PS3's reverse compatability, online capability. and hard drive to offer a dowloadable add-on for GT4 at the PS3's launch?
I think the Gran Turismo 5 might become the next "Gran Turismo" and will debut with the NEW Playstation 3...

I just think that is most likely will happen


I reckon GT5 will be out on the ps3. First of all, GT4 hasnt even been out for 2 months in the uk so gt5 isnt going to be coming out any time soon. And Secondly, I think it will be released on the ps3 because so far there has been 2 GT games on each of the playstations consoles:
- Playstation 1: GT1 and GT2
- PS2: GT3 and GT4
Bear in mind that i've only counted full gt games that have an Arcade Mode and a GT Mode (unlike GTC and Prologue).
I think GT5 will be on the PS3 but not at launch. It seems PD takes their time making the game so I'm guessing Xmas 2006 at the earliest.

I doubt it would be an optimized GT4 because if it was, we probably still would not get it in the U.S. (think GTP,GTC, etc....)

I like the 359's idea and hope it would happen and even better I hope GT5 is ready at launch, but I wouldn't bet on it.
I can deal with having no new GT with the release of the new PS3, but as long as we get a version thats a cut above GT4 when its finally released. I mean, GT1 and GT2, looked simular, but with more cars for GT2. Same with GT3 and GT4, same look, more cars. Hopefully GT5 will have the same amount of cars, but still blow us away graphic wise. 👍
My guess: GT5 will be the next GT and there will be no GT title for the PS3's launch.

I don't expect them to release an optimalized GT4, I don't know why, but it seems useless to me. I would love to play GT4 with 20 cars on a track and an online version, but if those are the only improvements I wouldn't spend my money on it after I've spent countless hours with GT4. I'm pretty sure a lot of others will feel the same way. If they sell it at a really low price, it's another case, but considering I had to pay €44,99 for GT4:Prologue here in Europe, I wouldn't set my hopes on it.

Seeing what they did with GT3 and GT4 (and way back with GT1 and GT2), I think they'll yet again create one of the best looking games on the platform, so that will take them some time. Including damage and decent AI (I'm assuming they include these two, they know that's just what the GT series needs) will also be time consuming work so I don't think it's managable as a launch title. I'm guessing we'll see it around Q4 2006 - Q1 2007. As much as I would like to see it sooner, I'd rather wait till 2007 to see most of the desired improvements included, in stead of an early 2006 release with only updated graphics and more cars and tracks.
I'm pretty sure a lot of others will feel the same way.

Yep, I do. :embarrassed:
They have to create an entirely new game with lots of new feature, the ones we have been waiting for for years (real time damage, real crashes, 6 DoF's movements of the cars, perfect human like AI, TrackIR, etc...).
The new PS3 is going to be an expensive thingy and I am NOT going to buy a new PS3 if GT5 is just an update of GT4!!!! I bought the PS1 for GT2, the PS2 for GT3, GTC, (??? the PS3 for GT5???). Yes if it is worth it. If not, I will concentrate myself on computer games like :bowdown: GTR :bowdown: , GT Legends, GTR2(??) and if simbin can get hold of the DTM licences..... then...., mmm, nice. I already got the speed7 for about a year now and still no interface to make it compatible with the PS.
You left off what is the most likely scenario: An optimized version of GT4 being bundled with the PS3.

They've made their money off GT4. The development costs are covered, and they've made a big profit. They don't "need" to sell it again.

What they really need, though, is to make the PS3 as attractive a purchase as possible. They be coming out later than the 360, so some market share will already be lost. They must do everything they can to make up that lost ground.

Bundling games will really help, won't it? If we get a much-improved and expanded version of GT4 with the PS3, will we GT4 owners be mad? Of course not. If they try to sell it, though, we'll all be really pissed. They can't afford to lose that much "good will", which is critical in marketing a product like this.
You left off what is the most likely scenario: An optimized version of GT4 being bundled with the PS3.

They've made their money off GT4. The development costs are covered, and they've made a big profit. They don't "need" to sell it again.

What they really need, though, is to make the PS3 as attractive a purchase as possible. They be coming out later than the 360, so some market share will already be lost. They must do everything they can to make up that lost ground.

Bundling games will really help, won't it? If we get a much-improved and expanded version of GT4 with the PS3, will we GT4 owners be mad? Of course not. If they try to sell it, though, we'll all be really pissed. They can't afford to lose that much "good will", which is critical in marketing a product like this.
I hadn't thought of it that way. I honestly don't know if PD would just include it for free, but if they do, it would help PS3 a lot I think. And for us GT4 owners it would still be a nice little extra til GT5 comes out. Now I would love to see that come true. :)
You left off what is the most likely scenario: An optimized version of GT4 being bundled with the PS3.

We will get an updated version of GT4 for the PS3 as a launch title.

What, not close enough for you? :sly:

Ok, I've been thinking about this one my self, and although I voted for that very option, I think that a new GT this soon would be a bad idea. On the other hand, how would you feel if you could use the GT4 gamesave you allready have, for the PS3 GT4. You would have all the cars you own, all the races you've done, and all the money you've earned all right back. It would be just like GT4 only without all the stupid nags necessitated by the PS2. No autosave, tops down when ever you want, all the cars raceable, no more jitters. Have I forgotten anything? All that, plus the features we saw in the Vision GT video. Now that I'd pay for!
i reckon we'll have a GT5 prologue, or another GT concept

Yeah maybe with like a 'trial run' online mode. GT2000 wasn't released purely because Sony and KY believed not many people would buy it as it was just GT2 with better graphics. Contary to many fans in here, a large proportion of the games playing public (which own GT4 or maybe even GT3) probably wouldn't buy the same game again on the PS3 unless it was the proper sequel.

Still its not like their afraid to milk a cash cow is it?
I understand the "Bundled" thing, But just because it's "bundled" what makes you think you're getting it for free. Or even a reduced price. They would charge more for a vision GT/PS3 bundle, so my "We will get an updated version of GT4 for the PS3 as a launch title." option is close enough to be elaborated on, I think.

p.s. there was an "other" option as well you know :cool:👍
The next GT will be a reworked version of GT4 with larger grid, online play and few extra's and it will come bundled with the PS3.
It wouldn't be anything new. They bundled GT3 with PS2s for a little while. As I recall, it was around the time of the Xbox launch.
I was going to make a poll of my own for a first post, but this is close enough.

Personally, I'd go ape to be able to drive in a Gran Turismo 4.5 with as many as 20 cars on the track, some new cars, some new tracks, downloadable content, a paint shop, name brand accessory models with their own unique performance parameters, a configurable and user updateable jukebox, and...

wait for it...

Drivers with actual intelligence! And if they had their own unique traits and skill levels, that would be some sweet icing on a delicious cake.

And yes, I'd pay for it. It would be nice to get it bundled with the PS3, but Sony has never been customer friendly.

Personally I think most of those sitting there with their hands crossed, pouting at the thought of a GT4.5 would immediately start drooling when they saw it in action, and reaching for their wallets if they had to pay for it. I sincerely doubt that if we did, it would cost more than $39.95, and probably more like $20 or so. Most of the work is already done, so most of the cost would be in production.

I'm going to go out and buy GTR in a little while, but I'd ignore it in a moment if I could play GT4 with 20 opponents and true racing AI. That to me would be more than worth the price of admission. I feel more involved in driving my car with Gran Turismo than any other game I've ever played, and I have a feeling that will always be true. Gran Turismo is made not just by technicians, but artists, and like any art or music group, it doesn't seem to have an equal.

The question I was going to poll over is, the PS3 is being launched. Do you:

1: Have to have a Gran Turismo game, GT4.5, even if you have to pay a small sum for it? Or

2: Have the patience to wait for the true successor, Gran Turismo 5 in all its glory?

Sign me up! :dopey:
Talking about all this Gran Turismo 5 talk were are the spy pics that some people collected from the cars being photograph for the Gran Turismo 4 game? What I'm trying to get across is that how come there's no images of the cars being photograph for Gran Turismo 5 till this point? It's pretty much obvious that KY/PD have begun work on Gran Turismo 5 and have begun collecting cars for the next sequel, so where they at?
Probably because they have all if not most the pictures they need.

They'll want to wait long enough for there to be a suitable amount of new models to process.
Yep, there not going to re-test the cars they tested for GT4, they'll only test cars they haven't tested yet, and theres plenty of time for that.
Yes, I do agree with you two guys, but perhaps you guys should recall when Gran Turismo 4 was under process they had already been pics of the PD staff taking pictures of cars and them being photograph. C'mon there has to be a few hundred more cars that will be added to the next Gran Turismo 5, and I would assume they have begun to do so for Gran Turismo 5, especially knowing KY and his perfectionism within him, he doesn't like to waste time at all. Think of Gran Turismo 4's release to the last minute. And well if anyone has found images of PD testing new cars and photographing them please insert here for future references. Thanks
Yeah, but why so early. They have data on a few thousand cars, they arn't short for choice. The newest models won't be tested during track meets like the publicised tests for GT4 were. You have to remember what we say of them testing in GT4 we only saw for publicity. Most of it was stilldone out of the public eye and I'd be suprised if they do the testing all public for GT5, they didn't for GT, GT2 or GT3.
I'd like an optimised version of GT4 with mainly, bigger grids; 3D spectators and huge pit crews; multiplayer online/LAN/split-screen garage car races and saveable replays and slightly improved graphics, sound, AI and physics; and more importantly fixed glitches and bugs. It'll would be called, maybe, GT4 SE (Special Edition).

But I don't see it happening. I also can't see there being a GT game at PS3 launch. I do see a lengthy wait until 2007-2008 for GT5. If not longer. I hope to god I'm wrong... I hope to god we see some GT5 media and news at TGS that will just amaze us and restore our confidence in KY/PD's magic.
Yes, but like Cobra from the UK said the PS3 will most likely not launch with a GT title, the chances of that occuring are very slim. By the way when is the TGS?